Compensation for a cervical spine syndrome

Compensation for a cervical spine syndrome

The term Cervical spine syndrome includes a variety of conditions that ultimately result in the symptom complex of sometimes severe Pain in the Shoulder, neck and arm area result. One of the many causes of a cervical spine syndrome can be a traffic accident triggered Cervical spine distortion (Whiplash) be. In this case it is sometimes possible for an affected person personal injury compensation The process often turns out to be lengthy.

The question of compensation for pain and suffering for a cervical spine syndrome after a car accident / traffic accident is the order of the day in the orthopedic practice.
Classifying the symptoms is not that easy.

It often happens between the injured party and the insurance companies Disagreementswhether there is a cervical spine syndrome and, consequently, whether the prerequisite for payment of pain and suffering is even given. On the one hand, this is difficult because there are different Degrees of severity whiplash.
In the lower degrees of severity (1 and 2 of a total of 4 - see also Cervical spine syndrome) it is often not possible to detect a cervical spine syndrome with the help of imaging or other diagnostic procedures, even if it actually exists. Then, of course, it is difficult to assess whether the pain actually exists or whether a person is just pretending to be around you Right to compensation for pain and suffering to have. For this reason, it is advisable to consult an orthopedic specialist in any case and to have all the examinations and treatments offered by him carried out.

The next difficulty then is to link an existing cervical spine syndrome (regardless of whether it is ultimately detectable or not) with the previous accident.
Because there are so many different causes for a cervical spine syndrome it is often not possible to tell whether the cervical spine syndrome has recently passed through one Whiplash was caused or may have existed for much longer and is only now mentioned because of the hope for compensation from doctors.

If the presence of a cervical spine syndrome is considered certain, the amount of compensation for pain and suffering still differs considerably from case to case. If the damage is viewed as only minor, it can usually come to an out-of-court agreement between the parties involved, which is also known as comparison designated.

The range of how much money an affected person is ultimately awarded is enormous and depends above all on how bad the damage caused is and whether it persists in the long term.
A simple cervical spine syndrome can be compensated for with a few 100 euros, while the amount, if chronic complaints have occurred, can go up to the 10,000 range.
Since the parties involved indicate this in almost every car accident / traffic accident, the reimbursements are usually limited to € 250 regardless of the actual extent due to the large number of cases.
Unfortunately, here the "simulators" like the "cervical spine syndrome" injured are unfortunately lumped together.