Dear patients, dear relatives, dear readers,

on this page we want you that Dr-Gumpert team and briefly introduce our philosophy.

Our goal - what we try

In the following we would like to introduce ourselves from the team and bring you closer to our philosophy. We have made it our business to provide you with an always available and independent source of information in times of inadequate preventive care and shorter consultation times as well as a wide range on the health market.
All information is of course available to the visitor free of charge, should be written in a way that is understandable for laypeople and is of course based on current knowledge.

It is our aim to offer the patient a broad spectrum of easily understandable medical knowledge and thus to make the conversation between doctor and patient easier and more effective. It is important to us to provide the patient with the best possible information, to improve the relationship between doctor and patient and thus to ensure optimal health care. We offer a wide range of conventional medicine as well as naturopathic topics.
With our support, the patient should not only find out which symptoms he should go to the doctor with, but we would also like to offer opportunities to maintain and promote health.

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Who are we?

We are a team of a specialist and a qualified sports scientist and we are of the opinion that this mixture provides valuable aspects. The topics are selected by us according to their importance for the patient and finally written, whereby the layman's understanding is of the greatest importance to us.

The team includes:

Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

Dr. Nicolas Gumpert is the founder of the website and is a resident orthopedist in Frankfurt am Main (until June 30, 2019 Orthopedicum Frankfurt; since July 1, 2019 Lumedis orthopedists).
He specializes in all orthopedic topics and issues. His specialties include conservative spine therapy and tennis elbow therapy.
Chirotherapy and acupuncture are among his additional qualifications. He has a broad medical knowledge and is very familiar with all facets of medicine.
As a medical expert, he makes his knowledge available in a regular radio consultation in HR1. He is also an expert in sports medicine for the ARD Sportschau and is a regular interview partner in various television channels from HR, ZDF, RTL, Sat1 and Pro 7.
Further information on Dr. Nicolas Gumpert is available at: Lumedis - your orthopedists in Frankfurt

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Tobias Kasprak

Tobias Kasprak is a qualified sports scientist and responsible for all sports medicine issues. He is also employed at Orthopedicum Frankfurt and has extensive experience in the field of treadmill analysis, performance diagnostics and as a personal trainer in all questions relating to sports medicine and training advice.

What sets us apart

We provide high quality standards to us and ensure that the texts dem current knowledge correspond and independently, such as without any opinion are written. Furthermore are the texts personal written, which means that each team member for certain rubrics responsible is.

W.most important criterion is with us Lay understandable of the texts. We want the patient to understand the clinical picture and to go to his next doctor's visit well informed. Only in this way can one good interaction be guaranteed between doctor and patient so Health restored or in the best case Disease prevents can be.

The team wishes you the best of health,

Tobias Kasprak and Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

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