
Chronic fatigue can have many causes.

Under fatigue one usually suffers as Result of lack of sleep. Then you sleep in and the problem is usually solved. fatigue can be a sign that the body is missing something, like sleep or Move. Or it can indicate that the body is currently highly active and is against Germs fights back, which often leads to increased fatigue sign a cold. In this case, persistent fatigue is a symptom of one Underlying diseaselike the common cold. Causes of pathological chronic fatigue are numerous, so that it is important to clarify these and, above all, to identify treatable diseases. Treatment of the underlying disease usually also leads to a reduction in fatigue. Becomes never mind found, an independent clinical picture, the chronic fatigue syndrome, can also be the basis.

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The different causes that can lead to the presence of chronic fatigue are numerous. It is all the more important to clarify chronic fatigue and identify treatable causes at an early stage. The diseases leading to chronic fatigue can be assigned to many different disciplines, with the internal diseases are most common.

  • For example, anemia, which is often caused by an iron deficiency, can manifest itself as chronic fatigue. In addition, paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, dizziness and general poor performance are often noticeable.
  • Low blood pressure is often associated with pronounced fatigue and many heart diseases can also make the person affected feel limp and tired. If there is a weak heart, this is mostly expressed by shortness of breath during exertion or swelling of the legs. Heart muscle inflammation can have various causes and courses: From courses without symptoms to life-threatening forms, almost any form is possible. Typical symptoms of myocarditis caused by an infection are chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and general weakness, cardiac arrhythmias and pain in the chest.
  • Infections such as shingles and glandular fever are usually associated with fatigue during the illness, which often lasts for a long time.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis or the intestinal diseases Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis often cause pronounced fatigue.
  • Chronic fatigue can appear as the first symptom of a tumor disease, for example of the hematopoietic system, and people often suffer from excruciating chronic fatigue even during the treatment of cancer, primarily during chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Numerous autoimmune diseases are also often associated with pronounced fatigue. These are diseases in which the body's own defense system is wrongly directed against the body's own cells. Massive inflammatory reactions occur, which is very exhausting for the body and can lead to chronic fatigue. Typical autoimmune diseases accompanied by fatigue are, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • If there are disorders of general well-being, such as unknown chronic fatigue, hormonal disorders should always be considered, as hormones have an important control function in the body. For example, the thyroid controls the overall level of activity in the body. If this is overactive, the body is too active - for example restlessness and a racing heart. If the thyroid is not active enough, the person concerned often feels weak, listless and suffers from chronic fatigue.
  • Another organ that should always be checked for chronic fatigue is the liver. It plays a central role in the metabolism, produces some hormones and bile and is responsible for the disposal of pollutants. If there is liver damage, for example due to viral diseases or alcohol, this often manifests itself initially in the less specific complaints of chronic fatigue, lack of drive and poor appetite. As the disease progresses, nausea, pressure, changes in the color of stool and urine, and jaundice of the skin can all indicate liver disease. The kidney is also important for the disposal of harmful substances.
  • Kidney diseases, such as inflammation or chronic kidney weakness, can also initially be noticed by chronic fatigue. Other typical complaints are changes in the urine and accumulation of fluid, for example on the feet, face and eyes. Various neurological infections also often lead to chronic fatigue.
  • About 80% of patients with multiple sclerosis suffer from permanent fatigue known as "fatigue" and myasthenia gravis and the various muscular dystrophies are often associated with it.
  • Fibromyalgia is a disease that is characterized by chronic muscle pain that lasts for at least three months. So-called are characteristic tender points, i.e. points at which pain can be triggered by pressure. The cause of the disease is largely unknown; stress is considered to be a causal component. In addition to pain, chronic fatigue is also typical of fibromyalgia; paradoxically, there are often pronounced sleep disorders parallel to fatigue. Anxiety and depression can also occur in the context of fibromyalgia.
  • The presence of chronic fatigue can also indicate the clinical picture of depression. The main symptoms are a depressed mood, decreased drive and a loss of interest. Further complaints can be, for example, sleep disorders, pain or difficulty concentrating.
  • It is important to recognize lead poisoning as the cause of chronic fatigue. Nowadays this occurs mainly as a result of contaminated drugs or as a result of occupational accidents. If, in addition to chronic fatigue, there is a gray-yellow skin coloration, intestinal colic and paralysis or headaches, the suspicion should be investigated. The diagnosis is usually based on an examination of the blood. If the suspicion is confirmed, the person concerned must immediately receive therapy.
  • Also associated with chronic fatigue is multiple chemical sensitivity, abbreviated to MCS. With this symptom, low concentrations of numerous substances which normally do not cause symptoms lead to problems. Those affected suffer massively from various ailments, such as sensory irritation, hypersensitivity or symptoms of the nervous system. If there is a suspicion of MCS, it is important to rule out other treatable diseases.
  • If a child suffers from chronic fatigue, it should first be clarified whether they are getting enough sleep for their age. Children need significantly more sleep than adults, up to 16 hours in the first few years. At school age, children need around ten to twelve hours of sleep. If a child is chronically tired despite getting enough sleep, this should be discussed with the pediatrician. It is not uncommon for children to have an underactive thyroid or an iron deficiency, which leads to chronic fatigue. These deficiency diseases of hormones or vitamins can be treated easily.
  • A serious cause of chronic fatigue is the presence of one leukemia, so from blood cancer. Often there is a fever and frequent infections, as well as weight loss and leg pain. An increased bleeding tendency and swelling of the lymph nodes can also indicate leukemia.
  • In old age, many people complain of chronic fatigue. In the elderly, too, attention should always be paid to the presence of other symptoms so that no treatable cause is overlooked. However, it should be noted that chronic fatigue in old age often has no disease value, but rather should be viewed as a normal condition. Increased tiredness in old age can simply indicate that resources are no longer as inexhaustible as they were in younger years.

