
A Pulling in the back is a common one symptom. Almost everyone has felt such a pull from adolescence and it shouldn't give you any immediate cause for concern. The pain often subsides on its own and does not require treatment. Depending on Strength and duration of pain it can be useful to explain the causes by one doctor, preferably one Orthopedists to be clarified.

Possible reasons for pulling in the back can be overuse or tension in the muscles, which can arise, for example, from improper stress, exercise, pregnancy or the like. In theory, organs of the chest or abdomen, such as the kidneys, can also have an influence on back pain.

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Pull on the right side of the back

Is that Pulling in the back mostly on only one side, it stands to reason that through a asymmetrical improper loading part of the burdened Back muscles dragged or tense is. In this case, there is an imbalance, which on the one hand leads to pain, on the other hand harbors the risk that the patient will adopt a relieving posture to relieve the strain. Every now and then the feeling that results from a bad posture is also called Burning in the back perceived. Regardless of how the pain is felt, the next one is a burden Relieving posture the move in the long run and can die Problems and pain long-term amplify.

A pull in the backIf it occurs only on one side, it can also be symptomatic of a painful one Kidney disease be a Inflammation of the renal pelvis.

With unilateral back pain, it can also be one disc prolapse act. The fibrous part of the intervertebral disc tears and the inner substance of the intervertebral disc can emerge and bulge in one direction. If this gelatinous mass only escapes in one direction, this can lead to unilateral pain.

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All causesthat for a general Pulling in the back can also only cause unilateral pain, such as the Entrapment of a nerve in the back or Overuse of the back muscles by secondary causes, like one pregnancy, wrong stooping or heavy lifting.

Appointment with a back specialist?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

The spine is difficult to treat. On the one hand it is exposed to high mechanical loads, on the other hand it has great mobility.

The treatment of the spine (e.g. herniated disc, facet syndrome, foramen stenosis, etc.) therefore requires a lot of experience.
I focus on a wide variety of diseases of the spine.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

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You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

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Pulling in the middle of the back

The central pulling in the back is also the most common. The same causes for general back complaints come into consideration here, but the whole is available Spinal apparatus here in the foreground. This not only includes the deep lying muscleswhich have the function of straightening the back as a whole ("Autochthonous back muscles"), but also the bony vertebra and especially those in between Band washers. Through heavy use in the course of life, especially with physical workthat involves a lot of bending and heavy lifting is the Vertebral apparatus with his intervertebral discs endangered. The muscles can be pulled or tensed when doing improper exercise, which leads to pain. Also the Vertebral bodies can be damaged by Accidents, Inflammation or osteoarthritis changes.

The poses a special and frequent orthopedic problem disc prolapse The intervertebral disc consists of a ring of fiber cartilage that surrounds a so-called “gelatinous” mass that has a watery consistency. Excessive pressure on these intervertebral discs can cause the intervertebral disc to bulge or the fibrous ring to tear, which leads to the leakage of fluid in the core. Both are required Immediate orthopedic treatment.

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More likely to occur in the lower middle back in one pregnancy to pulling pains. This has mainly to do with the additional weight load.

Pull on the left side of the back

Also on the left side it can be one-sided to one Pulling in the back come. The reasons for this are similar unspecific as for pulling in the right area of ​​the back. Especially the asymmetrical one-sided improper loading a section of the back muscles is also a major cause here.

Because the Kidneys are paired, comes one left renal pelvic inflammation also considered here.

Pulling in the back during pregnancy

Pulling in the back is unfortunately a constant companion for more than 50% of all women in the period of a pregnancy. The further the pregnancy has progressed, the greater the likelihood of such pain.

Not just increasing Weight load causes the back problems. A hormone called "relaxin" has the function of relaxing the structures of the pelvic area so that the growing child can take up enough space. This also has the side effect that the already stressed back muscles are weakened. The production of this hormone begins as early as the 6th week of pregnancy, which is why the first women have one at this point Pulling in the back to report. It is helpful to get through targeted strengthening of the muscles counteract this, for example by consciously creating a upright posture of the back adheres to.

At the time of pregnancy is for these reasons heavy lifting is strictly prohibited. It not only promotes back pain, but can also cause lasting damage to the spine.

At Pregnant women is recommended for prophylaxis upright posture, such as light sport. Especially swim and yoga have proven themselves here. As with muscle tension in general, it also helps Massages, relieving shoes and also a Heat pad in the back can relieve many symptoms.

