
Latin: M.. obliquus externus abdominis

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The external oblique abdominal muscle (Musculus obliquus externus abdominis) is a four-sided, approx. 0.7 cm thick plate. It is the largest of all abdominal muscles and is the most superficial. Training this muscle group is not only useful for aesthetic reasons, but also for health reasons.

Here you will find detailed information on the topic of abdominal muscle training

Approach, origin, innervation

Approach: Inguinal ligament, Labium externum of the iliac crest, tuberculum pubicum

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Origin: External surface of the 5th - 12th rib

Innervation: Nn. intercostal V- XII

Illustration of the external oblique muscle

Illustration of the external oblique muscle: chest from the front (A) and from the side (B)

External oblique muscle of the abdomen
(External oblique muscle abdominis)

  1. External oblique abdominal muscle -
    Obliquus muscle
    externus abdominis
  2. Iliac scoop -
    Ala ossis ilii
  3. Sacrum - Sacrum
  4. Tailbone - Os coccygis
  5. Pubic bone - Pubis
  6. Ischium - Os ischii
  7. Iliac crest -
    Iliac crest
  8. Twelfth rib - Costa XII
  9. Twelfth thoracic vertebra -
    Vertebra thoracica XII
  10. Fifth rib - Costa V
  11. Sternum - sternum

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

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How is the muscle trained / contracted?

Based on the function of this muscle, the oblique abdominal muscles contract when the upper body is rotated and the upper body tilted to the side. In abdominal crunch, the effect on the external oblique muscle can be increased by turning the upper body sideways during the contraction.

The following exercises are therefore particularly suitable:

  • Side push-ups
  • Abdominal crunch

You can find an overview of all relevant topics in the area of ​​strength training in the overview of strength training

How is the outer oblique abdominal muscle stretched?

If the upper body is tilted or turned to one side, the opposite of the outer oblique abdominal muscles are stretched at the same time.

Note: If the outer oblique abdominal muscle is stretched, the inner oblique abdominal muscles are stretched and vice versa.

Further information on this topic is available at:

  • Stretching
  • Overview of stretching exercises


The function of the external oblique abdominal muscle (Musculus obliquus externus abdominis) consists in the inclination of the axial skeleton.

One side of the outer obliques works with the inner obliques on the opposite side. Furthermore, the external oblique abdominal muscle supports the straight abdominal muscle when straightening the upper body.

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