

A sunstroke, also known as insolation, is a reaction of the body to a previously prolonged exposure to sunlight on the unprotected head or neck.The main cause of the resulting symptoms such as headache or nausea is the heat transmitted by the sun's rays, which is associated with increased irritation of the brain and especially the meninges.

Read more on this topic: Meningeal irritation

The sunstroke can also be called isolated heat stroke of the head This is a good expression of the underlying warmth component of the resulting symptoms. Nevertheless one distinguishes the sunstroke from the heatstrokewhich definitely more dangerous is and with a complete Increase in body temperature goes hand in hand - this occurs usually not with sunstroke on.


Long-term exposure to the heat transmitted by the sun results in a sunstroke Irritation of the brain and meninges. The unprotected head reacts to heat with a Widening of the blood vessels, the blood volume appears to decrease, since the widening of the blood vessels increases the volume of blood.

In addition to the irritation from heat, there is also a slight inflammatory reaction in the area of ​​the brain and meninges, which additionally have the Pain symptoms of sunstroke.

The long-suspected assumption that UV radiation was the cause of the occurrence of a sunstroke could not be proven as a trigger, so that today we are alone increased heat load on the head and neck area sees it as a problem. Often those affected do not see themselves significantly exposed to the sun through apparently cooling measures, such as staying in the water or hiking in high altitude regions, but the symptoms of a sunstroke can still be impressive after a few hours.


The diagnosis of a sunstroke can be quite difficult for the examiner because the Symptoms often one Resemble meningitis can. The irritation of the meninges caused by heat can, as in meningitis with a Neck stiffness accompanied. Symptoms like nausea, Headache, physical and psychological restlessness confirm the overlap between the two clinical pictures.

At the beginning of all diagnostics there is the anamnesis, which the Questions about the duration of sunbathing and accompanying activities. Also the question of Contact to possibly occurred in the area Cases of meningitis should not be missing here. Eventual Tick ​​bites should be included in the expertise. These two courses must therefore initially be excluded in order to avoid potentially preventable courses of the disease.

What are the signs of sunstroke?

The first signs of sunstroke are headaches, sensitivity to light and noise. As a rule, the person affected can recognize the sun's radiation as the cause, because the temporal relationship between sunbathing and the first symptoms often proves to be timely and plausible.

A red head, feeling hot or dizzy can also be the first signs of the onset of symptoms. Often a certain inner restlessness or a ringing in the ears but also fatigue or drowsiness can be observed as signs of sunstroke.

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As these symptoms do not always make it clear to laypeople what it is and in some cases the symptoms only get worse after a few hours, a doctor should be consulted. This will find diagnostic tools to rule out other potentially dangerous diseases and to treat them quickly if necessary.

Concomitant symptoms

Accompanying symptoms of a sunstroke can include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition to the first signs of sunstroke, the symptoms listed above can intensify, but they don't all have to be in their entirety. In addition to the aforementioned feeling of heat, fever is rarely observed.

If the case of sunstroke is particularly severe, it is possible that cerebral edema develops. This leads to increased pressure in the skull due to water retention, which can bring about so-called intracranial pressure signs. On the one hand, there are the aforementioned diffuse headaches, nausea and vomiting - especially gushing vomiting.

Duration of symptoms

The duration of the corresponding symptoms can vary from person to person and depends on the duration of exposure to the sun. Symptoms usually begin two to three hours after being outdoors. Depending on how adequate the treatment is, headaches and nausea can persist for hours and be troublesome for the person affected. If there is no improvement or further deterioration after a few hours and adequate fluid intake as well as staying in the shade and cooling, a doctor should be consulted.

Symptoms after a day

After a day should the previously passed Complaints weakened or disappeared be. Adequate hydration and physical rest should have improved overnight. At most it is possible that a Feeling exhausted and a mild headache stay behind.

Sufficient protective measures should definitely be taken the next time you sunbathe, as recommended below. Consist still after a day those described above Symptoms, should be Consulted a doctor to prevent and treat more serious courses

a headache

Headaches are a central symptom sunstroke and are often the first to notice. The heat transferred by solar radiation irritates the meninges, which are very nervous and are immediately noticeable after overuse. In addition to headaches are common too radiating neck discomfort described. Cooling with damp towels or cool pads can bring relief.


