Groin Pain - What Do I Have?


Often times, groin pain occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. The pain is uncomfortable and should be perceived as a major symptom of the body.
There are many possible causes of the pain in the groin, so it is not immediately clear where the pain is coming from.

The character of the pain can be stabbing, sharp or dull and a doctor should be consulted if possible, the more sudden and severe this groin pain (inguinal pain) occurs. However, if less severe pain does not subside even after 24 hours, a doctor must be consulted here as well.
With any disease, however, it is imperative that it can best be treated if it is recognized as early as possible. The success of the treatment is then greatest and chronic pain can be avoided.

Find out more about the general topic here: Pain

Common causes

  • Thigh fracture
  • Muscle injuries
  • Tendon injuries
  • Pelvic ring loosening
  • Nerve inflammation
  • Urinary organs disease
  • Genital organ disease
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Intestinal infection
  • Appendicitis
  • Inflammation of the inguinal ligament

Appointment with ?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

In order to be able to treat successfully in orthopedics, a thorough examination, diagnosis and a medical history are required.
In our very economic world in particular, there is too little time to thoroughly grasp the complex diseases of orthopedics and thus initiate targeted treatment.
I don't want to join the ranks of "quick knife pullers".
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You will find me:

  • Lumedis - orthopedic surgeons
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

You can make an appointment here.
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
For more information about myself, see Lumedis - Orthopedists.

Lymph nodes on the groin

Lymph nodes are important stations in our body's defense or immune system. In the groin there are a particularly large number of lymph nodes that become active during a disease and enlarge in the process.
As a rough distinction, one can say that painful enlarged lymph nodes are more a sign of inflammation, while painless swollen nodes are more indicative of a malignant disease.
If there is pain in the groin due to lymph nodes, it can be concluded that there is inflammation (inflammation of the inguinal canal). Since lymph nodes swell especially near inflammations, the cause must also be looked for nearby. For example, diseases of the intestine or the genital area are often accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin.
But infections of the feet, such as athlete's foot or ulcers in the case of diabetes or poor blood circulation in the feet can also cause this. In addition, diseases that affect the whole body can also lead to swellings in the lymph nodes, in which case other lymph node areas are usually also swollen. An example here would be the "real" flu, which causes considerable lymph node swelling over a period of 2 weeks.

Read more on the topic: Lymph node swelling on the groin

Similar to a swollen, painful lymph node, an abscess can also present in the groin. This is also caused by an infection, but this is limited to the skin and the tissue around the abscess.

Groin pain caused by testicular disease

In men, groin pain can also be caused by the testicles. It is important to describe the pain more precisely in order to find the source of the pain.

If the pain occurs suddenly and is very severe, an acute event is usually also responsible for the pain.
An example of this is the so-called "testicular torsion", ie a rotation of the testicle around its own axis. Here, the supplying vessels of the testicle are partially or completely constricted and no longer supplied with blood. Testicular torsion is more common in infants and adolescents, especially during exercise such as jogging. The pain is severe and increases significantly when you apply pressure. The affected testicle usually swells. The main pain is in the testicles and sometimes radiates considerably into the groin. Testicular torsion is an absolute emergency as the testicle only survives a few hours without a blood supply and is then irreversibly damaged. An immediate operation can usually "untangle" and save the testicle. In contrast to inflammation of the testicle, when the testicle is lifted, the pain of testicular torsion increases.

Read more on the topic: Pulling in the testicle - what can it be?

Another condition that can lead to groin pain is inflammation of the testicle or epididymis. The pain is rather unusual for the body and is therefore occasionally projected onto the groin instead of the actually painful organ, the testicles or epididymis. Epididymitis can be triggered by pathogens, especially bacteria, but also by surgery or for no apparent reason.
In the case of a bacterial infection, the pathogen must be determined and then combated by taking targeted antibiotics. In the worst case, the epididymal infection can spread to the testicles. In this case, infertility can occur in the short term, which in a small number of cases can persist permanently. The pain is also accompanied by redness and swelling of the testicle, and when the testicle is lifted, the pain usually decreases.

A pendulum testicle can also cause pain in the groin. The testicle lies correctly in the scrotum, but is drawn to the groin by irritation, which can sometimes cause pain. Pendulum testicles usually do not require treatment.

You might also be interested in our next article: Spermatic neuralgia

Possible symptoms

Pain in the groin can have many causes.
  • sharp pain
  • sharp pain
  • dull pain
  • unusual Feeling of pressure
  • Nerve pain/“tingle in the legs
  • a Bulging of the abdominal wall (hernia, "Inguinal hernia")


When patients experience groin pain, they often wonder which doctor to turn to.
If the Groin pain not acute and therefore no emergency room has to be visited, first of all the Family doctor to be sought out to the pain.
If this doctor is unable to make a sufficient diagnosis, he will refer the affected patient to an appropriate specialist.

