Viscum album
Donar broom, witch's nest, mistletoe
The mistletoe is a globular, heavily branched, evergreen semi-parasite of our coniferous and deciduous trees. The leaves of the mistletoe are leathery, small and elongated. The flowers are pale yellow and inconspicuous.
Heyday: March to April.
Occurrence: Wherever there are trees, mistletoe prefers to grow in soft woody species.
Birds spread the seeds, the berries ripen in winter. The Teutons and the Gauls priests already knew and valued mistletoe.
The branches of mistletoe and their leaves are preferably harvested in March and April when the trees are still lacking foliage. The twig tips and leaves are harvested and then gently dried and used to make medicinal products.
The mistletoe works weakly hypotensive and alleviates the side effects of high blood pressure how dizziness and a headache.
In the form of syringes, the drug is used against arthrosis and Sciatica problems used.
At cancer the effect is controversial. Mistletoe extracts are in many antihypertensive finished drugs contain.
Mistletoe tea: One takes 4 to 6 heaped teaspoons cut mistletoe, pour half a liter of lukewarm water over it 10 to 12 hours strain and drink in the mornings and the evenings a cup for a long time.
Mistletoe is used at high blood pressure of the elderly often with Hawthorn mixed recommended.
Viscum album, the MIstel, is a well-known remedy for high blood pressure of the elderly, triggered by Vascular calcification. Attached to
$config[ads_text2] not foundEffect on cancer is controversial.
The complaints worsen in the evening and at night, improve after profuse sweating. The most common potencies are D4 and D6.
With normal dosage of mistletoe medicine none are known.