
There are many different metabolic pathways in the body. Colloquially, however, metabolism is the energy or fat metabolism. The energy that our body needs in order to be able to carry out all the various functions comes from food. A balanced diet, which contains the components carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the right proportions, is very important for a fully functional body.
The food absorbed by the body reaches the blood from the intestine and is transported from there to the respective organs, which can use it, i.e. break it down. The individual components are broken down into small components and ultimately energy is obtained from these.

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How can I stimulate the metabolism?

At the beginning, the question arises as to how best to stimulate the metabolism. There are above all nutrition, Sports and Habits important.
One factor on metabolism that is relatively easy to influence is diet. Everything we ingest is sooner or later processed and used or excreted by the body's own metabolism. The metabolism only works optimally when all the necessary substances are present in the body. There are nutritional measures that can stimulate the metabolism.
Above all, one thing is important adequate hydration. We recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of water every day. If you want to stimulate the metabolism, you can drink up to 3 liters. Instead of water are also light Spritzers or unsweetened tea makes sense. Sweetened drinks or alcohol should be clearly avoided.
At the eat Care should be taken to ensure that as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible are on the menu. Instead of ready-made products and white bread, care should be taken to use wholesome products when it comes to carbohydrate intake. These foods are filling longer and stimulate bowel movements.
Another great pillar of how to stimulate your metabolism is physical activity. These are particularly suitable Endurance sports and Strength training.
In addition to diet and exercise, there are also general ones Habits important to stimulate the metabolism. Sufficient sleep for 7-8 hours and avoiding stress as much as possible have a positive effect on the metabolism.

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Effect of metabolism

If more energy is obtained from food than the body can use at the time, this energy is stored. When the short-term energy stores are full, the rest is deposited in the body as fat reserves. This is why fat metabolism and weight are directly related.

Read more about: Obesity causes

On the other hand, the metabolism also consumes energy that is either drawn directly from food or mobilized from reserves. If the metabolism is running at full speed, the energy from the fat depot is increasingly used in the metabolism and leads to weight reduction.

Read more on the subject at: Fat metabolism
People can naturally have a high or low turnover of energy, depending on how effectively the metabolic processes are working in their body. For example, in people with a high metabolic level, the energy from food is used quickly, whereas in other people with a lower metabolic level the energy is not used, but is stored in the form of fat.
To counteract this effect, you can do a lot to stimulate the metabolism, i.e. to ensure that a lot of energy is used. Young people usually have a much more active metabolism than older people.
Only those who have a well-functioning metabolism that is in balance are fully efficient and fit. If the metabolism is in imbalance, this not only has an impact on the weight, but also the mood is impaired and one often feels weak and tired.

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A balanced diet is crucial for stimulating the metabolism.

The right nutrition plays a very big role when it comes to stimulating the metabolism. It is important to make sure that carbohydrates, Fats and Egg whites appear in the right proportion in the diet.
It is just as important to pay attention to the choice of food. Carbohydrates are not created equal. They can be easy to digest or hard to digest. You can reduce cholesterol raise or lower. So it is beneficial for the metabolism, in the form of carbohydrates Whole grain products to take in. These are from the body slower degraded than others Cereal products, have a positive effect on cholesterol levels and reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. Also are in whole grains Minerals and Fiber contain the one metabolism-promoting effect to have. Oatmeal, potatoes and lentils also contain carbohydrates that stimulate the metabolism.

Also at Proteins should be taken care of in the right way. Proteins from sausage or ham for example are not very beneficial for the metabolism, whereas protein from fresh fish, poultry or Eggs stimulates the metabolism. The fat metabolism is stimulated by protein and heat is generated, which also consumes energy. The daily amount of protein should not exceed 100 to 120g per day. Almonds also have a high protein content and a high satiety value and therefore have a positive effect on metabolism and weight.
Despite a desired fat reduction, it should still not go up Fat in food can be omitted because the body needs fat. Olive and linseed oil in particular not only have a positive effect on the metabolism. Contains olive oil unsaturated fatty acidsthat have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Are in linseed oil Omega-3 fatty acids that are required by the human body but cannot be produced by the human body. Coconut oil also promotes fat metabolism and is therefore a good alternative to baking and cooking. Other Sources of fat are nuts, seeds, butter or oily fish such as saithe or mackerel.
Also Fiber are very important for the body and for the metabolism. They come in mostly fruit and vegetables before, but also in Whole grain products. The German Nutrition Society recommends a daily amount of at least 30g. Ideally, around five handfuls of fruit and vegetables should be eaten a day.