If all other possible causes are excluded, the diagnosis can be made chronic fatigue syndrome be asked. The exact cause is unclear; previous ones, for example, are discussed Infections, an immune disorder, allergic and mental Causes and also genetic Influencing factors.

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First should be comprehensive Medical history be collected. It should be described how long the symptoms have been present and to what extent normal activities are impaired. For the doctor It is important to know whether there are any other symptoms and which other diseases are known to the person concerned. This is followed by a detailed physical examination and usually a blood sample. If there is a specific suspicion of an illness that leads to fatigue, this should be investigated. If there is no indication of the presence of such a disease, the diagnosis can be chronic fatigue syndrome be asked.

Frequency distribution

The frequency of chronic fatigue cannot be precisely determined due to the numerous causes; it is suspected that around 10% of adults are affected. Patients with multiple sclerosis are roughly 80% affected by chronic fatigue, suffer around 40% of the Cancer patients below, although the frequency differs depending on the type of cancer. The chronic fatigue syndrome affects about in Germany 300000 People, being especially Women between the ages 30 and 40 often suffer from it.


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Chronic fatigue is often associated with sleep disorders.

Chronic fatigue is usually expressed by a constant feeling of exhaustion, a constant languor and a quick fatigue. Usually a Reduction in performance laments, as well as increased forgetfulness and disorders of concentration. Despite the tiredness, sleep disorders are often reported, including an increased number Need for sleep may exist. Chronic fatigue is often accompanied by a depressive mood. Other complaints such as fever, Weight loss, Joint pain, Swelling of the legs or others can suggest a cause of chronic fatigue.

Therapy for chronic fatigue

The treatment of chronic fatigue should in principle be dependent on the cause. If there is a lack of sleep, this should be remedied. In the case of an underactive thyroid, regular intake of thyroid hormone and in the case of iron deficiency, the intake of iron respectively.

If no treatable cause is found, there are numerous therapy options, although the success varies from person to person. Essentially, three strategies are used:

  1. It will activating measures carried out, stress should be avoided and thus life should be rearranged.
  2. Finally, relaxation procedures and a corresponding one apply Sleep hygiene as success factors.
  3. Herbal substances are also used to combat chronic fatigue. The aim is to increase the body's resistance to stress and other negative factors. Plants used are, for example, roses, taiga root and ginseng root, basil, sisandra fruits and royal jelly.

Homeopathy can also have a supportive effect, with treatment in consultation with a homeopathic expert Doctor or pharmacist should be done. In choosing the right one Globules, the exact description of the severity of the complaints is crucial. Lies the feeling of Bruising and fatigue before, for example arnica can be helpful. Lies next to tiredness Feeling weak, Headache and a nervous stomach before so can Potassium phosphoricum help.

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To prevent chronic fatigue, one should use healthy lifestyle by means of more balanced Diet and sufficient Fluid intake, more regular Move and avoidance of Stress to be respected. Regular and good sleep is also important in order not to give chronic fatigue a chance. It should be sufficient Time interval between taking stimulant substances, such as caffeine, and Onset of sleep be respected.

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