Pulling in the back and stomach

A Pulling in the back and Abdominal area can indicate a variety of problems. In this area, the cause is not always where the pain is located. In the case of unspecific pulling into the abdominal area, for example, there may be projected pain. The starting point can also be outside the abdomen. Beside any Lower and upper abdominal organs can the chest organs Heart and lungs but also the psyche be causative.

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A differentiated diagnosis is important here. If the pain occurs only when deep breathing reinforced on, lies a problem of Chest organs or des Diaphragm Near.

Increased in the pregnancy can a Combination of stomach and back pain occur. The abdominal pain can be due to stretching as the child grows or even through entering labor caused.

If pain persists in these areas, it is important to consult a doctor, such as a General practitioners or Gynecologist (gynecologist).

Drawing in the back and abdomen

The combination of pulling in the back and abdomen suggests a variety of causes. A large group of diseases in this area predominantly affect women. The Menstruation leads to monthly for a great number of women Abdominal pain. The shedding of the uterine lining is sometimes also expressed in Back painthat especially up in the Lumbar region pull. The lumbar region is especially prone to such pulling pain.

The lower abdomen is home to organs that can lead to painful diseases and inflammation in both men and women. The sexual organs and the lower urinary tract are particularly affected. The bladder for example houses many medical problems. If it is inflamed it can Abdominal pain lead that pull up in the back. In most cases, the germs responsible for the inflammation rise from the primary sexual organs. Women are significantly more likely to be affected by such an inflammation than men, as the male urethra is around four times as long as the female one.

The Urinary tract themselves can also ignite. On the one hand, this can lead to pulling in the back and abdomen, on the other hand Urinary stones arise, which in turn trigger new pain. One of these rises Urinary tract infectiont through the ureter, it can become a Inflammation of the kidneys and des Renal pelvis come. Here there is also one drawing pain in the backwhich can occur on the right, left or both sides.

- Drawing in the back when stooping

Physiologically, when you stoop, the entire spine arches forward. With every stooping process, the vertebral bodies press against each other in the curvature, while they tend to diverge at the rear. In the long run, this leads to a Pressure load on the intervertebral disc. If you supplement this bending with additional WeightsFor example, if you lift an object in a stooped position, the pressure on the intervertebral discs also increases. If these are overused over time, this is noticeable in the form of pain in the back.

With such pain it is particularly helpful prophylactic the move to relieve. You should avoid bending over a lot, as well as lifting objects with your back bent. It is advisable to always lift loads from your knees.

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Is the Intervertebral disc too stressed it can be very dangerous at times. In the long run, a so-calledDisc prolapsewho the Prepress one Herniated disc can mean. Herniated discs are also not uncommon in young adults and can be very dangerous in addition to severe pain. A immediate treatment through a Orthopedists is necessary.

If you suspect a herniated disc to be the cause of your back pulling, we recommend: Symptoms of a herniated disc


At a Pulling in the back There are several factors to consider in the therapeutic approach. On the one hand you have to fight the causes of the pain, on the other hand you need to be quick Pain relief stand in the foreground, so that the body does not adopt an unphysiological protective posture to which it gets used. Since the problems are often muscular-related, a sporty one can help Building the back muscles, Pain relief through heat, a targeted physical therapy, acupuncture, one relaxing massage or Pain medication.

When a disc prolapse A doctor should definitely approve and initiate the therapy. In the case of a herniated disc, in many cases there is one conservative therapy sufficient. Here one tries mainly to alleviate the pain and through targeted physical therapy to maintain the ability to move. Herniated discs are still operated by many doctors in Germany, although it is often not necessary.

At a surgery will that tissuethat has leaked and is causing the pain, away and if necessary, stiffen the adjacent vertebral bodies by screwing them together, with the loss of mobility.

Pregnant womenwho suffer from pulling back pain, one can gentle sports to Strengthening the muscles recommend. It already helps a lot if the women concerned are aware of one straight posture take in.


Almost all pulling back pain could be prevented in advance with one increased muscle building the deep autochthonous“Back muscles. Posture also has an impact on back pain. So you should be more conscious of being able to stand up straight and straighten your back.

However, if you specifically train your back, it is also important to act as an opponent Abdominal muscles to train. Because if a muscle group is too strong, this also affects posture and can induce pain in the back.

Many back problems also stem from incorrect behavior in the workplace. When sitting for a long time, you should change your posture frequently. Special desk chairs or working while standing from time to time can make a difference.

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