
When taking L carnitine you should pay attention to a few things so that the desired effects can occur. In front the intake of L Carnitine one should pay attention to it nothing to eat. If food is consumed before L carnitine is consumed, the intake of carnitine is reduced disturbed by digestion and it will less of the L carnitine absorbed.

There are no guidelines for when to take L Carnitine. The intake can thus anytime take place without there being different modes of action. An exception is this To do sports, in which the intake of L Carnitine as close as possible should be at the beginning of the load. When it comes to the dosage, you should adhere to the manufacturer's instructions and Not to strong from that differ.

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As Rule of thumb for example, an intake of 2 grams per day should not be exceeded. It doesn't matter whether the two grams are administered at once or distributed over several intake points.

As with many dietary supplements, it is also very advisable with L Carnitine a break after two months of treatment to do or to stop taking it completely.

L Carnitine can be ingested with the help of numerous different products. The easiest and most frequently used way is to take capsules, as they can be swallowed easily with a sip of water. L Carnitine is also available in the form of lozenges, chewable tablets, tablets, probiotic drinks, syrup, ampoules to drink, bars to eat before or during training and in powder form. The powder is mixed with milk and then drunk.

Dosage types

Each of the different dosage types has its own Advantages and disadvantages. At Capsules one has that advantagethat it is always about the same amount of L carnitine acts that one absorbs. Of the disadvantage is that swallowing capsules is more likely for many athletes unpleasant and therefore the capsule is not always the first choice.

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If you choose L Carnitine in Powder form one should find out which ones Flavors there is the L Carnitine powder. In certain circumstances tastes good the mixture simply not good. In comparison with the capsules, you have to prepare an L Carnitine drink from powder pay attention to the dosage. When mixing a shake, it is almost impossible to always mix in the same amount of powder. You also have to Shakes always first to prepare and loses timethat you save on the capsules.

Would you like the L carnitine as liquid from a ampoule one always has same dosage and Preparation no problems. You can drink the liquid directly from the ampoule and always get the same amount. However, here the price, of the taste and also the durability as disadvantage be interpreted.

Positive effect of L-carnitine

In general, one can say about the dosage of L-carnitine that a clearly positive effect occurs mainly when taking it due to a deficiency symptom. Especially in people with low fat burning, signs of fatigue, lack of drive and insufficient energy supply, the additional intake of L-carnitine can count on a significantly strengthening effect.

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You can read on all about weight loss and fat burning: Lose weight with amino acids

You can also achieve a positive effect on endurance and strength athletes. However, in addition to regular training, a low-calorie diet should also be adhered to, since the supplementation of L-carnitine otherwise has little or no effects. Especially when losing weight, L-carnitine can have very significant effects and reduce weight sustainably.

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Read more on this topic at: Effect of L-Carnitine

Dosage of L - carnitine

Studies have shown that taking 2000 mg L-carnitine a significant weight reduction can cause.

The exact time of ingestion should be roughly determined following requirement hold:

  • Bodybuilders and endurance athletes usually should 30-60 minutes before a training session Consume L-carnitine.
  • In adults one speaks of one maximum recommended dose of 5000 mg per day.
  • With children are it 25-100 mg per kg of body weightthat should not be exceeded.
  • Especially with Infants and Children One should be careful about the food enough L-carnitine is included since only from the age of 15 the L-carnitine synthesis fully functional is.
  • Vegetarians, vegans, competitive athletes, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people who suffer from iron deficiency, women who take the pill and people who are under constant stress often show an L-carnitine deficiency and should therefore up to 1000 mg L-carnitine per day add to food.

More information

You can find more information about the L-Carnitine effect here:

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  • L-carnitine
  • L-carnitine function

For more information, see the following Nutritional supplements:

  • amino acids
  • BCAA
  • CLA
  • Glutamine
  • HMB
  • L-carnitine intake
  • carbohydrates
  • protein
  • Pyruvate
  • Ribose
  • Weight gainer
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Creatine

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