
Klosterfrau Melissengeist® is used as a purely herbal medicine for various ailments.

Klosterfrau Melissengeist® is a traditional herbal medicine and is traditionally used against various ailments, whereby the effect is only based on tradition and has by no means been scientifically researched or justified.

operation area

Internal application

  • to Strengthening/Strengthening when loaded by annoy and Cycle, associated with inner restlessness and nervousness
  • against Difficulty falling asleep
  • at Weather sensitivity
  • to improve malaise
  • to promote the Gastrointestinal function, at Bloating and Flatulence
  • to Strengthening
  • at Colds

External use

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  • To improve blood circulation in the skin, e.g. at aching and Tension


Should not be used internally Klosterfrau Melissegeist® at allergy against one of the ingredients or Stomach / intestinal ulcers.

Against an external use of Klosterfrau Melissegeist® also speaks one allergy against one of the ingredients, as well as damaged skin (Burns, Eczema, open wounds) and Skin diseases.

pregnancy and breast feeding period

Even the smallest amounts Alcohol can to severe damage lead with the child, therefore may Klosterfrau Melissegeist® while pregnancy and Lactation not be applied.

Use in children

Also at Children is the internal application due to the Alcohol content under 18 years prohibited.


Pass the Disease symptoms even when treated with Klosterfrau Melissengeist® go on, see a doctor.

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The ingredients contained in Klosterfrau Melissengeist® make the skin more light sensitiveso that it increases with UV irradiation Skin inflammation can come. For this reason, during the external treatment with Klosterfrau Melissengeist® to refrain from longer sunbathing.
Klosterfrau Melissengeist® should not be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise it may cause irritation to the stomach heartburn, stomach pain, nausea and Nausea can come.

Come Klosterfrau Melissengeist® With eyes in contact, they are with you immediately and for 10 minutes water to do the washing up.

With more frequent external use from Klosterfrau Melissengeist® is a moisturizing care advisable, as the alcohol content in Klosterfrau Melissengeist is high® on the Drying out skin works.

Warning notices

Klosterfrau Melissengeist® contains 79% alcohol and for this reason internal use is prohibited for:

  • Liver disease
  • Alcoholics
  • Epileptics
  • Brain damaged
  • Pregnant women
  • Children

Effect on responsiveness

Through the high alcohol content is it likely that that Responsiveness impaired and active participation in road traffic can have criminal consequences.

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Internal application

Take adults 1-3 times a day 5 - 10 ml Klosterfrau Melissengeist® a (maximum dose per day 25ml). It should be taken with at least the double the amount on water diluted or on a piece of bread.

External use

Adults wear Klosterfrau Melissengeist® pure or with water diluted on the painful area. It is absolutely necessary to avoid, the product on diseased skin to apply!

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Side effects

At internal application often step Stomach discomfort (e.g. nausea, heartburn) and fatigue on. Sometimes it comes to dizziness and rarely occurs Feeling of warmth on.

At external use it occurs in rare cases Hypersensitivity reactions of the skin (itch) and Numbness, as well as after long exposure to sunlight (or UV radiation) to the occurrence of Skin reactions and -inflammation. It is also to be expected that the skin will dry out.

  • Ent 
  • Diagnosis 
  • Ophthalmology 
  • Naturopathy 
  • Gynecology And Obstetrics- 
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