Synonyms in a broader sense

Herpes simplex, herpes simplex virus, cold sores, viral encephalitis, herpes simplex encephalitis
English: herpes

For more information, see the main Herpes article.

Symptoms and course forms

The typical symptoms of herpes are itchy to burning, so-called cold sores standing in groups. Usually the blisters are on inflamed skin. After a few days, the contents become cloudy, the blisters become encrusted and dry up.

In terms of the forms of disease, a distinction is made between a primary infection, i.e. the first contact with the virus and the outbreak of the disease, and an endogenous (within the body) reactivation.

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Primary infection / initial infection

Most infected people notice the Initial infection often nothing (90%). They show a so-called asymptomatic course.
Only around 10% of those affected show the typical symptoms. This primary infection usually happens on damaged skin and Mucous membrane. Penetration into healthy skin is rare.
The viruses get into the skin through droplet or contact infection. Because the viruses now multiply, blistering and local inflammation occur.

With an initial infection with HSV 1 it comes to the so-called Herpetic gingivostomatitis. This is a painful reddening of the oral mucosa and throat.
She usually joins small children between the ages of 1 and 4. Accompanying always occurs high fever on. Spontaneous healing takes place after 2 weeks.

With an initial infection with HSV 2 adolescents and adults develop the clinical picture of Genital herpes. Risks of acquiring this disease is one large number of sexual partners or a i.v. - substance abuse.
In women there is one Herpetic vaginitiswhich is the same as herpetic gingivostomatitis, only on the female genitals (Labia and vagina are affected). In men it comes to the training of Vesicles preferably at the Penis tip.

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At Newborn it can go through the birth process to what is known as conatal HSV 2 - Infection is coming. This is a serious clinical picture with a mortality rate of 30%. This can be prevented by a Caesarean birth (Sectio), because the infection with the viruses takes place in the birth canal.

Endogenous reactivation

After Primary infection/ The herpes virus remains in the regional nerve ganglia (cell bodies of the annoy).
HSV 1 dwells in the trigeminal ganglia (see above), HSV 2 dwells in the ganglia in the lumbar region.
Ganglia are switching points of sensory nerves (sensory nerves). They stay there for life. The affected person either remains an asymptomatic virus carrier, or reactivation occurs.

The reactivation of the herpes viruses and thus a renewed outbreak of the disease occurs through exogenous (external) factors such as

  • Infections
  • Fever, exposure to sunlight / UV light
  • Injuries
  • Hormonal changes (e.g. menstruation)
  • Mental stress / stress
  • immunodeficiency

Viruses are now formed again and these then migrate in the opposite direction along the sensitive nerves into the skin. The number of repeated outbreaks decreases over the years.
About a third of all infected suffers from recurring oral Cold sore.

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