Introduction - nail fungus and vinegar

In addition to the surgical methods of nail fungus treatment and laser treatments, there are a large number of old and successful remedies, also known as home remedies. The treatment of nail fungus with vinegar is very promising. All common vinegars can be used here. Fruit vinegar and brandy vinegar are also ideal for treating nail fungus. It is a cheap method of treatment compared to the drugs available in pharmacies.


The vinegar should be applied to the affected nail at regular intervals using a spatula or cotton swab. The frequency should be at least once a day. The effectiveness of vinegar lies in its pH.Fungi, for example, need a mainly alkaline environment to grow, which mostly predominates under the nail or in humid and warm regions. The vinegar penetrates the nail and moves through it to the nail bed, where the main fungus of a nail is usually located. The vinegar leads to a radical acidification of the environment, which causes the fungus to die. The prerequisite for a successful treatment of the nail fungus is the use of 5-25% vinegar, which can acidify the basic environment in an appropriate way.

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Please also read our article on this Mushrooms.

A vinegar treatment should be carried out regularly and should be continued after a few days even if the desired result is not achieved. It usually takes up to four to eight weeks for an effect to occur. After applying the nail, the foot should not be washed for several hours in order to allow the vinegar to migrate through the nail to the nail bed.
The chances of success are a lot worse compared to laser treatment, but with a success rate of up to 50%, they are still high. There are hardly any side effects with vinegar compared to chemical preparations.

The treatment / therapy of nail fungus with acetic acid has better results, but also more side effects. You will find more information later in the text.

Vinegar essence

In the case of mildly pronounced and / or slightly advanced forms of nail fungus, the affected patients do not necessarily have to resort to aggressive drugs.
Precisely because the over-the-counter ointments and varnishes are quite expensive, it is worthwhile to resort to cheaper treatment methods for low-grade nail fungus.
Many simple home remedies can help contain the fungal infection and completely cure the nail fungus.
Vinegar and oils are probably the most effective home remedies.
In particular, the regular application of vinegar essence seems to lead to a visible treatment success for many sufferers after a short time. The reason for the effectiveness of the vinegar essence lies in its chemical structure as well as in its solubility properties.
The substance known under the name of vinegar essence is basically high-dose vinegar. In most cases the vinegar essence is offered as a colorless, strongly smelling liquid. Since vinegar essence belongs to the group of carboxylic acids from a chemical point of view, it can cause local, slightly caustic reactions on skin contact.
It is precisely this property that patients affected by nail fungus can take advantage of. Fungal cells need a basic environment (i.e. an environment with a pH value of at least 7.1) in order to be able to multiply.

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When applied regularly to the infected nail areas, the caustic vinegar essence attacks the fungal cell membranes and begins to dissolve them. This prevents the pathogens responsible for the nail fungus from multiplying and kills the existing fungal cells.
About three times a day, a little vinegar essence should be applied to a cotton ball and then applied to the infected nail surface.
Patients who feel a slight burning sensation in the area of ​​the nail edges after use should be careful with the dosage. In many cases, local reactions such as redness and other skin irritations can be avoided by applying some skin cream to the skin around the nail.
In this way, less of the corrosive vinegar essence reaches the surface of the skin. Since vinegar essence, in contrast to the typical antifungal (fungicidal) varnishes and ointments, is a less potent active ingredient, the treatment must be carried out over many days. In addition, the affected patients should ensure that the application is carried out at regular intervals and not wash their hands for at least half an hour after the application.

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Also read the article: Vinegar in medicine.

acetic acid

Treating nail fungus with acetic acid?

A nail fungus can be treated with a number of topical medicinal and home remedies. The external use of acetic acid is also a treatment option for mild to moderate and superficial nail fungus infestation. Acetic acid is a highly corrosive and highly concentrated acid. Aqueous solutions of acetic acid (i.e. less concentrated acids) are trivially referred to as "vinegar", for example vinegar essence contains 25 percent acetic acid.

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Nail fungi need an alkaline environment under the nail in order to grow. The effect of acetic acid is explained by the fact that the strong acid penetrates the entire nail and also accumulates in the nail bed, where the main nail fungus is located.
This disrupts the alkaline environment that the nail fungus needs to grow and the fungus is killed. Since the treatment of nail fungus with acetic acid is not a systemic (internal) Represents therapy, undesirable effects can at best occur superficially on the treated area. Acetic acid can be a highly corrosive substance due to the high concentration of acid (compared to lower dosed vinegar essence) fight the nail fungus with high aggressiveness. For this reason, skin reactions or severe burning sensations may occasionally occur in the course of application with acetic acid in the area of ​​the infected nail. This side effect can be reduced by creaming the cuticle with petroleum jelly before applying acetic acid.

