
  • cold
  • hoarseness
  • Sore throat
  • Throat pain

English: sore throat


Sore throat refers to painful complaints in the back of the throat that have arisen from various causes of the sore throat and have existed for a maximum of 14 days.


In addition to the common cold, sore throats are one of the most common complaints presented in the daily general practice. In a survey it was found that 75% of those questioned had complained of a sore throat in the last 4 weeks. 33% of respondents over 14 years of age said they had suffered from a sore throat at least once in the previous year. Children up to the age of 15 suffer from sore throats far more often than adults. 80% of children up to 15 years of age confirmed that they had had a sore throat in the last few months, but only 20% of adults. Despite the high incidence of sore throats in the population, a doctor is rarely seen in comparison. Most visits to the doctor caused by a sore throat include visits to the pediatrician that parents make with their sick children. Adults themselves almost never see a doctor because of a sore throat.

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At this point, our next article would be helpful to you: When should I see a doctor with a sore throat?


A sore throat can have many different causes.
The most common is certainly one cold, where the Neck swollen and feels painful. In principle, however, all compartments of the neck can also be inflamed in combination or individually. These include:

  • of the Larynx
  • of the Larynx
  • of the throat, and
  • the Almonds

Inflammation of these areas of the throat is usually accompanied by a sore throat.

Rarer but also conceivable causes can be Infectious diseases as the diphtheria be. They are usually vaccinated against them in childhood, but the incidence rate is very high, especially in Asia. Symptomatic is an extremely swollen throat, causing a sore throat and difficulty swallowing.
Also permanent irritation of the air-conducting system, for example through Smoke, or To sing can cause a sore throat. Cigarette smoke triggers a local inflammatory reaction for about 4 hours and narrows the blood vessels. If cold, dry air is added in winter, the neck reacts quickly with swelling and pain.
Diseases of the thyroid gland, which lies in front of the windpipe and presses on the neck, can also cause a sore throat and a feeling of tightness.

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You can find out more about this here: Causes of a Sore Throat


Since a sore throat can have a wide variety of causes, the symptoms and complaints are also very diverse.
With tonsillitis, the sore throat is usually accompanied by severe swallowing difficulties, bad breath and a strong feeling of illness. Eating and drinking are almost impossible in the advanced stage, resulting in weight loss and an increased susceptibility to infections for other pathogens.
Acute tonsillitis can potentially turn into chronic tonsillitis and cause rheumatic fever.

Read more on the topic: Pus in the throat

A sore throat can also be an expression of an inflammation of the vocal cords and can be associated with hoarseness and difficulty breathing. This is especially the case with singers and long-time smokers. In these cases it makes sense to protect your voice or to stop smoking.

Read more on the topic: Why is the voice often gone when I have a cold?

With one of the most typical diseases for adolescence - Pfeiffer's glandular fever, also known as "kissing disease“- it comes to a viral infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. It is transmitted through saliva and droplets and is therefore more common in adolescents and young adults.
This leads to tonsillitis and Pharyngitis, i.e. an inflammation of the mouth and nose. Pfeiffer's glandular fever has symptoms similar to those of tonsillitis, but it is more severe and, like bacterial angina, must not be treated with antibiotics under any circumstances, as this can lead to drug eruptions! In addition to a general physical inefficiency, a rupture of the spleen or meningitis can occur in rare cases.

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A peritonsillar abscess can also develop based on tonsillitis. This also hampers food intake and breathing and usually has to be split surgically.
A disease that occurs only rarely is diphtheria, in which it becomes a so-called Caesarean neck comes:
This is the name given to the severely swollen lymph nodes that are distributed over the entire neck and enlarge the entire neck. The larynx also swells, causing shortness of breath when breathing in. A pseudomembrane can form in the neck and throat area. This is the name given to the white-brownish deposits on the throat that bleed when lightly touched.
In the western industrialized countries vaccination against diphtheria is done within the first year of life, in developing countries, or in people who are not vaccinated, diphtheria can still occur.

