
Dry skin is usually noticeable through itchy skin areas and flaking. The areas where the skin is very thin are particularly often affected. Frequent washing can also damage the protective acid mantle of the skin and thus further remove moisture from the skin.


Dry skin is a problem that everyone knows and most have had before. Dry skin is particularly common in the cold winter months. Dry skin is not only a cosmetic problem, it can also cause symptoms such as itching and, in some cases, pain or wounds.

The dryness of the skin can cause micro-cracks that allow bacteria, viruses and fungi to penetrate into it and cause infections. In the cold winter months in particular, there is a particular risk of skin drying out due to the dry, cold air outdoors and the warm, dry heated air indoors.

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However, one should not confuse the skin with neurodermatitis or psoriasis. The skin diseases can look very similar in the early stages, but should not be treated with home remedies but by a dermatologist.

In atopic dermatitis, the dry areas of the skin are particularly evident on the elbows, hollow of the knees, neck, neck and face.

In psoriasis, the dry areas mainly occur on the extensor sides of the arms and legs, i.e. elbows and knees, sacrum and hairy scalp.

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Home remedies for external use

When it comes to home remedies for external use, freshly squeezed carrot juice has particularly proven its worth. The affected areas of skin should be rubbed regularly with the juice. After a quarter of an hour, the rubbed-in areas can then be thoroughly washed off. You can also mix buttermilk or milk with some fruit juice, for example from oranges, apples or carrots, and rub it into the skin thoroughly and wash it off again after a while. The fruit acid acts like a fine peeling and removes the dead skin cells. This allows the vitamins in the fruit and moisture to penetrate deeper into the skin.

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A mixture of lemon juice, honey, and some egg white can have the same effect. This mixture should act on the affected skin for about 20 minutes and then washed off with lukewarm water.

It can also help to use deer tallow in areas that are particularly sensitive or are under extraordinary stress. For example, deer tallow on the feet is a tried and tested means of protecting the skin from heavy use, for example when hiking. It is important to apply deer sebum to the affected skin areas before exposure.

Olive oil or coconut oil, spread as a thin film on the skin, can also improve dry skin. In the same way, a normal baby oil from the drugstore can lead to relief.

Another tried and tested option is to cut the parts of an aloe vera plant into small pieces and squeeze out its mucus. Then this freshly obtained mucus should be spread over the dry areas. The active ingredients of the aloe vera plant can now also be found in many ointments and creams from drugstores and pharmacies.

olive oil

Besides cooking, olive oil is also ideal for skin care. The contained antioxidants, including above all vitamin E, protect the cell walls and delay the aging process of the tissue with regular, frequent use.
Olive oil also contains small amounts of a natural anti-inflammatory compound, oleocanthal. This belongs to the group of cyclooxygenase inhibitors, which also include aspirin and ibuprofen, for example. In the case of easily inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis, olive oil can be used in addition to dry skin.
In addition, olive oil is suitable as a makeup remover, especially on the eye area, as it also reliably dissolves waterproof products. On the rest of the face, on the other hand, it should be used cautiously, as skin impurities can be provoked here depending on the skin type.
If olive oil is to be used for skin care, it is advisable to use a virgin, cold-pressed oil in organic quality.

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Coconut oil

Coconut oil (coconut oil) has become more and more popular as a skin care product in recent years. In addition to its pleasant smell, this is also due to its skin-friendly and protective ingredients: In addition to some B vitamins, it also contains vitamins C and E. The latter has a protective effect on cell walls, as it renders so-called free radicals harmless.
The lauric acid also contained has an antimicrobial effect, so it has a slightly disinfecting effect.
Coconut oil has often proven itself to be a natural mosquito and tick repellent for animals and humans. Anyone who suffers from frequent stings could try to apply coconut oil to themselves before visiting the risk area.
Coconut oil is sold in glasses as a solid substance that melts in the hand due to its low melting point of around 23 ° C and feels slightly cool due to the heat it absorbs. It moisturizes the skin, but is poorly absorbed - so it mostly remains on the skin.
When using coconut oil as a body oil, a cold-pressed, unrefined oil should be chosen. This ensures that the vitamins it contains were not destroyed during production. You will mostly find something in dorgerie markets or organic supermarkets.