The external treatment of nail fungus with acetic acid often requires a longer period of application and should also be continued for some time after the nail fungus is no longer noticeable. It can take several months for a new, healthy nail to grow back and acetic acid treatment should be continued for this time. The first noticeable improvements should occur within a few weeks.

There are several ways to treat nail fungus with acetic acid. The acetic acid can, for example, be put in a foot bath and the affected foot bathed two to three times a day for about a quarter of an hour.
Alternatively, a cotton ball can be soaked in acetic acid and placed on the infected nail and squeezed out a little. Applied twice a day, acetic acid can effectively inhibit the growth of nail fungus and kill it. After application (Foot bath or direct application) the nail should be air-dried. If the nail is very thick due to the nail fungus, you can carefully file the nail off before the treatment and remove the upper layers of fungus so that the acetic acid can work better.

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The deposits on the nail can be carefully removed at regular intervals after a foot bath. The treatment is very effective and can make the nail fungus go away completely. With successful treatment, the nail grows back healthy from below and no longer shows any deformation or thickening.


The clear one advantage The use of vinegar in the treatment of nail fungus is the fact that it is a substance that is available in almost every household.
It is precisely this fact that makes the application very attractive for patients who are ashamed of the nail fungus. A disadvantage of using vinegar to treat fungal infections is that it is compared to pharmacy-only drugs lower effectiveness.
Pronounced fungal infections that may have already infiltrated the nail bed can usually not be successfully treated with regular use of vinegar for several weeks.
The actual application or application of the vinegar is again quite simple.
Depending on the severity of the fungal infestation, the affected patient can use pure vinegar or make a solution from vinegar and tap water. When using pure vinegar and / or using high-dose vinegar essence, however, care should be taken to ensure that the surface of the skin around the infected nail takes no damage.
For this reason, the edges of the nail surface should be treated with a Layer of skin cream to be covered. This way, less of the corrosive substance can get to the skin. Then the pure vinegar, the vinegar essence or the diluted solution can be applied to a cotton ball and carefully distributed on the nail surface. After the application, the hands must not be washed for at least half an hour. Only in this way can the vinegar develop its full potential.
Depending on the extent of the nail fungus, you need to use this home remedy two to three times a day for about three weeks respectively. If there is no improvement within the first few days after the start of the treatment, it is advisable to consult a specialist (dermatologist) as soon as possible and the therapy to continue with a conventional medicine.

Prospect of success

Of the Success of nail fungus treatment with vinegar depends on the extent of the infection and the frequency of application.
At mildly pronounced fungal infections shows how many people use vinegar quick success. The treatment of pronounced infections, on the other hand, with the use of vinegar and / or vinegar essence is in most cases not promising.
Fungal infections that have already infiltrated the nail bed are even completely unsuccessful.

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Foot bath

Do you want that Nail fungus with vinegar treat, is a suitable one Foot bath good for distributing the vinegar evenly on the nail fungus. The foot bath ensures that the nail is something softened and the vinegar gets better at deeper layers.

To treat the nail fungus with vinegar with a foot bath, one takes one Tub, big bowl or one big bucketwith which the feet and nails can be completely covered with water. The let in water should be best as warm as possible without being painful, of course.

The Mixing ratio from commercial vinegar to water is approximately 1:1.

The foot bath lasts approx. 10-20 minutes and is a pleasant form if you want to treat the nail fungus with vinegar. The vinegar works slightly disinfecting, along with the warm water Blood circulation and Healing processes promoted.

After the foot bath, there must be space between the feet and toes thoroughly dried and the Changed socks become.

This is the way to treat nail fungus with vinegar several times a week apply and thus support the healing.

Tea tree oil

When it comes to treating nail fungus, there are a variety of home remedies that are recommended. Some are reported to have worked well while others are unlikely to be effective. Vinegar has proven itself in the application, as it leads to an acidification to a hindrance to the growth of the mushrooms.

In contrast to conventional medicines, there are no scientifically proven figures for home remedies, but their use for nail fungus has established itself and many people report that they were able to get rid of the parasite.

Tea tree oil is often cited as an all-purpose home remedy for a variety of skin and nail diseases. The terpenal alcohols it contains can kill pathogens such as fungi. Applying tea tree oil to nail fungus is supposed to fight it. However, the use of tea tree oil should be viewed critically.

Many dermatologists and the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment warn against the skin-irritating components of tea tree oil. In addition, its use can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. If you want to treat nail fungus with home remedies, you should use vinegar rather than tea tree oil. However, if there is no improvement even after several weeks of regular use, it is recommended to use a conventional medicine from the pharmacy to treat the nail fungus. Local application on the nail is usually sufficient and there is no need to take a tablet.