Read more on the topic Symptoms of a sore throat

Earache with a sore throat

In the context of inflammation or an infection, not only sore throats and coughs, but also earaches.
In many cases, other accompanying symptoms such as dizziness or hearing loss occur with earache, since both the hearing organ and the organ of equilibrium are located in the ear.
In the case of infections, pathogenic germs that are found on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx are often carried over into the middle ear. This is possible because there is a connection between the human nose and throat area and the middle ear in the form of a tube, the so-called Eustachian tube (Tuba auditiva) is located.
This actually serves to equalize the pressure. The connection allows germs to rise and trigger an inflammatory reaction in the middle ear (see: otitis media)

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Small children with respiratory infections are particularly often affected. In them, the connecting tube is even shorter than in adults and it runs even more horizontally, so that inflammatory pathogens can rise more easily and affect the middle ear.
In addition, children are generally more likely to suffer from respiratory infections than adults.

In the case of mild infections, it is usually sufficient to take it easy and rest for a few days so that the symptoms decrease. Antibiotics are usually only used in slightly more severe courses or when complications are expected. Since the nose is often too full of secretions, especially in the case of infections of the respiratory tract, nasal drops are very popular.
They relieve the swelling of the mucous membrane, which means that the secretion that has accumulated can flow away better and does not build up in the ear and accumulate behind the eardrum.

Find out more about the topic here: Sore throat and earache

Difficulty swallowing with a sore throat

Sore throatthat are associated with swallowing difficulties can have a variety of causes and do not always have to go with one Tonsillitis accompanied.

Infections in the oropharynx, both bacterial and viral, can lead to sore throats and difficulty swallowing, as the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat is usually irritated by the pathogens, so that it changes reactively in an inflammatory manner, acquires a reddish color, sensitive to pain becomes and often also swells.

The Inflammation of the mucous membranes then leads to a sore throat and - due to the simultaneous swelling of the mucous membrane - also to swallowing difficulties.

Such symptoms can be found e.g. for tonsillitis (Tonsillitis), at Sore throat (Pharyngitis), at Laryngitis (laryngitis) and with viral, flu-like infections, but also with less common infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, Pfeiffer's glandular fever or diphtheria.

In the case of laryngitis, it is less the mucous membrane of the oropharynx that swells than that of the larynx. This swelling inflammation can lead to a sore throat, which is particularly severe when swallowing and, in the worst case, to shortness of breath if the larynx becomes swollen as part of the airways.

Unilateral sore throat

Most of the time, the entire neck is equally affected in the case of a sore throat, but in certain cases the sore throat can also occur on one side.
This is typical, among other things, with a peritonsillar abscess. This arises on the basis of tonsillitis and describes a pus-filled sac that is also located in the area of ​​the tonsils. Most of the time, the pain can be relatively clearly limited to one area.
In angina Plaut Vincenti - a one-sided change in the tonsils after a mixed infection with fusobacteria and treponema - the sore throat also occurs only on one side. It is characterized by a strong bad breath and minor physical complaints.
Furthermore, tumorous processes in the area of ​​the thyroid gland or the paranasal sinuses can cause unilateral sore throats. Tumors rarely grow over the entire neck and usually grow on one side from one focus. They continue to impress with an externally and internally visible swelling in the neck area. Depending on the type of tumor, growth can increase rapidly within a few months, or it can progress very slowly over years.
However, they should not be confused with swollen lymph nodes, which typically increase in volume during an infection and can press on the neck. This can cause unilateral sore throats, but they usually go away with the end of the infection.