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Of the metabolism can also be accessed through the Type of food intake stimulate. In order to keep the fat metabolism going, it is best to do it every day five smaller meals to take in. This prevents the metabolism from becoming sluggish as new food components have to be processed all the time.
In addition, the Water absorption an important aspect of metabolic activity. It serves the detoxification and the Washout of harmful substances. Therefore, at least two to three liters of water should be drunk daily.

Stimulate the metabolism with tea

For many people who use the Stimulate metabolism want is that Drinking tea one of the first and most frequently performed measures. In general, tea is a good way to stimulate your metabolism, as adequate hydration is the basis for an active metabolism. In addition, tea has no calories.
Many types of tea contain substances that directly or indirectly stimulate the metabolism. If you want to stimulate the metabolism with tea, you can use ready-made mixtures e.g. Buy in health food stores or make them yourself according to instructions.
There are different types of tea that have a stimulating effect on the metabolism. This includes, among other things ginger tea. ginger has been known for thousands of years for stimulating metabolism and helping control weight. It promotes blood circulation and, in addition to reducing weight, has many other health-promoting effects. To prepare a tea with ginger, take a 3-4 cm long piece of ginger and chop it up as much as possible. After adding 1-2 L of boiling water to the ginger, let it steep for a few minutes.
Also Green tea is widespread and is often used when you want to stimulate the metabolism. Green tea also helps reduce weight by boosting your metabolism. The basal metabolic rate is increased. At the same time it was observed that the absorption of fats in the intestine is inhibited by this tea. In addition, the appetite is curbed by the bitter substances it contains. 2-3 teaspoons of green tea per cup is enough to achieve the desired effect. You can drink several cups of it throughout the day.
Mate tea has enjoyed great popularity among the population for some time. It is suitable for stimulating the metabolism, as the general energy requirement is increased and the appetite is curbed. Mate tea also contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect and also gets the mind going again. Basically, tea is a good substitute for all sweet, sugared drinks. In addition to pure water, which does not contain any calories, tea can contain many herbal substances that stimulate the metabolism.

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Lose weight

Losing unwanted weight is one of the primary goals for many people when looking to increase their metabolism.
The most important thing in losing weight is the balance between the calories in and consumed. If more is consumed than absorbed, you lose weight. So it can help to stimulate the metabolism when losing weight. The body's turnover can easily be increased, and more energy is then used. In addition, a beneficial side effect of a metabolism-stimulating diet is that it is very healthy, usually also low in calories and thus supports weight loss. In addition to having a stimulating effect, some of the foods used also have an appetite-suppressing effect.

Read more on the topic: Lose weight without hunger

Losing weight is also possible through sporting activity (strength training and losing weight), which directly consumes energy. All of these mechanisms help you lose weight. However, one should not believe that one is simply consuming certain foods that stimulate the metabolism and then make the unwanted pounds disappear by themselves. Nevertheless, when losing weight, in addition to sporting activity and a low-calorie diet, it is helpful if you want to additionally stimulate the metabolism through the above measures.

