There are a large number of diseases that can manifest in the throat and mouth. The causes for this are also diverse, with infections with bacteria, viruses or fungi in particular leading to complaints in the mouth and throat.
In addition to inflammation, changes in the tissue are also possible diseases of the pharynx. In the following you will find a selection of the most common diseases of the mouth and throat.

Classification of diseases in the mouth and throat

The most common diseases of the mouth and throat are broken down into:

  1. Diseases in the mouth
  2. Diseases in the throat and pharynx
  3. Diseases of the vocal cords
  4. Diseases of the larynx
  5. Other diseases
  6. Symptoms in the throat and mouth area

Oral diseases

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Inflammation on the roof of the mouth

The most common cause of inflammation of the palate is inflammation of the oral mucosa, which can occur, for example, after injuries caused by braces. Sharp edges cause lesions in the oral mucosa in which bacteria accumulate and thus trigger the inflammation. Other possible causes are burns with hot food or drinks, and infection with viruses and fungi.

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Tonsillitis / tonsillitis

The tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils (Tonsils). This is triggered by viruses or bacteria.
In most cases it is the pathogen "Streptococcus type A". This is mainly transmitted during the cold season by means of droplet infection.
The affected person suffers from a sore throat, fever and a general feeling of illness. The tonsils are swollen and reddened. Tonsillar angina is the more severe form of tonsillitis.

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Pfeiffer's glandular fever

In so-called Pfeiffer glandular fever, there is an infection with the Epstein Barr virus.
Pfeiffer's glandular fever is characterized by a high fever, swollen lymph nodes and a significantly reduced general condition. Severe throat pain and moderate to severe difficulty swallowing are also symptoms of the disease.
Treatment consists of symptomatic therapy and bed rest. In most cases, the patients are so badly affected that they have to be on sick leave for several days or even weeks.

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Almond abscess

Almond abscesses are relatively rare compared to tonsillitis. An abscess is a cavity that has formed on or near the tonsil and that is filled with pus. Almond abscesses occur in the vast majority of cases alongside a purulent tonsillitis.

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Oral thrush

Oral thrush - also called candidiasis - is an infection of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and throat with a certain type of fungus. In most cases it is the yeast Candida albicans.

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Canker sores

The term “canker sores” refers to small inflamed bulges in the oral cavity, which those affected perceive as extremely annoying and painful. Aphthae can appear individually or in different places in the mouth.
The whitish depressions are covered with a film, a so-called fibrin coating, and the oral mucous membrane around the canker sores is usually very red. The canker sores usually heal on their own within two weeks.

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Inflammation of the salivary glands

It is a very painful disease that is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Often, however, salivary gland inflammation is also caused by the presence of salivary stones.
The inflammation usually occurs very suddenly and is accompanied by a, sometimes massive, swelling of the face and hardening of the diseased side.
The three major salivary glands are most frequently affected (sublingual salivary gland, mandibular salivary gland, parotid gland).

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Diseases in the throat and pharynx

Inflammation in the throat

A sore throat is when the mucous membrane of the throat becomes inflamed. In the winter months in particular, strep throat often occurs in connection with colds.

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Inflammation in the throat

In children in particular, inflammation in the throat is one of the most common diseases. In most cases, the inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the pharynx are caused by a viral infection and / or as part of a flu-like infection.
In addition, the inflammation in the throat can also be caused by bacterial pathogens. Infection with bacteria from the group of so-called beta-hemolytic streptococci (Strep-A) plays a crucial role, especially in affected children.

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Throat cancer

Pharyngeal cancer, also known colloquially as throat cancer, is a malignant tumor that is located in the head and neck area. Throat cancer starts in a large number of cases from the mucous membrane that lines the throat. Throat cancer is primarily promoted by external environmental influences, such as alcohol and tobacco consumption.
Throat cancer often only leads to symptoms or visible changes in the late stages.

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Vocal cord disease

Inflammation of the vocal cords

The acute form is usually a descending infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat) that spreads to the vocal cords. In most cases, viruses are the cause, but infection by bacteria is also possible.
The most common pathogens are cold viruses (rhino or adenoviruses), flu viruses (Haemophilus influenzae) or pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae). Furthermore, a strong vocal stress can lead to irritation of the vocal cords.

