
The three month colic describes a condition in infancy in which the children cry violently for no apparent reason. The name three months of colic usually has little to do with the duration or age of onset of the disease and is therefore easily misleading, as it can occur at any age and last for different lengths of time.


The reasons for the three month colic are not yet fully understood. Of the various theories, the most widely used and supported by most physicians is that the infant's intestines are not fully developed with gas and pain Ingestion and digestion reacts.

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In addition, infants often drink too quickly and swallow a lot of air, which can also be painful Flatulence cause.
Also, the mother's diet can help, because bloating substances through the Breast milk can get into the child. Children who are not breastfed but can be fed with cow's milk products under one Lactose intolerance, i.e. milk protein intolerance, suffer.

Also read: Baby abdominal pain - what is it?

If your child is not breastfed and suffers from colic, please have this clarified by your doctor. Lactose intolerance must be treated. Other factors can also affect your child's crying behavior. Studies show that children who are exposed to passive nicotine inhalation are more likely to cry excessively than children who grow up in a nicotine-free environment. Nicotine consumption during pregnancy also plays a role in the development of three month colic.It has been shown to increase the level of the hormone motilin, which in turn can have negative effects on the child's gut.
If diseases such as allergies are excluded as a cause, psychosocial factors must also be taken into account. Unrest in the parents can also spread to the child; this can become a vicious circle if the restless child in turn causes unrest in the parents.

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Learn more about: Help in dealing with a cry baby


Symptoms of three month colic are:

  • excessive shouting for no apparent reason
  • Abdominal pain after eating in children
  • distended stomach
  • Muscle tension with hyperextension of the trunk
  • Hard stomach
  • Legs and arms bent
  • Reddish discoloration of the skin
  • Child cannot be comforted by pacifiers, toys or cradles

Read more on the topic: Flatulence in the baby

Signs of three months of colic

The signs that speak for the three month colic belong above all never-ending screaming attacks. These persistent screaming attacks occur especially after dinner and in the second half of the day on. The baby does not stop crying and nothing can calm him down, so that the parents' despair grows. This excessive screaming occurs repeatedly for at least three weeks, three days a week for at least three hours.


For three-month colic, not only the physical examination, but also the psychological and social history is important, as there are various causes for three-month colic, as described above. The social situation and psychological stress should therefore also be discussed with the parents. Risk factors should also be discussed in a detailed consultation with the patient.
The three month colic is a diagnosis of exclusion, so other diseases must first be excluded. It should be the respiratory tract examined, as well as urinary tract, intestines and also the ears should be examined. Pay attention to the child's stool, blood or mucus can be evidence of for example one Cow's milk protein intolerance give. Writing or sleeping and food diaries are also helpful.

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Frequency distribution

The numbers vary depending on the study and country. According to the literature, about 8-30% of all children are affected by colic. The numbers are so different that three month colic is not defined the same way in every country. The three-month colic usually begins in the first 8 weeks of life and occurs less frequently thereafter. Symptoms usually resolve within 2 months, but they can last longer. Most of the time the screaming occurs in the evening.

When does colic occur for three months?

The three month colic occurs usually from the second and fourth week of life with a peak around the sixth week of life. There are several theories as to why three month colic occurs precisely at this point in time. The name initially implies that the baby is tormented by colicky abdominal pain. It is believed that children go through a improper food intake or food that your stomach is not yet used to, Get complaints. However, there are also theories that three month colic is not related to abdominal discomfort, but rather Expression of a regulatory disorder in infancy are. This means that the baby still has difficulties adapting and regulating its own behavior according to the situation. As a result, the baby cries insatiable for no apparent reason. The older the baby gets, the more the problem grows together.

Duration of a three month colic

It usually takes three months from the first appearance to the resolution of the three month colic. However, there are both shortened and prolonged courses. The duration of the three month colic surely also depends on how the infant responds to possible strategies and therapeutic attempts. Unfortunately, this varies a lot from child to child. Some swear by certain means that did not bring any success with others. The three-month colic often remains a test of patience for stressed parents.