Read more on the topic: Lose weight by burning fat

Stimulate the metabolism with exercise

In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, there is also a sufficient level of daily Move necessary to stimulate the metabolism. By Sports it uses up energy that was ingested with food, preventing it from becoming fat deposits. In addition, a lot of exercise will reduce the food that is already in the Digestive tract located, kneaded and thus promoted digestion. Due to the increasingly building Musculature the body consumes more energy than before, even when it is at rest. But the effect on the scales often shows the opposite. This is completely normal as the fat that is broken down is replaced by muscle mass. And since muscles are heavier than fat, body weight first increases. Strength training and Endurance sports are very beneficial to achieve a lasting stimulation of the metabolism. But also an increased level of Everyday activities, how Climb stairs and Cycle stimulate the metabolism. An optimal stimulation of the metabolism is achieved through exercise before breakfast. Because then the body does not have any food from which energy can be drawn and has to fall back on the energy reserves, i.e. the fat, and break it down.

Lose weight by changing your lifestyle

Lifestyle should be changed permanently to have an effect.

By right nutrition and Sports Although the metabolism can be stimulated, a permanent effect on the weight as well, this can only be achieved if lifestyle habits are changed over the long term.
Sport should therefore regularly be integrated into everyday life and eating habits should also be permanently adapted.
Constant stress and lack of sleep can negatively affect fat metabolism. They lead to a slowing down of the metabolism and a faster accumulation of excess fat. This is because the hormonal balance of the body is disturbed and it can no longer function optimally. Therefore, you should plan around seven to nine hours of sleep per day and, among other things, reduce stress.

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Drugs that stimulate the metabolism

As well in Pharmacies as well as in Drugstores Various preparations or certain drugs are available to stimulate lipid metabolism. Some of them promise to bind excess fat and excrete it. Others achieve one through a high protein component quick satiety and a Increase in fat metabolism.
What is certain is that such means not alone lead to stimulate the metabolism and lose weight, but that this only in the long run with an adapted, healthy lifestyle is possible.

Metabolism stimulants from the pharmacy

In addition to the natural measures, one can also use funds from the pharmacy stimulate the metabolism. Such remedies should only be seen as a support for a balanced diet, but can have a clear effect on stimulating the metabolism.
In the pharmacy you can Food supplements to fill in gaps in the diet. It would be better to close this by choosing the right food. Certain tea blends or concentrated capsules can also be purchased in the pharmacy. There are also a number of products that contain certain synthetic substances and are intended to stimulate the metabolism. L-tyrosine is sold as a powder or as capsules, for example, and is intended to stimulate the metabolism in the short term.
In addition, various diet substitutes such as Almased® or Formoline available. These are primarily intended for weight loss and have a specific composition that is intended to stimulate the metabolism and control the intake of calories.

Homeopathic remedies that stimulate the metabolism

Also homeopathic remedies promise an increase in metabolism. Various Schuessler salts should have a positive effect on this. Which includes the number 9 (Sodium Phosphoricum) and the number 10 (Sodium Sulfuricum), which have a digestive effect. By Number 15 (Potassium iodatum) inflammations in the stomach area are relieved and Number 22 (Calcium Carboicum) delivers to the body more energy about one more effective metabolism to be able to operate.

Stimulate the metabolism in the case of an underactive thyroid

The Thyroid function is a central factor in the regulation of the metabolism. The hormones, which are produced by the thyroid gland, stimulate the metabolism in various ways. If the thyroid is underactive, this effect disappears. There are both those congenital hypothyroidism as well as the acquired hypothyroidism. The metabolism is then sluggish, you gain weight and feel limp. This is where it becomes particularly difficult for those affected to maintain the weight.
Thus, if you have an underactive thyroid, you should stimulate your metabolism in various ways. The most important thing is that the missing hormones are replaced by taking pills. This will be L-thyroxine used. This, after a thorough examination, must be prescribed by a doctor and taken according to the exact scheme. This can stimulate the metabolism so that no symptoms can be recognized.
In some cases, the hypothyroid problem arises from a pronounced one Iodine deficiency. It is therefore important for prophylaxis to consume sufficient iodine with food. Fish is particularly suitable for this.
In addition to supplementing the hormones in the case of hypothyroidism, all other measures that stimulate the metabolism can also make sense. This includes a stimulating nutrition as well as moderate, regular sport activity. In this way, you can stimulate your metabolism to a sufficient degree, even with an underactive thyroid.

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