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In addition to the common patient survey (anamnese), in which the doctor asks the patient about the nature of the complaints, the beginning and accompanying symptoms, the inspection of the neck is one of the most important diagnostic criteria. The doctor will use a flashlight to inspect the patient's throat and, in order to have a better view, press down the patient's tongue with a spatula. When prompted to say "A", the doctor can tell whether the suppository (uvula) is dragged to a specific page or just remains. Pulling to one side could reinforce the suspicion of neurological involvement. During the examination, the doctor can determine whether the throat is reddened or whether there are purulent coatings (so-called stipples) are present on the tonsils. The doctor will also feel the area around the neck to see if there is any swelling in the lymph nodes. A pathogen with a frequently complicated course is the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. In order to be able to distinguish this from the other pathogens, the doctor should ask the patient the following questions:

Is there a fever (higher than 38 degrees), a lack of cough, are the anterior cervical lymph nodes swollen, is there evidence on the tonsils? If all questions can be answered in the affirmative, the likelihood of a strep pyogenes infection (also known as a GAS pharyngitis designated) at 50-60%. No further diagnosis is necessary in the case of mild symptoms and the absence of risk factors. Otherwise, a blood test should be used. This, as well as a smear from the almond region, can make the pathogen cultivable under certain circumstances. However, this approach has some shortcomings.
On the one hand, the finding takes 2-3 days, on the other hand, a non-presence of the pathogen in the cultivation does not completely exclude a pyogenes infection. There are also rapid tests that can diagnose streptococcal involvement. However, there is no such thing as one hundred percent security. The blood test mainly measures the C-reactive protein (CRP) and the sedimentation rate, which increases in the event of an infection (ESR).
The CRP will also be well above the normal value in the event of an infection. There is also the possibility of detecting the antistreptolysin titer produced by streptococci in the blood.
The evidence makes a strep infection likely. When introducing the patient, the doctor should also try to avert numerous difficult and complicated courses. For example, a diagnosed shortness of breath is an absolute emergency in the patient, since it is presumably an involvement of the epiglottis with swelling of the airways. Immediate hospitalization is required in this case. In addition, it should be noted whether the patient has difficulty swallowing or whether he has difficulty opening his mouth.

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Home remedies for a sore throat

There are a variety of natural medicine home remedies for sore throats, most of which can be easily prepared and used effectively at home. In most cases, these home remedies can relieve the symptoms of a common cold. If, despite self-treatment, the symptoms do not improve after three to five days, if there is a high fever, difficulty swallowing or visible specks of pus in the throat area or if the lymph nodes in the neck swell significantly and a pronounced feeling of illness sets in, a doctor should be consulted.

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The most important measure for colds and sore throats is regular drinking. This keeps the mucous membranes moist and irritation of the oral mucosa is reduced. Drinking plenty of non-carbonated water or herbal teas is the basis of every home remedy for a sore throat.

A cold neck wrap can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. A linen cloth is moistened with cold water, wrapped around the neck and a dry woolen scarf is tied over it. The cold neck wrap can absorb and accumulate its own body heat and thus acts as a heat application.

Another home remedy is that a damp, cold compress is additionally coated with fresh quark and wrapped directly around the neck with the quark side. Cooked potatoes can also be tied around the neck when they have cooled and mashed. A flaxseed wrap is made by boiling flaxseed in water and then pounding it into a pulp, which is then spread in a damp linen cloth and wrapped around the neck.

Neck wraps work particularly well if they are left on the neck for a long time (e.g. overnight) and can have a soothing effect on sore throats and hoarseness.

Gargling regularly can also help with a sore throat, as the lining of the throat is usually dry, irritated and inflamed. Gargling with sage or chamomile also counteracts inflammation in the throat and throat, kills bacteria and viruses and promotes wound healing. For example, gargling chamomile tea every two hours can be an effective home remedy for sore throat relief.

