
Many people suffer from dry lips, and there are many different causes for these complaints. For many, dry lips mainly occur in winter or the problems at least intensify in these cold months.

The skin of the lips is predestined to dry out quickly. This is mainly due to the fact that the skin is very thin at this point. In addition, unlike the rest of the face, it is not equipped with sebum glands and is therefore not adequately supplied with fat. In addition, the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the lips is barely developed, which is why they dry out faster than the skin around them.

Figure causes dry lips

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Figure dry lips: symptom and causes

Dry lips

  1. Angular rhinitis
    (inflamed, torn
    Corners of the mouth) -
    Angular cheilitis
  2. Cold sore -
    Herpes labialis
    (by the herpes simplex
    Virus (HSV) triggered
  3. Tear -
  4. Lip red -
    Labium, pars intermedia
  5. Lip skin -
    Labium, pars cutanea

    A - Too little daily
    Fluid intake
    B - Stressful situations
    (Sympathetic nervous system
    is activated)
    C - vitamin deficiency, especially at
    Vitamin B2 and iron deficiency
    D - Extreme temperatures
    (very cold or high temperatures)
    E - infections especially of
    Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
    F - common cold - cold weather deprives
    of the skin (epidermis) Humidity
    G - Frequent use of the
    Lip care products leads to
    Habituation effect
    H - As a side effect of a
    Chemotherapy (drug
    Treatment of cancer)

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at medical illustrations

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The cold season is stressful for the skin.

That the lips are special brittle and cracked in winter has several reasons. On the one hand, cold and frost can directly crack the lips, causing them to lose moisture and dry out.
Also the Blood flow to non-central areas of the body is shut down when staying in the cold (which is usually mainly due to cold hands and feet noticeable). A restricted blood flow of the lips also promotes their drying out. The most important point, however, is that in winter you spend more time in rooms where one low humidity and dry air prevails as a result of the heating air.

Heating is of course necessary when it is cold and the dry room air can anyway not consistently bypassed because you can also meet her on public transport or at work. At least at home you can try to limit the low humidity. You can do this on the one hand humidifier and on the other hand make sure that you ventilate the Heating does not always run on the highest level and turn them down or even off at night.

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Dry lips can also be caused by one Lack of vitamins (with) caused. VitaminsVitamins B2 and are particularly important for healthy skin Vitamin B12which is mainly found in many animal products, vitamin B2 for example but also abundant in some vegetables such as broccoli, kale or peppers.
Sugary foods rather ensure that the memory is on Vitamin B2 is used up faster. So people who get dry lips quickly should always, but especially in winter, on one balanced nutrition pay attention to and consume high-sugar baked goods, which some people may use more often than usual, especially during the Christmas season, restrict a little.

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With dry lips you should also make sure that you no overly sour or spicy foods takes. Although these do not favor the development of dry lips, they can cracked skin however, it also irritates and leads to pain.

Therapy of dry lips in winter

Especially in winter you should Skin and lip care amplify. To prevent dry lips, are especially suitable high-fat ointments and creams like petroleum jelly. Such Creams can be applied thickly, this treatment is particularly effective if you use the cream before going to bed. On the one hand, it then stays longer on the dry lips because you are not so tempted to lick it off (which is not only bad because the cream can then no longer work, but above all because this renewed moistening ultimately leads to drying out promotes) and the skin as well the best regeneration ability at night owns.
If you first rub the skin with a toothbrush before applying the cream, this increases the benefits of the cream, as it helps you through this process Dander removed and the blood circulation stimulated, can act better. Cosmetic items like Makeup and lipsticks should, however, in the cold season as economical as possible be used as these dry out the skin.

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In addition, of course, the usual measures also apply in winter to avoid dry lips as far as possible, above all drinking enough (attention: alcohol and coffee remove fluid from the body!) of around two and a half liters a day if possible.

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