
A sore throat can occur as part of an allergy. These sore throats are caused by irritation caused by certain substances, e.g. Pollen, Animal hair, Molds, food or House dust mites can be caused. So you join Contact with these substances, the so-called allergens.


Animal hair, dust mites, mold, food or pollen, for example, can trigger allergy-related sore throats. These substances contain certain components that allergy sufferers react to. Since your immune system has reacted to these substances at some point, the immune system memory has the allergen "noted“And reacts again to the next contact.
These reactions take place in a certain way, in which, among other things, histamine is released. This leads to an increase in blood flow and consequently to swelling of the mucous membranes. You can find out more about the topic here: Swollen nasal lining

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This can make it difficult to breathe through the nose due to the swollen nasal lining. As a result, you have to breathe more through your mouth. Normally, the nose warms the air we breathe and filters it before it goes into the throat. When you breathe through the mouth, cold air enters your mouth and then your throat. This cold breath dries out the mouth and throat area. The throat is more sensitive to this than the mouth area and this can lead to a sore throat. Breathing through the mouth also causes more pollen particles, for example, to get into the throat and additionally irritate it. The released histamine causes the nerve endings to become more sensitive and increases the itching and scratching.

Please also read our topic: Causes of Sore Throat

Sore throat from pollen allergy

Pollen can cause allergy-related sore throats. Mostly it is pollen from the pollen of certain grasses, plants or trees. Certain shrubs, cereals and herbs can also trigger allergy-related sore throats. The pollen already flies in winter when milder temperatures prevail. Hazelnut and alder pollen already flies between February and March. You can trigger a sore throat due to the causes described.

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Please also read our page hay fever, pollen allergy

Sore throat from house dust allergy

Kicking sore throats caused by dust mites all year round on. The trigger is that Mite droppingscontaining certain proteins that the body responds to with an immune response. Therefore, the house dust allergy is also correctly called House dust mite allergy designated. The excreted excrement of the mites dries out, disintegrates and mixes with the house dust. These components can be inhaled with the air, especially when dust is whirled up or when there is a draft.

Read more on the subject here House dust allergy.


The doctor looks up your nose and throat with an endoscope. Swollen mucous membranes and watery-glassy nasal mucus can indicate an allergy to pollen or house dust mites. If the sore throat is suspected to be caused by an allergic reaction, one follows comprehensive survey, a so-called allergy history.
The Skin prick test, serological tests and a Provocation test be made. In the skin prick test, various substances are placed on the skin and the reaction is observed. This can be used to detect specific antibodies in the skin. In the serological test, antibodies (IgE) detected in the blood. In the provocation test, the suspected triggering substance is passed through the nose and its reaction is observed and measured.

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Sore throat from allergy or cold - how do I tell the difference?

The symptoms of a cold and an allergy can be very similar, but there are different characteristics that distinguish the two. As part of a allergic reaction the symptoms appear immediately upon contact with the allergen from one minute to the next on.
A cold is in the process slower. Often it announces itself in the morning, the symptoms decrease during the day and they reappear more in the evening. The next day the symptoms worsened. See also: Symptoms of a cold

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Another difference is that if you have an allergy Itchy nose and throat. This usually does not happen with a cold. Also that differs Nasal flow: He is usually with an allergy aqueous and glassy, instead he has a cold thicker. If it's a bacterial infection acts, the nasal mucus is also still yellow-greenish.
If you have an allergy The eyes also often itchthat usually does not happen with a cold. The Sneezing attacks are usually more pronounced with an allergy and more often in a row than with a cold.
Are the complaints strongest morning and night, can do that on a allergy point out, as the pollen count is particularly strong at these times. If the symptoms increase in rain and snow, this can speak for a cold. In contrast, the allergy-related symptoms decrease in rainy and snowy weather.

Sore throats that are caused by an allergy usually occur only at certain times of the year on or under certain circumstances (e.g. in contact with animal hair). A cold is not scheduled. Furthermore, a feeling of tiredness and a decrease in performance are sometimes reported in the case of an allergy, but not a feeling of illness, as occurs with a cold.