Read more on the topic: Gargling for a sore throat

Sage and chamomile are not only suitable as a gargle solution, due to their anti-inflammatory and germ-inhibiting properties, they are also used as teas for internal use in case of sore throats. In addition to the sore throat, there is often a pain in the limbs. In this case, sage and chamomile can be supplemented with willow bark, the active ingredients of which are similar to the active ingredients in pain relievers such as Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin®). It is possible to put together a tea herb mixture in the pharmacy that is tailored to the individual complaints. Herbal teas made from thyme, ginger, mallow or the well-known hot (or cold) lemon are also recommended. Inhaling medicinal herbs has also proven itself as a home remedy for sore throats, it has an expectorant effect and clears the nose and sinuses. Chamomile and sage, but also thyme (has a germicidal, expectorant and expectorant effect), aniseed or fennel (has an expectorant effect) are suitable as inhalation additives. Due to their high vitamin content, berries are a popular home remedy for cold symptoms. Sea buckthorn and rose hips, black currants and blackberries and elderberries are said to be particularly effective in treating sore throats, coughs and hoarseness.

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A Sweat cure after a hot bath can also have a positive effect on the symptoms. Basically, it is advisable to keep your body and especially your feet and neck warm. The application of Sore throat pills can also help alleviate discomfort as it stimulates saliva production and keeps the mucous membranes moist. Sweets with Icelandic moss or Ribwort plantain can also protect the mucous membranes and Immune defense help. In order to strengthen the body's defenses, you should stay in healthy ambient air, avoid rooms in which you smoke, as well as strongly heated rooms. Warm heating air also dries out the mucous membranes and inhibits the mucous membranes in their important defense function, which can promote a cold.

The most important home remedy besides adequate hydration is Peace and quiet. If you have a sore throat, fever or malaise, it is advisable to stay at home and allow yourself to rest.

You can read more about this here: Home remedies for a sore throat

Teas for sore throats

Each tea unfolds its pain-relieving effect through the essential oils and tannins it contains. Which type of tea should be used for a sore throat is mainly up to individual taste. Sage tea, chamomile tea and ginger tea are suitable as anti-inflammatory. With ginger tea, care should be taken to prepare it freshly as so-called "ginger water" if possible. For this, a fresh ginger tuber should be cut into thin slices and then boiled in water for ten minutes. In this way, the ginger releases as many of its essential oils and tannins as possible into the water. If you also value an expectorant component, you should prefer thyme tea and, depending on your taste, sweeten the tea with a little honey. In principle, care should be taken with every tea that it is not drunk too hot. The mucous membrane in the throat area is usually irritated by secretions or coughing in connection with infections of the upper respiratory tract. Too hot tea would only damage the mucous membrane additionally. A warm temperature, on the other hand, is often perceived as beneficial and has the effect that the essential oils best wet the mucous membrane when warm. In addition, they develop their pleasant aroma when they are warmed up and can clear the airways. Teas with a high acid content should be avoided if you have a sore throat. Fruit tea is therefore not suitable for relieving a sore throat, as the acid it contains only further strains the irritated mucous membranes.

What to do without medication

Anyone who suffers from a sore throat and has neither medication nor home remedies on hand can help themselves against the sore throat with adequate fluid intake. Normal water is sufficient to regularly wet the irritated mucous membrane in the throat. The effect is to protect the mucous membranes from drying out and thus support their own function as protection against pathogens. If there is already a colonization with pathogens, the liquid supply acts like a flushing effect. Superficial pathogens are thus rinsed off and then killed by the stomach acid in the stomach. Pathogens that have already penetrated the mucous membrane can be eliminated in the form of a secretion using the liquid provided. This means that more saliva with anti-inflammatory enzymes can be produced in the mouth and throat and the mucous membrane itself can also secrete secretion with foreign material. Anyone who also suffers from an increased temperature ensures that their circulatory function is maintained by drinking more. With every degree of temperature increase, the fluid requirement increases by around 10%. Depending on the size and age of the patient, this means an increased need of around one glass of water for every degree of temperature increase. Furthermore, a sufficient supply of vitamins, trace elements and proteins can support the body's own healing. So it is important to eat well and balanced even with a sore throat so that the energy requirements are met. Otherwise only simple aids such as a scarf or a warming bathtub remain in addition to drinking and eating. Both are more for your own well-being and alleviate additional symptoms of a cold.