Read more on the topic: This is how nail fungus is treated effectively!

band Aid

If you suffer from nail fungus and treat it with vinegar, it can be useful to tape the nail with a plaster between uses. In particular with an advanced fungal disease with destruction or softening of part of the nail plate, the nail can be protected with a plaster. Especially when wearing shoes and especially when walking, the mechanical irritation on the diseased nail can be reduced in this way. The plaster should be applied after the vinegar treatment as soon as the nail is dry again.

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In addition, it is important to ensure that the adhesive surface is only applied to the skin and not to the diseased nail so that there is no further irritation when pulling it off. In addition, a plaster should not be worn on the nail all the time, otherwise the fungal growth is more likely to be promoted and the desired effect of the vinegar treatment is negated.

Nail fungus treatment during pregnancy

Another meaning when you get the Nail fungus with vinegar wants to treat women comes in the pregnancy to.
During this time it occurs for some women increased to fungal diseases like nail fungus as that immune system easily through pregnancy weakened can be.

In order not to disturb the delicate development of the child in the womb, there are many Medication during pregnancy however, to be administered with great caution. This also applies to drugs that are given orally in stubborn cases against nail fungus, the so-called Antifungal drugs.

Therefore, many women resort to this during pregnancy Home remedies back so that you can treat the nail fungus with vinegar even during pregnancy. A solution is found Water and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1 mixed and with cotton swab or Cloths applied to the affected areas and thus combats the nail fungus. Also becomes a Spread of the fungus difficult.

If you want to treat the nail fungus with vinegar, you should also use one good foot hygiene and frequent changing and washing of socks after each use.

In some cases, treating the nail fungus with vinegar is not enough. Then one should specialist be sought out who the Advantages and disadvantages of drug administration during pregnancy and ensure the safety of the child.

Duration of treatment

There are a multitude of people who are one Nail fungus with vinegar to treat. In many cases the question arises as to which Duration of treatment.

It's important to know that too with conventional medical measures the duration of the illness some weeks amounts. However, if you want to treat the nail fungus with vinegar, this is a useful method to treat the Support healing. The exact duration depends, of course, on Extent of the disease and Type of pathogen.

It is often reported that with regular use of vinegar in the case of nail fungus, the duration of use increases 6-10 weeks lies. As a rule, the nail fungus is then healed.

In order to shorten the duration in which you have to treat the nail fungus with vinegar, offer themselves supporting hygienic measures or others Remedies for athlete's foot how special nail polish or Anoint on.

Overall, it must be said that the duration cannot be reduced beyond a certain extent, as one Healing on the nail takes a relatively long time.

When I treat the nail fungus with vinegar it stings - what to do?

Vinegar is an organic acid, so if it comes into contact with the skin when treating nail fungus, it can burn. Especially if there are small injuries or open spots on the foot, even a small amount of vinegar will burn on contact.

The burning sensation is a warning sign that the skin is being irritated by the vinegar. The sows hinder the healing of the open area and the restoration of the skin barrier. Therefore, one should no longer treat nail fungus with vinegar or other acids if it burns strongly during application. Either you use other home remedies that do not have a caustic effect such as vinegar or you use a conventional medicine from the pharmacy that contains an active ingredient that is specifically directed against the fungus.

Will it do if I drink vinegar?

If you suffer from nail fungus, there is no point drinking vinegar. The effect of vinegar against nail fungus only unfolds when it is applied externally to the nail. When you drink vinegar, it is absorbed and transformed by the body. In contrast to a drug, this way no effect can develop on the nails.

There are also risks associated with drinking vinegar.It exposes the esophagus and stomach to extra acid. In addition, the vinegar attacks tooth enamel when it is consumed, which promotes inflammation and tooth decay. Still, some people swear by the health benefits of drinking vinegar. However, this has not been proven. If you still want to do this, you should use high-quality vinegar and drink it with plenty of water. The mouth should also be rinsed thoroughly after drinking.

Figure nail fungus

Figure: healthy nail (A) and nail fungus symptoms (B)

Nail - Unguis

  1. Free edge (of the nail) -
    Margo liber
  2. Cover fabric of the nail bed -
  3. Nail plate -
    Lamina unguis
  4. Nail fold - Matric sulcus
  5. "Moondchen" - Lunula
  6. Horny layer of the nail wall -
  7. Distal phalanx -
    Phalanx distalis
  8. Nail root - Margo occultus
    Nail fungus -
    Onychomycosis, Tinea unguium
    Nail fungus symptoms
  9. Brittleness,
    Crumbling of the nail
  10. Thickening of the nail
  11. Whitish, yellow or
    gray-brown spots in the nail
  12. White or yellowish
    Discoloration on the edge of the nail
  13. Dullness of the nail
  14. Chipping of the nail

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