Tensioner of the eardrum


Latin: Tensor tympani muscle
English: tympanic muscle

Synergist: Stapedius muscle


The tensioner of the eardrum is a middle ear muscle. He tensions the eardrum by pulling the hammer towards the middle. In this way, it supports the stapes muscle in its task of reducing sound transmission and thus also serves to protect the ear from excessively high sound levels.


Approach: Handle of hammer (Manubrium mallei)

Origin: Eustachian tube (Tuba auditiva)

Innervation: Nervus musculi tensoris tympani of the nervus mandibularis


The tensioner of the eardrum serves this Protection of the inner ear from excessive sound pressures. He tensions that eardrumwhich means that the sound is reflected more and less transmitted. The reduced sound transmission to the perilymph of the inner ear minimizes the risk of damage at high volumes.