Growth of eyebrows


The growth of eyebrows is not always the same. Rather, it is divided into three phases in which the speed is very different.

These phases can be divided into the growth, transition and rest phase.

It can take several weeks to a whole year for a completely torn eyebrow to regain its original length.

How fast do eyebrows grow?

The growth phase (anagen phase) is characterized by the fastest hair length growth. Here eyebrow hairs lengthen by approx. 1.1 mm per week. The speed, as well as the duration of the growth phase, are partly genetic. Therefore they can be very different from one individual to another.

The transition phase (catagenic phase) is characterized by the fact that growth is slowly stopped. The hair follicle from which the eyebrow grows becomes stunted. At the end of this phase, the eyebrow falls out. Eyebrows grow about 10 months before they fall out.

The resting phase (telogen phase) is primarily used to form a new hair papilla. For eyebrows, this can take several weeks to a few months. The new hair papilla then enters the anagen phase and hair growth begins again.

First of all, also read our article regarding the anatomy of the eyebrows: Eyebrows - you should know that

What Affects Eyebrow Growth?

Many different factors determine the growth of eyebrows. One of them is genetic predisposition. The speed of hair growth in particular, but also the duration of the hair growth phase, are influenced by families.

Hormones, the body's own messenger substances, also have an influence on hair growth. Especially growth hormones like that Growth factors control the cell division that is necessary for growth.

However, a deficiency (hypothyroidism) or excess (hyperthyroidism) of thyroid hormones can limit the growth of the eyebrows. This also happens with an excess of typical male hormones (androgens) such as the dihydrotestosterone.

Eating a healthy diet is also important for optimal eyebrow growth. The supply of the vitamin biotin plays a particularly important role. It's found in oatmeal, milk, offal, and nuts. In addition to insufficient absorption of the vitamin, medication (anticonvulsants, antibiotics) or the excessive consumption of raw eggs can also lead to a biotin deficiency.

A healthy diet also includes minerals such as iron or zinc and sufficient proteins. Iron deficiency, in particular, which can cause anemia, has a negative effect on eyebrow growth.

In addition, excessive or long-term plucking can lead to the hair papilla being damaged too often. It then scars and the growth of new hair can be very delayed or even stop entirely.

A healthy diet is the foundation of both eyebrow growth and the overall health of the body. We therefore recommend that you also look at the following articles:

  • What role does the vitamin H biotin play?
  • What does a healthy diet look like?

Which home remedies stimulate growth?

There are many different home remedies that are attributed to accelerate eyebrow growth.

A simple home remedy is to stop plucking or waxing. In addition, vigorous scratching or rubbing, as well as excessive peeling should be avoided. Make-up that is applied to the eyebrows should be used sparingly or omitted entirely.

Lightly massaging the eyebrows is also considered a home remedy. It increases blood circulation and thus ensures a better supply of nutrients. The massages should be used gently and in moderation.

Garlic or onion juice is also said to have a positive effect on eyebrow growth. Oils such as Have olive oil. But skin care products such as petroleum jelly or aloe vera can also support growth.

Home remedies are usually cheaper than cosmetic products such as Eyebrow serums. The effect of home remedies is usually not clinically confirmed and can therefore only be assumed. Most home remedies, however, have no or hardly any side effects. Trying it out does not usually hurt. Nevertheless, caution should be paid to possible irritation and changes to the skin areas that come into contact with the home remedy.

Home remedies show promise in many areas. The following articles on the subject of home remedies and cosmetics could also be of importance to you:

  • Home remedies for dark circles
  • Home remedies for acne

Castor oil for eyebrow growth

Castor oil was considered a long-proven home remedy to promote eyebrow growth. Today, however, an accelerating effect on eyebrow growth is no longer assumed.

But castor oil can make the hair appear thicker, shinier and silky after application.

When using castor oil, you should watch out for any incompatibilities.

You can find additional information on castor oil at: Castor Oil - How Does It Work?

Coconut oil for eyebrow growth

Coconut oil is considered a home remedy to speed up or stimulate the growth of eyebrows. However, this effect has not been confirmed with certainty.

The oil can be used to care for the eyebrows. It makes them appear thicker, shinier, and darker. This also often makes the eyebrows appear thicker.

When using coconut oil, you should watch out for any intolerances.

What to think of eyebrow growth serums?

If eyebrows grow only sparsely or not at all, there are many tips and aids to stimulate growth. Growth serums are also part of this wide range and are now offered by many different companies.

The active ingredients in eyebrow serums vary. Substances that are important for hair growth or firm skin are often used. These include biotin (a vitamin), hyaluronic acid (part of the extracellular matrix, i.e. the space between the cells), panthenol (precursor of a vitamin) or peptides (small proteins).

However, it is controversial whether these substances are actually absorbed into the body to a greater extent when they are applied to the skin.

Prostaglandins are also often used. These are messenger substances (hormones) of the tissue. They stimulate hair growth. In the body, they mediate, among other things, the development of fever and pain. These side effects can occur with eyebrow serums that contain prostaglandins. It can also cause swelling.

The compatibility should therefore be carefully tested when using such a serum. It should also be noted that there are hardly any clinical studies that prove the effects of eyebrow serums. Therefore it cannot be said with certainty whether any growth can be ascribed to the serum. A kind of placebo effect would also be conceivable. In addition, many serums make the eyebrows appear better and thicker, which can lead to the impression that the hair has grown faster.

Most eyebrows also grow back without a serum as soon as they are e.g. no longer be plucked. If you want to grow your eyebrows, you need to be patient before you resort to expensive cosmetics.

Refraining from plucking the eyebrows can take some effort at the beginning, so it is also possible to only slightly pluck the eyebrows at first. Here's how to best pluck your eyebrows: Tips for plucking eyebrows

Can you stop eyebrow growth?

There are drugs that stop hair growth such as Eflornithine. This helps about a third of the users significantly, with a further third it causes at least an improvement.

Side effects such as itching, burning, pain and acne can occur. The drug requires a prescription.

Frequent or too long plucking of the eyebrows can damage the hair papilla. This sometimes leads to a lack of or delayed growth. However, this effect is not always achieved and is difficult to control.

Permanent hair removal by laser is also possible in the area of ​​the eyebrows. The hair follicles are destroyed. However, especially in dark-haired people, hair can grow back over time.

Further important information on the subject of "hair removal" can also be found at:

  • Laser beard
  • Outgrow hair
  • Strong hair growth in women - what's behind it?

Recommendation from the editor

Further important information on the subject can be found at:

  • Anatomy of the eyebrows
  • Everything you need to know about eyebrow color
  • Eyebrow lift
  • Eyebrows fall out - what to do
  • Pain in the eyebrows