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Breastfeeding and three month colic

As already described, the exact cause of three-month colic is uncertain. A drinking too much and gas formation with flatulence and colicky bowel movements, e.g. due to foods that are difficult to digest are causally possible. A direct connection between breastfeeding and three-month colic is not described. Breast milk is and will remain the best food for babies. When breastfeeding, care can be taken to ensure that the baby completely encloses the nipple and when drinking not swallowing too much air. The correct breastfeeding position can also help. The baby should be as upright as possible and lie with its stomach on the mother's stomach. That too Pork after the meal prevents abdominal discomfort. The burping can be assisted by leaning the baby slightly forward over the mother's shoulder and patting the back with the hand. If the infant is crying, especially after the last meal in the evening, has the amount of breast milk may not be sufficient. Then you can try to feed other substitute foods in addition. While breastfeeding, however, various other foods can be tried at the same time and thus tested for their tolerance.

Read more on the subject at: Child problems with breastfeeding

Special features of three month colic in premature babies

In premature babies, the three-month colic expresses itself just as in full-term babies through insatiable crying attacks. However, many parents report having three months of colic often last longer than with other children. The three-month colic also occurs in premature babies around the second to fourth week of life. During the same period, a further clinical picture occurs, especially in premature babies, the Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEK). At the beginning there is a distended stomach, as can also occur with the three month colic. In contrast to the three-month colic, the NEK absolutely and imperatively requires therapy and thus represents an important differential diagnosis in premature infants.

Therapy - what really helps?

Please let your doctor clarify why your child suffers from three months of colic. Therapy differs depending on the cause.
For flatulence can be gentle Abdominal massages To provide relief, mothers should avoid foods that cause gas for breastfeeding children. An orderly daily routine is also important for many children. This has a calming effect and can stress reduce. If the parents feel overwhelmed by the situation alone, there are also outpatient clinics in some cities where they can find support. Psychotherapeutic support for the parents can also be helpful in many cases. However, none of these measures have been scientifically proven, it is important to try out and see what helps your child best.

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Some parents have Swaddling (a certain swaddling technique in which the child is completely wrapped in a cloth) helped, but not every child tolerates it stomach pain not being able to move freely.
On the other hand, exercise can also help; cradling in a sling or rocking can have a calming effect on the child. If the child is old enough to drink tea, fennel tea can provide relief as it is soothing to the child Gastrointestinal tract works and can reduce flatulence. The tea can also be drunk by the mother, just like rooibos tea (Rooibos). Please note, however, that none of these methods have been scientifically proven and so there is no guarantee of relief.

Also read: Therapy of three-month colic

Medical therapy

There are two drugs that have been studied to treat three-month colic, but using them is not advisable as each drug has side effects.
The first drug tested is one of the Anticholinergics and influences that Nervous systemthat also controls our intestines. The drug Dicyclomine inhibits the nervous system and leads to a lower level Bowel activity. The drug obviously shortens the duration of the screeching, but is not approved in Germany because of the many side effects.
Another drug tested called Simeticon should also act on the intestines and Flatulence reduce. However, no increased effectiveness of the drug compared to placebos could be determined. It is therefore not advisable to treat three months of colic with medication.


The Osteopathy as gentle and holistic healing method tries to identify and resolve functional disorders in the body. Osteopathy is definitely worth a try if you have three months of colic. The methods are rated positively by most parents and in many cases not only does the child find peace in the osteopathic session, but the parents also find a moment of relief. In osteopathy it is assumed that the three month colic can be related to blockages in the thoracic spine. These are released by applying slight pressure. The successes vary from child to child.

Read more on the subject at: Visceral osteopathy


Homeopathy is an often tried therapy for three-month colic Carbo vegetabilis, Asa foetida, Lycopodium, Okoubaka or Nux vomica used for flatulence and colicky abdominal pain. The globules from the baby itself or through breast milk when the mother ingests the globules.

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