
There are many home remedies and ideas that are recommended for combating painful cold sores.

But caution is advised with some.

One of them is using toothpaste to treat herpes. She should Dry out blisters and so to one faster healing to lead.

Herpes is a viral skin disease.

Critics saythat the toothpaste can damage the already diseased skin due to its ingredients. Furthermore, the healing effect of the toothpaste is due to the component zinc, which is not found in all toothpastes.

Also read: Herpes in the mouth

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Is it really helpful or is it a myth?

Toothpaste dries out the blisters. However, at the same time it dries on the surface of the vesicles. As soon as you rub the affected area to remove the toothpaste, you run the risk of opening the protective cover of the wound and creating a portal for bacteria to enter.

In general, the disinfecting and drying effects of the Zinc the spread of the herpes virus can be stopped in the toothpaste. Some patients highly recommend using toothpaste to fight cold sores. Others express strong criticism of it. It is very important to know that only toothpastes containing zinc can have any effect at all.

So the effect of toothpaste on herpes is caused by zinc. Toothpastes also contain irritating substances that can have an additional effect on the skin.

To achieve the same effect as toothpaste, a pure zinc ointment is better than using toothpaste containing zinc.

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Are there any secured data?

There are no confirmed data or studies on the healing properties of toothpaste for herpes. Everyone affected reacts differently to the use of toothpaste for herpes infections. Alternatively, however, there are already small studies with small numbers of cases about the positive effects of honey such as Lemon balm.

With home remedies of this type, it is generally important to know the possible risks and side effects before using them. In most cases, however, these are based on experience reports from those affected.

How long should I leave the toothpaste on?

Sufferers who use toothpaste to fight the spread of the herpes virus leave the toothpaste (containing zinc) on the blisters for several hours. Overnight application is particularly suitable.

When the cold sore has dried up, you should stop using toothpaste as you have achieved the desired effect.It is also very important to know that the toothpaste containing zinc may dry out the blisters, but does not directly combat the cause of the infection.

Zinc kills germs, soothes inflammation and promotes healing. Still, you'd better get one special cream from the pharmacy get that helps against the disease itself.

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Is that taking a risk?

Critics advise against treating cold sores with toothpaste due to the risks and side effects. The toothpaste can contain substances that irritate the skin and further damage the already infected skin. This can delay healing.

Once the sore opens for a variety of reasons, bacteria can invade the wound and cause far more serious inflammation. The toothpaste dries on the blisters and causes white spots. Rubbing to remove the toothpaste runs the risk of destroying the blisters.

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What alternatives are there?

Alternatives to treatment with toothpaste are the over-the-counter antiviral creams or ointments. These contain the active ingredients Acyclovir or Penciclovir. These active ingredients inhibit the virus from multiplying and thus prevent the virus from spreading.

Furthermore, the ointments and creams reduce the discomfort caused by the herpes virus a little. However, it is very important that these medicines are used at the first signs of a cold sore and continue to be applied consistently over the period of the viral infection in order for them to help.

Alternatively, there are also herbal ointments, for example with Lemon balm dry extractthat can be applied to the wound. The Lemon balmResearchers have shown that it can stop the herpes virus. The pharmacist can help with the choice of a herbal medicine.

In addition to toothpaste, there are other home remedies that are recommended for combating cold sores. These home remedies include Manuka honey, tea tree oil, black tea, garlic, baking powder or Ice cubes for cooling.

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If the cold sores appear very often, a visit to the attending doctor is recommended. In this case, permanent antiviral therapy should be considered.

Learn more at: Home remedies for herpes and creams for cold sores

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