Home remedies for internal use

One tip that is often given is it drink plenty of water. At least 2 liters should be drunk a day, but better still 3 liters. A lack of water in the body can be particularly noticeable as headaches or chapped lips. In addition, it should be ensured, especially in winter, that the humidity in the heated rooms does not drop too much. A humidity of 55-60% should prevail in the living rooms at least. This humidity can be achieved by, for example, a Place a damp cloth over the heater.

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Home remedies for applying dry skin on the face

Especially in winter, the skin on the face suffers a lot from the cold air outside and the very dry heated air inside. This can easily lead to dry skin on the face, especially on the cheeks and chin. A homemade mask made from quark or yogurt can help here. Mixed with a little honey, the paste is applied to the face and you have a first aid against dry skin on your face. The mask should be left on the face for at least half an hour so that the effect can unfold and the active ingredients can penetrate the skin well. It can also help to put a small amount of freshly grated cucumber under the honey-yogurt mask.

In general, there are a large number of possible ingredients in face masks made from home remedies. There is also the tip to grate or puree potatoes or bananas and leave them on your face for 20 minutes.

When cleaning the face, it is important to use soap-free washing gels and washing gels without perfumes, because these can disrupt the protective acid mantle of the skin and thus lead to additional moisture being withdrawn from the skin.

Home remedies for dry skin around the eyes

The skin under the eyes is thin and therefore very sensitive. Heavy, greasy creams for the relief of dry spots should be avoided here. Small amounts of olive or coconut oil or baby oil are better suited and better tolerated. With these oils, there is also no unpleasant burning sensation if something should accidentally get into your eyes.
If you have an aloe vera plant at home, you can also take the sap from it and apply it to the dry area. Another, well-known option is the use of quark or grated cucumber or cucumber slices. These are best left on the skin for a few minutes and then rinsed off with lukewarm water.
In the long term, it is advisable to change the care routine if the skin around the eyes is constantly dry. Harsh facial washing lotions and makeup removers can dry out the skin unnecessarily. The olive and coconut oils mentioned above are a great working makeup remover for the eye area and are safe to use as a substitute in this region.

Additions in the bath water

Liquids that meet the Bath water can be admitted, enjoy great popularity. The warm bath water can soften the skin and so active ingredients can penetrate the skin well. Cleopatra should be one Bath in milk have taken to provide their skin with the necessary care. And in fact it can be helpful for example one liter of whole milk with the bath water to give or in addition 200 ml of olive oil. In order to achieve the necessary effect, it is recommended at least half an hour at 35-38 ° C staying in the bathtub. After bathing, you shouldn't dry yourself off too much, but rather with one moisturizing cream Apply lotion, because this way the skin can bind the moisture well.

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Also Lavender oil is said to be a helpful home remedy against dry skin be. Add a few drops of it to the bath water and dry skin should improve after the bath. You can also use soap instead Almond bran use. Or you pour over oatmeal with boiling water, leave it to stand for 5-7 minutes, then apply this paste to the affected areas and then let the mixture dry. It is also important not to shower or bathe too hot, because the heat removes moisture from the skin.

Also it is not recommended to shower too often. Although hygiene is important, too frequent showering can destroy the protective acid mantle of the skin and thus lead to the skin drying out. Experts recommend showering only every other day, but this always depends on the individual skin type.

Dry skin in babies

It is also with many babies dry skin a problem. In many cases, babies' dry skin is stressful in the form of itching and can scratching can also lead to wounds and infections. But as with adults, there are home remedies for babies that counteract dry skin to be able to help.

It is especially helpful when the baby bathing is not too long or too hot, because the high temperature and the softening of the skin cause the skin to lose even more moisture. So should the baby not too often be bathed and only with one soap free and for delicate baby skin getting washed. In addition, care should be taken that the bath products no perfumes includes.

If the baby's skin is already damaged, it may still be advisable no sponge or washcloth to use for cleaning, rather just the hands. As a further measure, the baby's skin can be cleaned immediately after bathing with a specially designed baby skin cream apply lotion.

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