The diagnosis is carried out by detailed anamnesis, by examination the general state of health and the examination of the Groin region in particular. Some of the causes can be excluded by touching, hearing, seeing and measuring.

Is the individual cause cannot be determined by this basic examination, further ones will be Diagnostic methods consulted. These include:

  • the Ultrasound examination
  • endoscopic examinations
  • X-rays
  • Tissue samples
  • the Laboratory analysis of Blood and des Urine

Figure cause of groin pain

Figure pain in the groin: projection of the inguinal ligament, inguinal canal and lymph nodes onto the anterior abdominal wall (left)

Pain in the groin

  1. Inguinal ligament -
    Inguinal ligament
  2. Inner inguinal ring -
    Annulus inguinalis profundus
  3. Inguinal canal -
    Canalis ionguinalis
  4. Superficial inguinal ring -
    Superficial inguinal annulus
  5. Spermatic duct (male) -
    Deferens duct
    5a. Round mother band (woman) -
    Ligamentum teres uteri
  6. Lymph nodes
  7. Colon - Intestinum crassum
  8. Front upper
    Iliac spine -
    Anterior superior iliac spine
  9. Pubic bones -
    Pubic tuberosity
  10. Testicles / epididymis -
    Testis / epididymis
    Pain in the groin when:
    A - cough
    (Indication of an inguinal hernia)
    B - lifting
    (Pressure in the abdomen, athlete's groin)
    C - During pregnancy
    (Hormonal changes)
    D - inflammation of the testicle
    or the epididymis
    E - Painful enlarged
    Lymph nodes / diseases of the bowel

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

Where does the groin pain occur?

left groin pain

Although the possible causes of pain on the left in the groin can usually be treated relatively easily, such pain symptoms should not be underestimated.
Depending on the underlying cause, the pain on the left side of the groin can have different localizations. In addition, the fact whether the pain is acute or chronic provides an initial indication of the underlying underlying disease.

Above all, stabbing, sharp pains that occur on the left side of the groin and radiate into the thigh area can indicate a hip joint problem.

Please also read: Pain in the thigh and groin

Dull pain, which increases in intensity especially in stressful situations, indicate cartilage damage in the hip joint.

In addition, the inguinal or thigh hernia, muscle and tendon injuries as well as inflammatory processes in the rectum are among the most common causes of pain on the left in the groin.
Lymph node swellings that arise in the course of an infection can also lead to pronounced pain in the left groin.
In women who suffer from such pain symptoms, various underlying gynecological diseases must also be urgently ruled out. Particularly in pregnant women, pronounced loosening of the pelvic ring often triggers pain that occurs on the left or right in the groin.

Furthermore, an ectopic pregnancy in the left fallopian tube can be noticeable by severe pain in the left groin. Above all, suddenly occurring complaints in the groin region should definitely be promptly examined by a doctor.

Please also read our article on this Tendinitis in the groin

right side pain

There can be a variety of causes for the development of pain in the right groin.
While at Groin painthat only occur on the left, in most cases a so-called Inguinal hernia If there is pain in the right groin, other diseases must also be considered.

In addition, it should be clarified whether the pain felt by the affected patient comes directly from the groin or rather radiates from the abdomen into the groin. In most cases, pain in the right groin is a discomfort radiating from the abdomen.

Due to the localization in the right lower abdomen, inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the appendix (Appendicitis; appendicitis) cause pain in the right groin.
Typical for this disease is the onset of symptoms in the navel area.
Only after the inflammatory processes have progressed "hike“The pain in the right lower abdomen typical of appendicitis. In addition, diseases include the Gallbladder, of the bladder and inflamed bulges of the lining of the colon (Diverticulitis) one of the most common causes of right groin pain.
Chronic intestinal diseases or tumor diseases of the intestine can also lead to corresponding pain symptoms.
Especially in women who suffer from pain on the right in the groin, gynecological causes must also be ruled out. Typical causes for the appearance of pain on the right in the woman's groin include Inflammation of the ovaries, Endometriosis, cystic changes and ulcers in the area of ​​the uterus.

In addition, pain right in the groin can be caused by a so-called Ectopic pregnancy be evoked. Since some of the possible causes for the development of pain on the right in the groin can be life-threatening under certain circumstances, those affected should consult a specialist as soon as possible. This is especially true for pain in the right groin that occurs suddenly, in full health.
Only extensive diagnostics can help to identify the causal disease quickly and specifically. Depending on the cause of the pain on the right in the groin, either conservative or surgical treatment should be initiated.

