
Circulatory problems are widespread and often go hand in hand with Attacks of dizziness, nausea, Sweats or Turning black before the eyes up to sudden loss of consciousness.

Circulatory problems can be triggers, among other things abrupt weather changes, too fast Getting up from lying down or long standing in crowds, but also strong pain be. Circulatory problems are usually short-term Reduced blood flow to the brain, because of a disturbed or slowed down circulatory regulation.

In order to adapt to different load situations, the body has central regulatory mechanisms that control the blood flow in the body. So, for example, that suggests heart faster and with increased physical exertion Blood vessels contract to a Drop in blood pressure to prevent and thus to avoid a reduced blood supply to the brain. If these regulatory mechanisms fail or are they disturbed - can Dizziness, nausea, and fainting be the consequence.

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The most common causes for circulatory problems are mainly a too low blood pressure (Hypotension), which is mostly harmless. However, other diseases can also cause circulatory problems, which will be discussed in more detail below.


There are very many different causes for circulatory problems. The most common cause is one primary hypotension - that means permanently low blood pressure without an underlying disease - which is very common in young women the case is.

Circulatory problems occur here mainly after getting up quickly from lying down, towards long standing or at Weather changes and usually do not require treatment.

This is to be distinguished from secondary hypotension. This is a low blood pressure due to Cardiovascular diseases (for example Cardiac arrhythmias, Valvular heart disease, Carotid sinus syndrome and others) or Hormonal imbalances (for example a Hypothyroidism), those who Decrease cardiac output and thus lead to a temporary reduced blood supply to the brain.

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Also Nervous system disorders, of the Kidneys or the Use of certain medications can become one decreased blood pressure cause circulatory problems.

Other causes of circulatory problems Injuries with profuse blood loss (shock) be, emotional stress (for example watching an accident), strong pain or orthostatic dysregulationsn. Orthostatic dysregulation is a disturbed circulatory regulation after getting up. Here the blood sinks into the legs and causes a reduced blood flow in the brain. Even during one pregnancy circulatory problems occur more frequently. The basis for this are above all Hormonal changeswhich can lead to low blood pressure, however, are usually harmless.


A root cause of circulatory problems can also include a Hypothyroidism (Hypothyroidism) be.
It manifests itself among other things by dry, flaky, cold skin, brittle nails, Hair loss, Weight gain, listlessness and cold intolerance.

Of the Deficiency of thyroid hormones, which have an important function for the regulation of the cardiovascular system, is expressed, among other things, by dizziness, one low blood pressure, a slow heartbeat and pulse, as well as physical exhaustion and tiredness.

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Therefore, when clarifying long-standing circulatory problems, the Thyroid hormones be checked in the blood and substituted in the case of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).

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Circulatory problems are mainly expressed in Sudden dizziness, flickering eyes, sweating, nausea, blackening of the eyes up to Fainting spells.

Chronic circulatory problems usually cause fatigue, poor performance, concentration problems and headaches. They can also trigger sensitivity to the weather, irritability and depressive moods. Circulatory problems should be clarified and treated as a matter of urgency, especially in older patients, as there is an increased risk of falls and breaks.


Dizziness can occur as a result of impaired circulatory regulation and can be associated with other circulatory problems such as nausea, sweating, eye flickering and fainting, but it can also be an indication of diseases of the inner ear and the balance organ or the central nervous system and should therefore be clarified.

The organ of equilibrium, which is located in the inner ear, directly next to the hearing organ, together with the equilibrium nerve and the associated central nerve tracts, form a network in which the directions in which one moves are processed. This helps us to stay upright and to move safely in space.

There are two different forms of vertigo - postural vertigo, in which people show staggering or complain that their surroundings are moving back and forth when they stand. Another form of vertigo is that of vertigo - in which those affected have the feeling that everything is spinning around them, like a carousel.

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Harmless causes of dizziness are, for example, circulatory problems, vertigo or attacks of dizziness during boat trips (kinetoses).

In any case, a doctor should be consulted if dizziness occurs suddenly and for no apparent reason, ringing in the ears, headache, drowsiness or fainting, and if the patient experiences shortness of breath and palpitations.

Also read: Dizziness from low blood pressure

A common but serious cause of vertigo attacks, for example, is benign Positional vertigowhich can often occur when lying down and sitting down or when the head is moved too quickly and is often associated with nausea. The cause of this are small ear stones that loosen and are deposited in the semicircular canals of the equilibrium organ and cause irritation. About special Positioning exercises the complaints can be eliminated quickly.

A other cause, for sudden Attacks of dizziness with ringing in the ears (Tinnitus), Nausea and the tendency to fall Meniere's disease be - a chronic disease of the inner ear.

Other causes of dizziness can also Inflammation of the inner ear, Cardiovascular diseases, Eye diseases, psychiatric or neurological disorders how migraine, stroke or Parkinson's disease and should definitely be clarified by a doctor.

The therapy depends on the underlying disease. If there is bacterial inflammation, can Antibiotics administered at Circulatory disorders Cortisone.

