
Latin name: Quercus robur
Genus: Beech family

Plant description oak

Plant description: There are two types of oak that are used English oak or Summer oak and the Grape or winter oak. Everyone knows this robust, gnarled and resilient tree. The tree prefers moist soil and likes to grow in Mixed forests.
Origin: Wide distribution in the temperate and warmer parts of Europe.

Plant parts used medicinally

Bark of young shoots. To obtain them, oaks are grown as shrubs. The bark is peeled in spring and dried as quickly as possible. All oak species are to be rated equally in terms of the constituents of their bark.


More than 10 percent tannins.

Medicinal properties and uses of oak

Oak bark is probably the best known and most widely used tannin drug. She works contracting and anti-inflammatory. It also strengthens the intestines and is a constipation Diarrhea. There are many options for targeted use as a tea, infusion or decoction. Mostly external use Inflammation of the oral mucosa, oozing Eczema, hemorrhoids, Lower leg ulcers. Chilblains, Sweaty feet.

Preparation of oak

Boil 2 tablespoons of fully cut bark covered with half a liter of water for 10 minutes and, after cooling, pour off through gauze or a cloth handkerchief. This liquid can be used to rinse the mouth in the event of inflammation, and to make pads for eczema, lower leg ulcers, hemorrhoids and fissures. For bathing with sweaty feet or chilblains, prepare a decoction of 2 handfuls of bark with 3 liters of water as described.

side effect

No side effects to fear at the stated dosage.