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Recurrent palsy / vocal cord paralysis

Recurrent palsy (vocal cord or vocal cord paralysis) refers to the weakness or failure of the larynx muscles and the vocal cords as a result of damage to the Vocal cord nerves (Recurrent laryngeal nerve).
A unilateral recurrence palsy arises from the failure of the vocal nerve on this side. This leads to a restricted mobility of the vocal cord, which leads to a moderately pronounced hoarseness and a loss of volume in the voice in the affected patients.
With bilateral recurrent palsy, i.e. a failure of the entire larynx muscles, stronger symptoms occur.

You can find more information under our topic: Recurrent palsy / vocal cord paralysis

Disease of the larynx

Larynx pain

A typical symptom of larynx disease and larynx pain is hoarseness. If it lasts longer than three days, a clarification by the specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine is recommended.
Larynx disease can also cause a dry cough.It manifests itself primarily through a constant, unproductive, dry cough.

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Epiglottitis is an inflammation of the epiglottis. It is triggered by bacteria, especially the pathogen Haemophilus Influenza Type B (especially in children), pneumococci and S. aureus in adults. The danger of epiglottitis is the threat of obstruction of the airways due to severe swelling. The patients complain of severe sore throats, difficulty swallowing or shortness of breath.
If epiglottitis is suspected, a doctor or a clinic should be consulted immediately.

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Laryngitis / laryngitis

Laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) is an inflammation of the larynx. The inflammation is triggered either by bacteria or viruses.
The first symptoms are swallowing difficulties and hoarseness, up to a temporary loss of voice. Furthermore, there is usually a cough. Most acute laryngitis is associated with a cold.
A distinction is made between laryngitis, in which the larynx is inflamed, and glottitis, in which the vocal cords are affected by the inflammation.

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Pseudo croup

Pseudocroup is an inflammation of the larynx with larynx pain, which usually arises as an additional infection with inflammation of the nose, sinusitis and throat inflammation.

Small children are particularly often affected when the virus infection causes swelling in the area of ​​the larynx tissue and causes typical signs of the disease (symptoms) "barking" cough, hoarseness and shortness of breath.

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Diphtheria / real croup

With the appropriate vaccination, diphtheria has become rather rare today. It is transmitted by the Corynebacterium diphtheriae and leads to a very red throat, sore throat and difficulty swallowing.
The cheek mucosa and the tonsils are gray and white. The language is lumpy. Furthermore, there is a deterioration in the general condition, fever and fatigue. In some cases, diphtheria disease can lead to life-threatening courses. In addition to physical rest and symptomatic therapy, treatment consists of forced antibiotic therapy.

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Vocal cord nodules

Vocal cord nodules are counted among the benign tumors of the larynx. They can occur at any age and cause a significant reduction in our voice and speech quality. The hoarseness and harsh voice are the main symptoms. Vocal cord nodules can be treated well by sparing the voice or by small surgical interventions.

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Laryngeal papillomatosis

Laryngeal papillomatosis is a benign tumor disease of the larynx and usually the vocal cords (larynx = Larynx). This leads to the formation of small, wart-like growths of the mucous membrane called papillomas. Laryngeal papillomatosis is triggered by the HP virus (human papillomavirus).
Laryngeal papillomatosis is usually easy to operate and treat.

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Laryngeal cancer / throat cancer

There are also malignant neoplasms in the neck. Laryngeal cancer should be mentioned here in particular. It is a rare but very aggressive new formation of the larynx. There are three types of larynx cancer, which differ in terms of their location. Above all, excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption are blamed for new growths in this area.
The first symptoms of larynx cancer is a hoarseness that is not associated with a cold and lasts longer than two weeks. In this case, an ENT specialist should definitely be consulted.

You can find more information under our topic: Laryngeal cancer / throat cancer

Other diseases

Inflammation of the esophagus

Inflammation of the esophagus can also lead to swallowing disorders and a foreign body sensation. Patients whose immune system is weakened can also have an inflammation of the esophagus caused by a fungus, which can cause swallowing disorders. In some rare cases, a foreign body sensation can be triggered by a foreign body swallowed. Incorrectly chewed food bites can under certain circumstances get stuck in the epiglottis area and thus lead to swallowing disorders. In very few cases, foreign bodies are swallowed. Children are particularly often affected here. If no cause can be found for swallowing disorders and foreign body sensation, an otolaryngologist should definitely have an otolaryngologist or an internist mirroring the esophagus.