Medicines for sore throats

In the case of a sore throat, drugs should always be adapted to the triggering cause. For example, a sore throat caused by a dry cough should be treated with a cough suppressant and a sore throat caused by an inflamed, swollen mucous membrane with anti-inflammatory drugs (Anti-inflammatory drugs) are treated. Above all, herbal preparations are freely available in pharmacies. Juices with thyme or marshmallow extract are particularly suitable for coughing. Preparations with eucalyptus or cineole, for example, have an anti-inflammatory effect. If an anti-fever effect is also required, ibuprofen is suitable. In addition to its anti-inflammatory aspect, it also has an analgesic effect analgesic. Avoid drugs with added caffeine. Although they improve one's own well-being for a period of time, they often lead to an overestimation of one's own performance.Instead of relaxing at home, the body is pushed with the help of the caffeine and those affected go to work. The effect is often a worsening of symptoms as the effects wear off. Even high-dose vitamin C is only partially suitable for reducing the duration of the illness. It is better to eat a sufficient amount of fruit per day. If you absolutely want to reduce the duration of the illness, you should rather focus on expectorant products with, for example, ivy. Cough removers help to remove pathogens and foreign material from the body and thus enable faster healing, although they can shorten the duration of the illness by a maximum of two days.

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Homeopathy for a sore throat

The active principle of homeopathy is based on the assumption that "similar things may be cured by similar things" (according to Hahnemann / founder of homeopathy). In the case of a sore throat, this means identifying a plant that is exhibiting the same symptoms of illness that come with the sore throat. These should then be taken diluted so that a neutralizing effect should arise. For colds with a sore throat, globules are also suitable Calendula (Marigold), Aconite (Monkshood) or Ichthyolum (Shale oil). All globules should be taken several times a day depending on their age and general condition. The recommended potency should be between D4 and D6. The combination of numbers and letters means how much the actual mother tincture was diluted with parts of solvents. D4 means a 1:10 000 dilution and D6 a 1: 1 000 000 dilution. Due to the strong dilution, the effect is very mild and supports your own healing process rather than intervening directly in it. So homeopathic remedies are very suitable for mild sore throats. From a D4 potency, they are also freely available in pharmacies.

Please also read our topic: Homeopathy for a sore throat


In the vast majority of cases, the symptoms disappear after a short period of a few days. In a few cases there are complicated processes that require intensive antibiotic treatment. Spread throughout the body by strepotococci affecting the Heart must be feared in some cases, however.


As it is with Sore throat generally a symptom of different cause and it cannot be said exactly what triggers the sore throat, besides general measures to strengthen the Immune system (balanced nutrition, regular sport) no further prophylactic measures known.

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Sore throat and running nose

The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The pathogens cause symptoms that suddenly set in, which manifest themselves in a clear discharge from the nose and a general feeling of illness. In most cases, the pathogens are absorbed via droplet infection via the inhaled air. The damp mucous membranes catch them in the throat at the latest and then lead to local symptoms. Sore throats are mainly caused by the secretion draining off the palate. It irritates the mucous membranes and, due to its tough consistency, is very adhesive compared to saliva. Pathogens contained therein have a comparatively high chance of infiltrating the mucous membrane and also leading to a painfully swollen mucous membrane in the neck area. The side wall of the pharynx in particular is sensitive to this secretion. This is because it contains lymph vessels that serve the body's own defenses. On contact with pathogens, they swell and initiate an immune process with the help of defense cells. In technical terminology, the clinical picture that is caused is then referred to as lateral cord angina.