At severe attacks of dizziness can Antivertiginosa (Anti-dizziness remedies) are taken, which provide quick relief. Supportive balance exercises and physical activity are important - in order to promote the recovery process and achieve a safe movement. Adequate exercise, a balanced diet, alcohol and nicotine abstinence are prophylactic.

Dizziness with headache

Also a headache can occur as a result of circulatory problems, but can also have other causes, such as migraine or Tension headache.

The latter is mainly due to Fatigue and stress triggered. But also that regular use of pain medication headache, can lead to a "drug-induced headache". Here it is important not to take pain medication for a while to wean the body off the medication.

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To counteract the headache, it often helps to lie down and rest, drink enough, regular exercise and avoid alcohol and nicotine.
Should the complaints be related to Nausea and dizziness stand, do not improve after a short period of time or occur more and more frequently, a doctor should be consulted.

Dizziness with nausea

nausea can sometimes occur with circulatory problems and dizziness and can be very stressful for the person concerned and with Vomit accompanied.

Can against short-term nausea antiemetic drugs be taken.
For long-term nausea, especially in combination with Attacks of dizziness or tinnitus however, a doctor should be consulted.


Fatigue can be the result of prolonged periods Circulatory problems and low blood pressure. It can also indicate other illnesses, for example iron deficiency anemia. A medical evaluation would be advisable.


If circulatory problems persist over a long period of time, a doctor should be consulted to determine an exact cause.

For this purpose, a precise anamnesis is taken in order to record when the symptoms occur, whether there are possible triggers, underlying diseases and which medications are being taken. In addition, vital parameters such as blood pressure and pulse are measured and the "Schellong test" is carried out. In this test, blood pressure and pulse are measured while lying down and then shortly after getting up. For further clarification, long-term blood pressure measurements can be made, EKG, stress EKG and long-term EKG can be written and blood values ​​can be checked.

Read more on the topic: Diagnosis of dizziness or Schellong Test - An examination of the circulatory function

Dizziness and circulatory problems during pregnancy

Dizziness and circulatory problems in the pregnancy are very common and are usually not cause for alarm. The hormones released during pregnancy often cause one Expansion of the vesselsso that blood when getting up often sags in the legs and a decreased blood pressure present.

in the late pregnancy can it beVena cava syndrome" come. Here the baby presses the large vena cava (Vena cava) from the mother and there is a slowed blood return, which can manifest itself in the mother through circulatory problems in the form of dizziness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and nausea (especially when lying on her back).

In rare cases this can Vena Cava Syndrome to Loss of consciousness of mother to lead. The kinking of the vena cava can also lead to a Reduced blood flow to the unborn child and in extreme cases it can lead to Premature birth to lead. In order to prevent this, it is advisable to lie and sleep on your left side in the last few weeks of pregnancy and to consult a doctor if you have long-term symptoms.

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What generally helps against circulatory problems and dizziness is - getting up slowly in the morning, drinking enough (at least 2 liters a day), several small meals spread over the day to avoid the Blood sugar level constant, sufficient exercise in the fresh air without overexertion, and avoiding long periods of standing.

Do you feel dizzy in the morning?

If acute circulatory problems occur, it helps to sit down, have a drink or lie on your left side with your legs up. Most circulatory problems are normal and not dangerous. But they should Long-term dizziness, blurred vision, headache or racing heart it is always advisable to consult a doctor or inform the midwife in order to quickly rule out an underlying disease.


The Treatment of circulatory problems depends primarily on the underlying disease. The goal is primarily that Stabilization of the circulation and the Avoidance of insufficient blood supply to the organs.

If, for example, a cardiovascular disease or a hormonal disorder is the cause, a corresponding one will be given medical therapy initiated. With some Cardiac arrhythmias can also implant a Pacemaker to be necessary.

What you can do yourself against dizziness and circulatory problems are among other things regular exercise, drink enough, abstain from nicotine or alternate hot-cold baths and brush massages to stimulate the circulation. After lying down, you shouldn't get up too quickly and standing for long periods should be avoided. That also has a supportive effect Wearing compression stockings. In some cases short-term therapy can also be used antihypertensive drugs (Antihypotonic drugs) - but not for children or pregnant women.

If you suddenly experience circulatory problems, the first measure - lie down and the legs up to store. If the circulatory problems persist or if the person concerned passes out, it is always advisable to call a doctor and drive to the hospital.

What to do?

Against Circulatory problems and dizziness it helps in acute cases to sit downto keep your legs high and drink enough. Should the circulatory problems persist or Fainting spells In addition, a medical examination should be carried out urgently.

Regular exercise, sufficient drinking, a balanced diet, avoiding nicotine and alcohol and avoiding long periods of standing have a beneficial effect on the development of circulatory problems.


Lots Circulatory problems can be treated well by simple measures such as sufficient exercise, keeping your legs up and drinking a lot. For the most part, they are harmless and do not require any further medical clarification. If you have long-term or serious circulatory problems, you should definitely consult a doctor for one Rule out underlying disease. With appropriate therapy, however, these can also be treated well and have a good prognosis overall.


In order to counteract circulatory problems, it is always helpful a lot to drinkto be regular too move, and long Avoid standing. Also Compression stockings can provide a remedy, especially for longer, standing activities.

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