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Concomitant symptoms

A sore throat caused by an allergy may have different accompanying symptoms, depending on the allergy. In the case of a pollen allergy, for example, itching of the nose, throat and eyes can also occur. The eyes may water and sting, and vision may be temporarily impaired. Some sufferers also report fear of light.
Nasal breathing can also be difficult due to the swelling of the nasal mucous membrane. An accompanying runny nose with glassy, ​​watery nasal mucus is not uncommon. Odor restrictions or lack of smell can also occur.
It can also lead to a dry cough or dry cough, i.e. no mucus is expelled.

Learn more at: Cough if you have an allergy

In the case of a pollen allergy, for example, stomach pain and possibly diarrhea can also occur if the inhaled pollen is swallowed. The pollen count can often cause skin rashes or swelling, especially on the face. Extreme sneezing attacks are also common. Some allergy sufferers report increased tiredness and decreased performance. Other factors such as dry air in a house dust allergy can also irritate the mucous membranes and make sore throats worse. In the case of a food allergy or an allergic reaction to an insect bite, severe swallowing difficulties may arise.

Please also read our page Symptoms of an allergy.

Sore throat from allergy with difficulty swallowing

At a Food allergy or one allergic reaction from an insect bite the throat can swell enormously. This can lead to severe swallowing difficulties. These allergies can continue Shortness of breath, nausea and in extreme cases one allergic shock trigger. This is an emergency and should be dealt with immediately.
Also at "Asthma of the esophagus“, The so-called Eosinophilic esophagitis difficulty swallowing may occur. Here it comes to one due to certain components in the food or in the air Swelling of the esophagus.

Sore throat from allergy with cough

Coughing does not usually occur immediately with an allergy. Only when the allergy spreads to the floor Bronchi spreads, coughing may occur in addition to the accompanying symptoms. Every third person allergic to pollen develops a bronchial asthma. The first signs are to cough and Shortness of breath. In order to minimize the development of asthma, the allergy should be recognized as early as possible and treated appropriately.

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Read more about the here Symptoms of bronchial asthma.

Sore throat from allergy with earache

In the case of a pollen allergy, pollen can also get into the ear and trigger an allergic reaction. As a result, the ear mucosa swells. This makes it more difficult for mucus and fluid to drain away and leads to a blockage. This in turn increases the pressure in the ear and can cause discomfort. This can lead to a feeling of stuffy ears and pain and hearing loss.

Treatment / What to do

If you have a sore throat caused by allergies, the first thing to do is to find out against what substance has an allergic reaction. An allergy diagnosis with an allergy history should follow. As soon as the allergenic substance is known, this should be done if possible avoided become. In addition, immunotherapy is usually also called Desensitization known, recommended.
This is basically a kind of "Vaccination against the allergy."Here, high-dose substances of the relevant allergen are given with syringes under the skin or in preparations. This type of treatment should regularly take place and usually lasts 3 years.

There are also drugs that can alleviate the symptoms. It will mostly be Antihistamines, Mast cell stabilizers and Cortisone preparations applied. Dry indoor air, which can aggravate sore throats, should be avoided.

Please also read our page Therapy for an allergy.

Homeopathy for a sore throat caused by allergy

For some people who suffer from allergy-related sore throats, homeopathic treatment helps preventively, as well as in the event of an allergy attack. Preventive measures should be started a few months before contact with the allergen.
In the event of a pollen allergy, pollens 30C and Sabadillia 9C or 15C in combination with Allium Cepa or Euphrasia officinalis is recommended once a week. In the case of acute pollen allergies, Pollens C15, Apis cillifica C9 and Poumon histamine C15 are used.

It is recommended to take 5 globules in the morning and in the evening. In some cases, something is additionally recommended for the allergy-related sore throat. At best, homeopathic treatment should be planned with the doctor.

Please also read our page Homeopathy for a sore throat.

Home remedies for a sore throat caused by allergies

For a sore throat caused by an allergy, some home remedies similar to those for a viral infection are recommended. For example, this is considered to be soothing Gargle with salt water felt or that Sucking ice cubes. The mucous membranes of the neck should be kept as moist as possible. Hence, on one sufficient amount of water to drink to pay attention. Drinking also helps some sufferers warm water or tea with honey. The room air should also be kept moist.

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Please also read our page Home remedies for a sore throat.

Duration of sore throat from allergy

The sore throat caused by an allergy occurs depending on the substance caused seasonal (e.g. Pollen allergies) or independent of the season under certain circumstancese.g. in case of food allergy or animal hair allergy. The complaints appear from one minute to the next when you come into contact with the allergen and last until the Allergen contact ended is.

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