Further information on this topic can be found at: Runny nose and sore throat

Sore throat when swallowing

Sore throat when swallowing is caused by an inflamed mucous membrane in the throat area. In particular, the side cords in the posterior, lateral wall of the pharynx are usually severely swollen as a result of an infection, since lymphatic ducts are located here as part of the body's own defense system. The swelling itself means that the immune system is dealing with the pathogens and that a fight against the pathogen has been initiated. At the same time, however, the swelling is also painful, as it leads to irritation of sensitive nerve endings due to the rhythmic up and down movement of the muscles under the mucous membrane during the swallowing process. In addition, the mucous membrane itself is more prone to the tiniest cracks and drying out due to its stretched state over the swelling. This is why there are sometimes more infections with bacteria, which in turn can lead to more sore throats when swallowing. Another possible diagnosis is tonsillitis. If the soft palate is closed against the nasal area during the swallowing process, the palatal arch with the tonsils is also moved by muscles. If these are inflamed and swollen, every pull on their tissue leads to pain. An inflammation of the tonsils can usually be recognized by looking into the mouth. If red, thick tonsils are visible under the uvula, this indicates tonsillitis. Sore throats are therefore always associated with a pathologically changed mucous membrane, which can be treated well locally with lozenges.

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Sore throat with an allergy

In the case of an allergy or allergic reaction, there is an overreaction of the body's immune system against otherwise harmless substances such as house dust or pollen.
Most allergies express themselves through Redness of the eyes, Sneeze, and sniff. However, some patients develop such a violent reaction to certain substances that it becomes outright allergic shock reactions comes.
This complication, known as anaphylactic shock, is potentially life-threatening and is administered intravenously by the emergency doctor in an emergency adrenaline or Glucocorticoids treated. The throat and airways swell, the circulation fails and the cells are no longer supplied with blood. Less severe allergic reactions can lead to a furry feeling in the throat, a burning sensation, swelling of the lips, throat and palate, and severe itching.
These symptoms also make it possible to differentiate the allergy from a common cold. If the reactions occur after eating certain foods or while staying “in the country”, the suspicion of an allergy is very likely.
Constant coughing and mucus in the airways and the throat and throat area can lead to sore throats in the long term.

The so-called prick test can be used to determine whether it is actually an allergy:
To do this, small incisions are made in the skin on the forearm and the allergen is applied to them. On the basis of the swellings and the strength of the swellings, it can be determined which allergen the patient is allergic to and how strongly.
Antihistamines can be taken for treatment. These are tablets that dampen the body's overreaction, but unfortunately also make you relatively tired as a side effect - so it is not an optimal solution either. Therefore, the most important thing to do is to avoid the offending allergen.
Both external and internal cooling help against the sore throat. For this purpose, a cool pack can simply be wrapped in a kitchen towel and placed on the neck. The application should not be uncomfortable and should not last longer than 10 minutes at a time.
Ice cream cools the throat and throat from the inside and fights the swelling. In addition, the muscles contract, which also has a space-opening effect. Before doing this, however, a cold should be ruled out, as ice would be counterproductive in this case. Self-tests for differentiation are quick to do and are even available on the Internet.

Sore throat in pregnancy

Pregnancy tends to weaken the mother's immune system. Because of this, it is easier for viruses and bacteria to cause infections in the body, which can sometimes be responsible for sore throats. Therefore, during pregnancy, care should be taken to prevent colds as much as possible. This can be done through a balanced diet and sufficient intake of vitamins and avoiding crowds in the event of a cold. Even in pregnant women, sore throats are usually an early sign of the occurrence of a so-called flu-like infection. This is triggered by so-called rhinoviruses and is usually harmless even in pregnant women. In addition to the sore throat, an increased temperature, headache, body aches, general weakness and loss of appetite also occur with a delay. If the symptoms and the sore throat get significantly worse, a doctor should be consulted who can decide on a suitable, individual therapy. A flu-like infection of the mother is always harmless for the baby. If you have a high fever, you should still see a doctor if necessary.

