
Fever is usually a symptomatic manifestation of a vital infection and is characterized by a rise in temperature. Different boundaries are drawn between children and adults. While one speaks of fever in adults from a temperature of 38.3 degrees Celcius, the limit value for newborns is 37.8 degrees Celcius. To answer the question of when exactly I should see a doctor with a fever, there are several basic rules.

When should I see a doctor with a fever?

In order to be able to judge when you have to go to the doctor with a fever, you evaluate not only the absolute temperature measured but also other factors such as the severity of the symptoms and the general condition.

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Common symptoms are headache, diarrhea (fever and diarrhea), painful urination, or purulent sputum.

For babies up to and including the 3rd month of life you should consult a pediatrician if the body temperature is 38 degrees Celsius or more.

If you have a fever for more than a day you should consult a doctor in small children.

With older children, however, the question of when to see a doctor with a fever is answered differently. The rough rule of thumb here is that the child should be examined by a doctor if the body temperature is 39 degrees Celsius or if the child has a fever that has persisted for more than three days or occurs repeatedly.

Adults should see a doctor if they have a fever that goes on for more than two or three days, or keeps coming back.

In addition to the current body temperature, it is always important to look at the temperature together with the clinical symptoms.

Read more on the topic:

  • high temperature
  • Fever, dizziness, and headache

From an immunological point of view, it does not make sense to consult a doctor with every fever and to lower the temperature with drug therapy. The increased temperature can be very valuable for the body to fight the pathogens. The function of fever is to speed up the immune response. Infections can last longer if the temperature rise in fever is suppressed.

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The decision-making process as to whether antipyretic therapy should be initiated depends on e.g. also depends on which previous illnesses the person concerned has. If you have severe heart, kidney or lung disease, the fever can put a lot of strain on the organism, which is why an effective temperature reduction is more advisable than in a patient without previous illnesses. In otherwise healthy patients who have had a febrile episode after e.g. develop a respiratory tract infection of 39 degrees Celsius, it is usually advised to endure the fever for the reasons mentioned above.

What can I do myself if I cannot see a doctor directly?

There are different approaches that can be used to self-treat if you have a fever and you cannot see a doctor directly. A balanced diet and a healthy diet play an important role. Because the body needs a lot of energy for the increased function of the immune system. Easily digestible foods include fruit, vegetables, lettuce, and chicken or vegetable broth.

In addition to adequate nutrition, it is extremely important to drink enough fluids. Warm drinks such as herbal tea or rose hip tea are very suitable. But fruit juices containing vitamin C also have a positive effect on fever. The need for fluid is significantly increased in a feverish state. That is why it is important to ensure adequate fluid intake, especially for newborns and small children.

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The body needs a lot of energy to fight the pathogen, which should not be withdrawn from it by other activities. Therefore, work or sport should be avoided. The best recipe here is to give the body plenty of rest. It is best to remain in bed for the majority of the illness phase.

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If you have chills, you can add warmth to your body in the form of warm clothing or blankets. In the case of chills, the body freezes due to a setpoint adjustment of the body temperature in the hypothalamus. Since the setpoint rises, indicating that the current body temperature is too low, you freeze.

It is important to measure the body temperature at close intervals of about half an hour. The rectal method is the most accurate of all. Through the continuous measurement you can see whether the fever is rising or is already falling again. However, if the fever is very high, a doctor should usually be seen.

Read more on the topic: How can you measure a fever?

A tried and tested home remedy for fever is cold calf compresses for a fever to remove heat from the body. When used effectively with cold water, the body temperature can be reduced by about 1-2 degrees Celsius.

A so-called full bath can also be carried out. Here you let warm water in the bathtub, which is only a few degrees Celsius than body temperature. Then you lie down in the bathtub and let cold water in for 10-15 minutes so that it drops to a temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius.

Medicines that do not require a prescription are also available in the pharmacy. This includes both different types of tea (such as chamomile or linden blossom) and pain relievers such as the ASS. The pain reliever and fever-lowering drug paracetamol is also available in pharmacies without a prescription.

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Read more on the topic: How can you lower a fever?

When should I see a doctor with a fever during pregnancy?

A slight fever during pregnancy with a temperature below 38 degrees Celsius is usually not a problem. Even a slight infection (e.g. respiratory tract infection) with fever during pregnancy is usually an unproblematic picture.

If the temperature rises to values ​​above 38 degrees Celcius, however, an acute danger for the child can arise. Therefore, a clinical examination should be carried out by the doctor with subsequent drug therapy. When using drugs during pregnancy, it is necessary to consider certain contraindications and the dose specific to pregnant women. Paracetamol e.g.can be taken during pregnancy, but should not be taken carelessly over several days or weeks. Certain home remedies such as leg wraps etc. can also prevent the fever from increasing further.

Read more on the topic:

  • Aspirin in pregnancy

What fever should I see a doctor with my baby?

The immune system of adolescent children first has to develop over time by coming into contact with pathogens entering the body. Therefore, febrile infections are much more common in children than in adults. The normal temperature in the child is between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celcius.

Read more on the topic: Cold in the baby

The child has a fever from 38.5 degrees Celsius. From temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, the child's organ systems can be damaged, which is why a doctor must be consulted urgently and the child treated. Symptoms that indicate a fever in the child are e.g. a warmed, flushed face. The skin of the body, on the other hand, is usually cool and pale. In addition, loss of appetite and poor drinking can be noticed. The eyes usually look tired. Overall, behavior changes with lethargy and listlessness can occur. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms of febrile infections in children.

A doctor should be consulted if the fever lasts longer than a day or if it does not decrease despite the calf compress and fever suppositories. The occurrence of febrile seizures is also a reason for a doctor's visit.

Read more on the topic:

  • Fever suppositories for babies and children
  • What to do if your baby has a fever

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