Hip pain

Most hip diseases will go through first Pain in the groin area, noticeable in the transition between thigh and lower abdomen. Depending on the underlying disease, the pain can radiate from the hips to the legs and / or the lumbar spine. Especially people who have a muscular imbalance in the hip area often suffer from groin pain.
High stress while standing, walking or running can lead to muscle problems at the muscle attachments or to a shortening of the muscles themselves. The so-called "Adductors“Being affected on the inside of the thigh. (please refer: Adductor strain)
In addition, pain in the groin can be caused by osteoarthritis of the hip.
In the early stages of this disease, the affected patients notice severe pain, especially in the morning hours, which decrease in intensity during the day. In this context one speaks of the so-called "Starting pain“.

In addition, pain in the groin, which occurs mainly when the leg is turned around its own axis, is one of the typical symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip. Another cause of the development of pain in the groin is the so-called "Osteonecrosis of the hip" (Synonym: Femoral head necrosis). The groin pain felt by the patient is typically stinging. For this reason, the symptoms are often associated with inflammatory processes or a hip trauma, especially at the beginning of the disease.

People who suffer from sudden or prolonged pain in the groin and hip should urgently seek medical advice. Appropriate treatment can only be initiated and pain effectively relieved after extensive diagnostics.

When does your groin pain occur?

Pain in the groin after exercise

Since the possible causes for the development of pain in the groin are so diverse, it is particularly important to classify the occurrence of the complaints over time. For example, if the pain mainly occurs in the morning and subsides significantly over the course of the day (so-called start-up pain), a Hip arthrosis exist.
In addition, a distinction should be made as to whether the pain in the groin persists at rest or only occurs under stress, for example during or after exercise. Pain in the groin, which only occurs after exercise and completely disappears when you are at rest, may indicate that the ligaments are overstrained. Diseases of the hip joint can also lead to pain in the groin in the early stages, which is only noticed after exercise.

Pain in the groin when lifting

Similar to coughing lifting heavy objects also creates high pressure in the abdomen, whereby with a correspondingly wide inguinal canal, intestinal parts can be pressed into it and a Inguinal hernia can arise. Especially if the pain occurs more frequently, a doctor should check whether this stress can be avoided or whether an operation is necessary, for example, to maintain the ability to work.

Stress also causes groin pain in athletes, especially soccer players. In this case one speaks of a Athlete barcaused by improper loading of the adductors. The adductors are located on the inside of the thigh and are typically used when shooting a ball. In contrast to the inguinal hernia, there is no swelling of the athlete's bar and occurs even when the abdominal cavity is subjected to stress without increased pressure, e.g. so when playing football.

Pain in the groin when coughing

Pain in the groin that especially when coughing can occur a Indication of an inguinal hernia be.
With inguinal hernia, push themselves Internal organs (usually parts of the intestine) through the so-called inguinal canalthat pulls through the abdominal wall.
An inguinal hernia occurs especially when the Inguinal canal quite wide is and also if a higher pressure in the abdomen occurs.
This happens especially when coughing, as the chest and abdominal muscles involuntarily contract. As a result, parts of the intestine are briefly pushed into the inguinal canal and thus lead to pain. After the cough, the bowel usually retreats to its original place.
Most of the time, however, there is more of a feeling of pressure in the groin.
Should Pain occurs suddenly and persists after a strong cough, there is a risk that the Inguinal hernia pinched is. That means it no longer pushes itself back into the abdomen. In this case there is usually one painful swelling palpable. The blood flow to the intestinal section is no longer guaranteed in the event of an entrapment and a doctor must be consulted immediately to prevent the intestine from dying off.

Appointment with ?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

In order to be able to treat successfully in orthopedics, a thorough examination, diagnosis and a medical history are required.
In our very economic world in particular, there is too little time to thoroughly grasp the complex diseases of orthopedics and thus initiate targeted treatment.
I don't want to join the ranks of "quick knife pullers".
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You will find me:

  • Lumedis - orthopedic surgeons
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

You can make an appointment here.
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
For more information about myself, see Lumedis - Orthopedists.

Groin pain in pregnancy

Groin pain is not uncommon during pregnancy. Of course, like any other person, these can be independent of pregnancy, but hormonal changes occasionally lead to this pain. This hormonal pain is usually strongest in the back, groin, and pelvis.

Read more on the topic: Signs of pregnancy

The groin pain is caused by the loosening and softening of the connective tissue, which occurs naturally during pregnancy. This makes childbirth much easier because the birth canal can become larger without destroying tissue. This hormonal softening is also the reason why women usually have significantly more flexible joints, muscles and ligaments than men, even outside of pregnancy.
The pain is most likely to occur while walking, as this is where the load on the pelvis is greatest.