Nausea is another typical symptom of sunstroke. The above-mentioned irritation of the meninges due to the increased heat load, irritates regions in the brain, which cause nausea and vomiting can. This can be promoted by a slight cerebral edema, i.e. an increased accumulation of water due to a slight inflammatory component of the sunstroke. So it is not unusual for nausea and vomiting to occur as part of a sunstroke. If the nausea becomes too strong, it is advisable to consult a doctor.


In addition to the symptoms already explained, diarrhea can also become part of the symptoms of sunstroke. The one created by the heat physical stress conditionally an increased Release of stress hormones, which also affect the gastrointestinal tract and a increased bowel activity entail. This leads to a reduced water absorption of the intestines from the food to be digested. This is then expressed in more fluid stools than usual. Here it applies to one adequate fluid intake to pay attention.


The Differentiation of sunstroke from heat stroke is also done based on body temperature. Because only with heat stroke there is an increase in the core body temperature, i.e. the development of fever and other more serious consequences than sunstroke.

If a fever develops when a sunstroke is suspected, a doctor should definitely be consulted, because now heat stroke can, for example, also occur Meningitis (meningitis) to be possible.

What to do in case of sunstroke?

If a sunstroke is suspected, the causative factor, in this case the sun or warm surroundings, should first be avoided. In addition, it is advisable to bring yourself to a quiet environment to protect your body. It is also important to ensure that you are drinking enough fluids. In addition, it can be helpful for the person concerned to put a cooling cloth on the neck and / or forehead.

Appropriate medication can also be taken for headaches and nausea, for example ibuprofen or paracetamol for headaches. So-called travel tablets (e.g. Vomex®) can be helpful if you are sick.

If the symptoms last longer than a day or two or even get worse, a doctor should be consulted for further diagnosis and therapy in order to avoid more serious courses.

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Home remedies

Well-known home remedies in addition to leaving the hot environment directly are, for example damp, cold towels which can be placed on the neck and / or head. If you use ice for cooling, you should always use a cloth to place it on to avoid direct contact with the skin to prevent frostbite. Can continue Yogurt or quark compresses have a soothing effect. For ideal hydration, cold Self-brewed but cooled teas to be used, each of which has a pinch Add salt and sugar can. This serves to prevent electrolyte loss through excessive sweating.

Medicines for sunstroke

There are no drugs that specifically target sunstroke. Nothing can be taken directly as a preventive measure. As in the section above, the therapy consists more of a purely symptomatic therapy. A lack of fluids should by Drink For example, a headache can be replenished by taking Ibuprofen Be combated nausea by doing the above Travel tablets remove. The diarrhea should limit itself after a while, you should only take something in an extreme emergency.


Homeopathy in general can be a useful help for one or the other, supportive to other measuresto achieve success in the treatment of sunstroke. Still, it is important to know that homeopathy has no greater benefits and success than a placebo. For the homeopathic treatment of sunstroke, some substances are recommended by naturopaths that are available as globules or ointment, such as Bryonia alba, Active ingredients of the white bryonywhich should help with headaches.

Duration of the sunstroke

The duration of a sunstroke is shaped individually for each affected person and depends on the duration and strength of the stay in the sun or heat. Usually the symptoms leading back to the sunstroke should be the last decreased after two to three days be. If the symptoms persist and show no improvement, should urgently consulted a doctor become. Kick a pronounced neck stiffness, confusion or unconsciousness on, should as well medical advice be obtained.

Sunstroke in the child or toddler - what are the special features?

Children and toddlers are particularly at risk get a sunstroke, especially if they play unattended and unprotected outside in the heat or sun for some time. In addition, children often have one not very pronounced hair on the headwhich also makes them more vulnerable to the sun and heat. Therefore it is fundamentally important to protect children well from heat, for example through Headgear but also through intermittent ones Stay in a protected climate. Times with increased heat such as in summer between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. should be avoided.

In addition, a adequate hydration of the child are respected. On adequate sun protection special care must be taken, especially in the hotter months.

How can you prevent sunstroke?

To prevent sunstroke you should Avoid long stays in extreme heat or strong sun become. If this is not possible, the head and neck in particular should be well protected from direct heat. Suitable for this Sun hats or scarves for example.

Adequate hydration is essential. As a basic rule, the adult body needs due to increased sweating at least half a liter to a liter more fluids per day than on normally warm days. If you sweat excessively due to intense heat, you should even consider drinking more fluids.