Various homeopathic preparations for coughs

to cough is a common symptom of various diseases. From harmless colds to flu or pneumonia to serious illnesses such as pulmonary embolism or even tumors in the lungs, a cough can usually be detected.

Homeopathy is versatile and is enjoying increasing popularity. The more harmless forms of cough can also be treated with it. Below are some typical homeopathic remedies that can be used for each different form of cough.

However, if symptoms worsen or persist for more than 7 days, a doctor should be consulted.

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Also read: Homeopathy for cough with sputum

Antimonium sulfuratum aurantiacum (gold sulfur)

Cough with copious mucus of very tough texture. The Rattle of slime can be heard in the airways, but coughing up the thick mucus is made much more difficult. The remedy is particularly indicated in the case of long-standing bronchitis. Often when coughing up Shortness of breath, nausea, nausea.

The symptoms get worse in a warm room, at night and when lying down. The patient has to sit up while coughing up

Also read: Sulfur stibiatum aurantiacum

Antimonium arsenicosum (antimony pentoxide and arsenic trioxide in equal parts)

Persistent cough. Difficulty breathing with bluish discoloration of the skin during coughing fit. This remedy can also be indicated asthma and chronic pneumonia with shortness of breath and profuse mucus secretion.

Bryonia (red berry bryony)

Dry cough with excruciating tickling cough, sounding hollow, painful. Irritable patients, bad mood. Often severe headache.

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Strikingly white coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, food lies like "a stone" in the stomach.

The cough worsens when entering warm rooms and when moving. Relief of coughing attacks by putting pressure on the chest and at rest.

Also read: Bryonia cretica

Cuprum aceticum (neutral copper acetate)

Convulsive coughassociated with shortness of breath, vomiting. Occasionally bluish discoloration of the skin. Feeling cold all over the body.

Improvement of the cough and the associated vomiting by drinking cold beverages. Aggravated by touch, fright, in heat and at night.

Grindelia (dried herb of flower)

Bronchitis with profuse, but sputum difficult to dissolve. Difficulty breathing up to Suffocation. Also intermittent breathing especially during sleepwakes up. Grindelia is also indicated for asthma with bronchitis.

Also read: Grindelia robusta

Hyoscyamus (henbane)

Tormenting, dry tickling cough, especially when lying down and at night. Patient with great restlessness, nervous, over-sensitive, sleep poorly.

Improving coughing fits by drinking, eating and talking, by sitting up, during the day.

Aggravated lying down and at night.

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Also read: Henbane

Potassium iodatum (potassium iodide)

Chronic, persistent cough that can be dry, but also combined with plenty of purulent-greenish expectoration that is difficult to cough up.

Often when coughing sharp pains between the shoulder blades.

All complaints are aggravated by wetness and cold, The coughing attacks increase in intensity and frequency at night. Getting better outdoors in the fresh air.

Also read: Potassium iodatum

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Stannum metallicum (metallic tin)

Persistent cough associated with noticeable weakness and lack of tension with the slightest physical and mental exertion. The patient always wants to sit, lie, or lean on. Weakness in the chest with a feeling of emptiness, also a feeling of constriction, can't stand tight clothing. Coarse rattling noises, a lot yellow-green sputum that smells disgusting and can taste sweet or salty. The patient sweats significantly at night.

Complaints generally improve with counter pressure.

Aralia racemosa (American spikenard)

Dry, irritating cough that occurs immediately as soon as the patient lies down. You have to sit up when you cough. Foreign body sensation in the larynx.

With colds, sharp and sore runny nose.

The patients are very sensitive to cold drafts.

Also read: Aralia racemosa

Aconitum (blue monkshood)

When coughing the is associated with a sudden and stormy onset of colds. The trigger is very often a cold east wind.

Dry cough with wheezing when inhaled. Fever with hot but dry skin. Great restlessness with a lot of fear is typical of aconite.

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The symptoms worsen in the evening and at night around midnight and in the warmth.

Also read: Aconite

Drosera (sundew)

Dry cough is characteristic of the remedy. The coughing fits follow one another in quick succession, that It is hardly possible to breathe and the patient complains of a feeling of suffocation. Also Nausea and sharp pain in the chest. General dejection and depression.

Cough worse at night and in warm room. A coughing fit is also triggered by speaking. Relief of complaints outdoors in the fresh air.

Also read: Sundew

Rumex (Krauser Ampfer)

Rumex has a great relationship with the respiratory system. It exists excruciating cough with persistent irritable cough that occurs in attacks. The cough is called Tickling cough described. There shooting pain behind the sternum when breathing and coughing, the patient therefore tries convulsively to suppress the cough.

Any runny nose that may be present is accompanied by violent and frequent sneezing attacks. Cough triggered and aggravated by inhalation of cold air.

The symptoms worsen at night, the coughing fits get worse when you move from a warm room to a cold one.

In general, warmth improves, including application of warmth to the neck through wraps or warm wrapping.

Also read: Rumex

Senega (Senega Root)

Cough with tough, tight sputum, difficult to dissolve, can only be coughed up with great effort. Chronic rattling noises, painful cough with sore chest.

The symptoms worsen when you rest and lie down. Better to exercise outdoors in the fresh air.

Also read: Senega

Tartarus emeticus (tartar emetic)

to cough especially with old people and young children. Plenty of tough mucus that cannot be coughed up, or only with great difficulty. Choking cough that is patient short of breath and seem frail, pale and dilapidated.

Coughing fits worsen and occur more frequently when moving, in a warm room and when lying down. Patient has to sit up to cough up better. All complaints are worse at night.

Also read: Tartarus emeticus

Sticta pulmonaria (lung moss, lung lichen)

Dry hacking cough who doesn't want to stop once he's started Feeling bruised all over the body.

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Discomfort at night, when lying down and from deep breathing. Coughing fits often trigger cold air.

Also read: Sticta pulmonaria

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