Synonyms in a broader sense

Latin name: Echinacea purpurea, group: Asteraceae = Compositae

Common names: American coneflower, narrow-leaved cone flower, hedgehog head, cone flower, rudbeckia

Family: Daisy family

Plant description

The plant is anchored vertically in the ground with a tap root. Upright handle, covered with bristle hairs. Leaves entire, lancet-like, individually standing. The only large cup flower with a conical flower base, pink to purple colored petals.
The leaves can be opposite or alternate and are about 7-20 cm long. The decorative blossoms fall through their turned down reddish petals on. The spiky, arched flower base is reminiscent of a hedgehog. One also finds white shapes.
Occurrence: The plant comes from North America and is there a wild growing persistent herb from 60 to 180 cm in height depending on the type of sun hat. With us the sun hat is in Cultures cultivated.

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History of the sun hat

Coneflower - plant

Of the Sun hat is originally from North America, where he is from the Aborigines and prairie Indians as a vegetable pulp for injuries and when bandaging wounds was used. In 1762 the first report on the healing properties of the sun hat appeared in North America. In Europe became the narrow-leaved coneflower in the year 1897 in the "Apothekerzeitung" mentioned. At the beginning of the 20th century, the sun hat was also known in Europe. In the thirties started Dr. Madaus to cultivate the medicinal plant in Europe with seeds and cuttings of the purple coneflower from America. Since then the coneflower has been widely used in Europe as a medicinal plant for therapies. The sun hat is in Germany the most commonly used medicinal plant.


Of the Purple coneflower or Echinacea purpurea was already used by the Indian tribes of North America Wound healing and Anti-inflammatory used. The medicinal plant is now also cultivated in Europe. However, it mainly comes from wild populations in North America. One hangs from bristly, hairy stems purple "Sunflower". Inside the flower there is a hemispherical, brownish head surrounded by narrow 4 cm long red ray-flowers that are bent downwards.

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Plant parts used medicinally

The whole plant, but more often only the root. The roots are dug, washed and gently dried in spring or autumn. The herb is harvested in full bloom and dried in the shade.

In the Medicinal plant coneflower thinks Rhizome (as with Valerian, umckaloabo, devil's claw), as well as that herb (as with Johannis herbs) medicinal use . The root or the whole plant are extracted by alcohol.


Echinacin, essential oil, resins, bitter substances, phytosterols, echinacoside

Other ingredients of the roots and the herb are above all Heteropolysaccharides, phenolic compounds and long chain carbohydrates. You can also find it in the herb Flavanoids.

The ingredients of the sun hat are in many finished medicinal products for therapy from Colds, urinary tract infections (cystitis, pelvic inflammation)and Skin disorders or as tincture, Fresh plant juice and Wound treatment agents contain.


The plant is one of the most important remedies in the medicinal strain of the Indians of North America. The treatment was carried out with leaves and roots Wounds of all kinds. We researched this effect and found that the sun hat on the one hand against bacteria is effective, on the other hand the body's defenses increases and so can help with infections.

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Use for prevention and to supportive treatment from Colds is medically recognized. Does not replace, sometimes necessary Antibiotics, but can be taken with them. As previously feared, it has no disruptive effects on the effect.

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A tea made from sun hat has no effect. One takes Echinacea in the form of drops or homeopathic preparations a. Used to treat wounds Anoint used.

application areas

The areas of application of the medicinal plant Sun hat are diverse.
In the internal application, in the form of Tea, tincture, fresh plant extract or tablets, the sun hat is capable of that immune system to strengthen and to activate. Even before an infection, the immune system should be activated and the impact of the white blood cells can be increased by a fresh plant extract. The stimulating effect on the immune system as well as against viruses and bacteria has been proven in studies. Using the Ecchinacea - pressed juice proven to lead to one Decrease in the frequency of infections.
At Vaginal mycoses (Vaginal fungus) became the Effectiveness of antifungal drugs (Medicines against fungal attack) through the cone juice reinforced.
External preparations can at poorly healing, superficial wounds to be useful. On the one hand, sun hat ointments are used for Wound healing as well as a antiseptic at Abscesses, boils and Phlegmon.
Also one inhibitory effect against herpes viruses is said to be the sun hat. As an ointment preparation, it combats the cold sores.
With a moist envelope of sun hat essence can one go to Healing of abscesses, nail bed inflammation, burns and insect bites contribute.
Are used exclusively Finished preparationsthat are available at the pharmacy.

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Use in homeopathy

The homeopathic Echinacea becomes from the fresh plant won and also here for Increase in physical defense functions often used against bacterial infections. Becomes internally in the form of drops and externally as ointment recommended. The most common potencies are D2 to D6.

Dosage form

Sun hat - Preparations can be in the form of tablets, Drops and lozenges in the pharmacy to buy.
The Daily dose amounts 6-9 ml of pressed juice respectively 250 to 350 mg of dried press juice.
To external application come Anoint in semi-bold the 15% press juice contain.
In addition, from the above-ground parts of the plant a juice be squeezed out of which one tea can prepare.
Please note the Leaflet.

Side effect and interaction

When known Allergy to daisy family Purple coneflower preparations should not be taken. People with one Autoimmune disease or chronic diseases Coneflower extracts should also do not take.
The same goes for the taking medicationwho the Lower the immune system.
The medicinal plant coneflower should no longer than two weeks be taken. After a break of a week, the treatment can be started again if it makes sense, as stimulation of the immune system is only possible to a limited extent.
With external use of the purple coneflower are so far no side effects known.
When taken internally were in individual cases Allergies (such as rash, itching, facial swelling) Shortness of breath, Drop in blood pressure and dizziness observed.
It is not advisable to use echinacea extracts as an injection, as considerable risks are to be expected.
Please ask In any case Your attending physician !!!
In the pregnancy and breast feeding period should a treatment with coneflower extracts avoided because there is no adequate scientific study with evidence of teratogenic effects.
Infants and children too should use sun hat preparations not treated because the immune system is not yet mature.
Please ask your pediatrician !!


The long-term use of Echinacea preparations weakens the the body's own immune system. As published in American studies, lead high concentrations of medicinal plants Johannis herbs, Sun hat and Gingko to Damage to the egg and thus to Reproductive Disability.
There are always new studies that prove and refute the effectiveness of the purple coneflower. The ingredients of the coneflower are known, including their biological effects, but the significance for the development of a cold, for example, remains unclear.
Maybe an alternative is this Umckaloabo preparation, an extract from the root of the South African Cape geranium?

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Manufacturer / trade name

Manufacturers are named as examples and were selected at random. we have with none Manufacturers a personal connection!

Esberitox® N N2 50 tablets € 6.25

Esberitox® N N3 100 tablets € 10.80

Status: January 2004

Phytopharmaceuticals in Germany

The list of the best-selling herbal preparations led by far the ginkgo:

  1. ginkgo
  2. Johannis herbs
  3. Devil's claw
  4. Horse chestnuts
  5. artichoke
  6. Milk thistle
  7. Nettle
  8. Umckaloabo
  9. Hawthorn
  10. ivy

A list of all medicinal herbs / medicinal plants that we have already published can be found under: Medicines A-Z.

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