You can find more information under our topic: Esophagitis

Swelling of the thyroid gland

A swollen and enlarged thyroid gland is also known as a goiter. It occurs most often as a result of an insufficient supply of the trace element iodine (iodine deficiency). Thyroid diseases such as thyroiditis can also cause swelling.

You can find more information under our topic: Swelling of the thyroid gland

Cervical cyst

Neck cysts are congenital cystic swellings on the neck, which are usually visible and palpable and can become inflamed. Cysts are cavities that are filled with fluid. Most often, neck cysts appear in children and are diagnosed before the age of 6.

If there is no inflammation, a cyst may be symptom-free or only cause a slight feeling of pressure in the neck area. If a cyst becomes infected, it can cause redness, fever, and severe pain.

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Throat fistula

A cervical fistula is a tube-like connecting duct between the inner throat and a punctiform opening in the neck. They are congenital malformations caused by regression disorders during the development of the throat viscera in the womb.

A throat fistula is noticeable as a painless swelling or thickening on the neck, otherwise those affected usually have no symptoms.
If the fistula becomes infected, there will be severe swelling in the throat area and difficulty swallowing.

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Common symptoms in the throat and mouth area

Sore throat

Sore throats are one of the most common diseases of the throat that lead patients to seek medical attention. There can be various causes for the development of a sore throat. In most cases, the sore throat is a symptom of an upper respiratory tract infection. For this reason, the symptoms rarely appear in isolation, but rather in combination with other symptoms.

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to cough

Both dry and productive coughs are among the most common complaints that indicate the presence of diseases in the throat.

Productive cough, characterized by strong sputum, in most cases indicates a respiratory infection. Such infections can be caused by both bacterial and viral pathogens. In addition to the cough, affected patients usually suffer from moderate to high fever, fatigue, runny nose, headaches and aching limbs. In addition, if the paranasal sinuses are involved, headaches can also occur, which increase in intensity as the head protrudes.

Dry cough, on the other hand, is considered a sign of diseases the direct cause of which can be found directly in the throat. In particular, irritants or local inflammation in the area of ​​the nasopharynx can lead to fluid deposits in the mucous membranes and thus cause coughing. In addition, a strong, dry cough can be provoked by foreign bodies in the throat or in the airways.

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The possible diseases in the throat that can lead to the development of hoarseness are diverse. In general, however, it can be assumed that all possible diseases lead to the fact that the vocal cords in the throat can no longer vibrate freely. In many cases, acute hoarseness is associated with a cold or flu. In these cases, the affected patients have accompanying symptoms such as runny nose, cough and sore throat.

You can find more information under our topic: hoarseness

difficulties swallowing

Difficulty swallowing is when the swallowing process is impaired, hurts, or does not work. Symptoms include frequent choking, a hoarse voice, red throat, and swelling. In some cases, swallowing can be so painful that it is no longer possible to eat food, for example in the course of bacterial tonsillitis.

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  • difficulties swallowing
  • Sore throat and difficulty swallowing

Lump feeling / globus feeling

A lump feeling (globus feeling) in the throat or larynx area can indicate various changes that should definitely be clarified by an ENT doctor. The patients describe a very annoying foreign body sensation, increased throat clearing and tightness in the throat.
The causes are misuse of the voice, dry mucous membrane, inflammatory irritation in the throat, as well as backflow of gastric acid through the esophagus or tumors in the throat and throat. In addition, patients who are under great psychological tension report the typical lump in the throat.


The term snoring (technical term: Rhonchopathy) describes the occurrence of crackling noises that are generated in the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract of a sleeping person.

While light snoring is completely harmless for those affected, pronounced snoring can lead to a reduction in the oxygen supply (so-called obstructive snoring).

Basically, the typical snoring noise is caused by fluttering movements of the palatal mucosa and the uvula. The possible diseases in the throat that promote the occurrence of snoring noises can be diverse. Above all, bacterial or viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, which are associated with runny nose and cough, can promote the development of snoring.

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