Another reason for groin pain during pregnancy can be a hernia. As the child grows, the pressure inside the mother's abdomen increases and thus also on the inguinal canal. The inguinal canal also becomes softer due to the softening of the connective tissue. Both factors contribute significantly to the development of an inguinal hernia.
During birth, the pressure in the abdomen increases again due to the pressing, which is why there is a particularly high risk of a hernia. During pregnancy, however, inguinal hernias are usually not operated on in order not to endanger mother and child through anesthesia and surgery. The exceptions are, of course, pinched fractures that need urgent care. It should also be noted that groin pain can only arise after pregnancy, as the hormonal changes in the connective tissue only gradually decrease, so that pain caused by pregnancy also occurs after the birth.

Also read our topic: Burning in the groin

Groin pain in babies and children

An inguinal hernia can occur in childhood. When analyzing the cause of the pain, it is difficult here that the little ones cannot communicate and therefore cannot describe where and when the pain occurs.
If the parents notice a "bump" in the groin or testicle area, the child must be presented to a doctor immediately and, if necessary (outside the doctor's office hours), taken to the hospital!
If the child reacts particularly sensitively to touch and signals pain, it is also possible that there is an inguinal hernia, which, however, does not yet bulge out through the abdominal wall and is therefore still "invisible". In this case, too, a doctor should be consulted immediately!
The inguinal hernia should be recognized and operated on as early as possible. In most cases, this operation is carried out on an outpatient basis so that the parents can take their child home with them on the same day. The healing process is very quick here, so that just a few weeks after the diagnosis and the operation the child has "forgotten" everything and the wound heals well.

You might also be interested in: Inguinal hernia in the baby

Diagnostic tool for groin / groin pain

Let our diagnostics tree guide you to the possible diagnosis.

This self-test for pain in the groin or groin pain is designed in such a way that one is guided to a possible diagnosis on the basis of symptoms and complaints.

We have tried to differentiate as much as possible.
Unfortunately, not all diseases can be clearly distinguished by their symptoms, but rather have an individual character, so you should only understand the result as a possible diagnosis.

Note: This test is in no way a substitute for a specialist diagnosis.
When you have a possible diagnosis of your groin pain, it should be confirmed by an orthopedic specialist.

How would you best rate your groin pain?

Read the following symptom combinations carefully and see which symptoms you find the most overlap.
This diagnosis is the most likely for yours Groin / groin pain.

Hip osteoarthritis

Typical are pain in "Start walking", medically one speaks of Starting pain. This means that the first steps are painful after standing or sitting for a long time.
In the further course there is also one Exercise pain. This means that longer walking distances or sporting activities are painful.
The groin pain / pain in the groin is always typical.
As the disease progresses, it also increases Restriction of movement in the mobility of the hip.

Your most likely diagnosis is:
Hip arthrosis (med. Coxarthrosis)

Femoral head necrosis

The onset of the disease was rapid (within a few weeks).
Most of the complaints are at night. The pain level is very high.
Painkillers usually work badly. Sometimes you feel a distinct rubbing in the groin area.
The pain can also be partially in the buttock radiate.

Your most likely diagnosis is:
Femoral head necrosis (HCN)

Hip dysplasia

You got one as a child Spreader pants worn or wrapped wide.
You walk conspicuously with your feet turned inwards.
Of the Cross legged causes you problems, as a child you sat in the "frog position" for it.
When stressed, you have Pain in the groin.

Your most likely diagnosis is:
Hip dysplasia

Impingement Syndrome of the Hip

Typical for a Hip impingement are Pain with strong flexion of the hip and Internal rotation (the foot turns outwards!). This causes pain in the groin.
Often too Groin pain at the Sit.
Otherwise, the pain is comparable to that in the early stages of one Hip osteoarthritis.

Your most likely diagnosis is:
Hip impingement (Hip impingement syndrome)

Inguinal hernia

Typical symptom for one Inguinal hernia is the swelling in the groin.
Not all Inguinal hernias must necessarily be accompanied by pain.
Sometimes you can increase the swelling in the groin by pressing the abdomen.

Your most likely diagnosis is:
Inguinal hernia (inguinal hernia)

Prevention / prevention

Both the Groin pain generally as well as that Inguinal hernia can be prevented. It is important that the To spare muscles and strengthen it with sport and targeted exercises.

A Normal weight is to be strived for because Obesity strong negative affects and the Abdominal muscles overloadedso that an inguinal hernia can occur.

This also includes healthy eatingwhich significantly contributes to reducing the risk of an inguinal hernia, as it prevents obesity and constipation as risk factors for an inguinal hernia. Also should be a correct posture respected and maintained both when carrying heavy objects and in everyday life. The joints are stabilized by sitting and walking upright and by doing properly Footwear spared. Also Physiotherapist and doctors can take courses etc. to help (re) establish correct posture.