More information on this: Sore throat during pregnancy

Sore throats in babies and toddlers

In toddlers and babies, it is more difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. After all, they cannot explain what is wrong with them or what causes the little ones pain.
Mostly they express their discomfort by shouting, which of course is relatively unspecific. Therefore, a thorough examination is particularly important in babies and young children. At this age, the organism is also not so hard-wearing, so that even small problems can result in major complications.

This is often the case with small children, for example Swallowing foreign bodies, for example small toy parts like Lego bricks, or mumble. These can still pass through the relatively large oropharynx, but then usually get stuck in the esophagus. This is of course painful, and you can no longer eat with it. Babies and toddlers just can't articulate this yet.
If there is any suspicion that a small part has been swallowed, immediate removal by a pediatrician is indicated. The parts can also move to another place afterwards, for example relocating the windpipe.

If the sore throat has another cause - such as an infection - sucking lozenges such as EM Eukal®. These are also available in a sugar-free children's version so as not to damage the tooth flora.
In addition to cough lozenges, you can also gargle.

A very common illness of babies and small children is the so-called Pseudo croup. It is caused by parainfluenza viruses, but is relatively harmless. It typically occurs at night and in the colder autumn and winter months. Classic is one barking cough, hoarseness, and Sore throatsuch as the low age (toddler and baby age).
The parents are understandably usually very concerned as their child is showing signs of acute shortness of breath. In many cases, however, cold, moist air and calming down the child are sufficient. Often the symptoms have already subsided by the time the parents reach the emergency room on a cold winter night. If the symptoms have not improved by then, the breath is nebulized by the doctor with glucocorticoids, and 100% oxygen is also given. Serious complications are very rare. The symptoms usually pass within hours, but can often recur during the autumn and winter months.
In all cases it is important to keep an eye on the baby or toddler, as they can neither assess dangers nor express problems. Diagnosis is therefore particularly difficult at this age and depends to a certain extent on the parents.

Exercise for a sore throat

Exercise should be avoided if you have a sore throat, as this can be a symptom of the flu, a runny nose or a cold. In order not to unnecessarily stress the body, you should therefore refrain from exercising until the healing process. Short walks in the fresh air are okay to stimulate the circulation.


Sore throat are among the most common complaints in humans. Children up to 15 years of age are much more likely to experience pain neck affected as adults. A sore throat is a symptom and not a disease, so many different diseases can cause a sore throat. The symptoms are initially expressed in a rough and scratchy throat.

Within a few hours, pain can sometimes be severe difficulties swallowing come. Fever and a feeling of weakness accompany the sore throat at times. A sore throat usually lasts between 3-5 days.
This can be caused by inflammation of the throat and tonsils (see: Tonsillitis) be that of Viruses or bacteria caused. The infection is of particular importance beta-hemolytic streptococci to. A subgroup, the so-called Streptococcus pyogenes or GAS called, can cause a dangerous peritonsillar abscess. Furthermore, if not treated, these can also be included in the Heart muscle immigrate and a dangerous one Myocarditis cause. In addition to inspecting the neck with a flashlight and spatula, the doctor will also palpate the lymph nodes and conduct a patient survey. Gives the patient a fever, the absence of a cough, slips on the tonsils as well as swollen Lymph nodes strep infection is likely in 50-60% of cases.
To confirm this, a blood test and a smear, if necessary with a streptococcal rapid test, can be carried out. If the suspected diagnosis turns out to be correct, antibiotic therapy should be started. Removal of the tonsils should only be considered in the case of recurrent inflammation of the pharynx. This type of treatment has therefore become much more reluctant than a few decades ago.

In most cases there is one Treatment of the Sore throat only necessary symptomatically. So should patients feel save, much drink, humidify the outside air as well Neck wrap put on and with Gargle salt water and Drink sage or chamomile tea. To treat inflammatory factors can Paracetamol or Ibuprofen To be taken 2-3 times a day over a period of 3 days. In the vast majority of cases, a sore throat subsides after 2-3 days without complications. In a few cases there are complicated courses with peritonsillar abscesses or the spread of pathogens with myocarditis.
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