How is therapy for kidney pain carried out?

As with other complaints, Kidney pain between more general, so symptomatic therapy and specific therapy, in which the underlying disease is treated, can be distinguished.

Home remedies

The most important thing in Kidney pain is the adequate hydration. Common causes of the pain are inflammation caused by germs.

The liquid ensures a Wash out the pathogen and thereby prevents it from multiplying. As a quantity of liquid at least 2.5 liters recommended, which should be drunk throughout the day in order to ensure even urine production.

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It is important to note that Avoid coffee, alcohol, and black tea should be because these drinks also dehydrate the body.

You should continue to do a lot fruit and vegetables take to strengthen the immune system so that the body can fight the possible infection.

Can be used for severe pain warmth felt as soothing. For this offer Cherry stone pillow that can be heated in the microwave or cooled in the refrigerator.

Cold, moisture and drafts weaken the body's defenses and should be avoided.
In general, kidney pain should not be underestimated and if you are unsure, consult your family doctor to prevent possible later complications.

Tea for kidney pain

To adequately rinse the painful kidney, some types of tea are recommended, which can have a soothing effect.

The one available in stores Bladder and kidney tea often contains active ingredients Goldenrod and the leaves of the birch tree in a highly concentrated form.

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These fight the inflammation and flush the pathogens that are present Stimulation of urine production out and are therefore able to Relieve pain.

Be further Juniper leaf and Dandelion teas recommended. That is important regular use distributed throughout the day to enable the pathogens to be flushed out.

Home remedies for kidney pain during pregnancy

There is also one in pregnancy sufficient amount of water to drink important.
The ureters are widened by the influence of hormones, which makes it easier for pathogens to adhere to the ureter wall.
In addition, an increased sugar content in the urine can cause a favorable milieu for germs arise because they feed on sugar. Because of this you should sugary drinks like cola avoided become.

At Kidney Pain During Pregnancy In addition to home remedies, the treating person should once again Consulted a gynecologist to avoid complications for mother and child, because then it may be necessary to take an antibiotic.

Read more on the topic: Kidney Pain During Pregnancy


To homeopathic treatment of kidney pain is fundamental to say that this only in addition to medical therapy should be used.
In any case, a doctor should be consulted who can advise on when a pure homeopathic therapy is no longer sufficient for treating the disease.

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A number of homeopathic medicines are recommended to help relieve kidney pain. On the one hand, at Painful urination and pounding kidney pain Duclamara be taken.
Kick strong Colic on, for example with urinary stones, can Colocynth be helpful.
At Bladder and kidney stones, or in the event of injuries Arnica used.

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Homeopathic remedies come in several forms for use. For one are here Globules which contain the highly diluted active ingredient.
For another, are in trade too Drops, teas and ointments available.

If you have had good experience with the use of homeopathic remedies, they are a good support in alleviating the symptoms.

When do I need an antibiotic?

Occur kidney pain acute one wonders when an antibiotic should be taken.
Always should decided individually with the attending physician because depending on the nature of the cause, one resorts to the appropriate remedy.

A Pelvic inflammation for example should treated early with antibiotics are used to prevent chronification, which can be associated with repeated inflammations including kidney pain, subsequently with shrunken kidneys or with end-stage renal insufficiency.

in the first trimester of pregnancy Inflammations of the renal pelvis occur more frequently and can thus trigger kidney pain.
Therapy should be used here Protection of the mother and the unborn child under medical supervision directly with one Broad spectrum antibiotic (an antibiotic that is effective against as many germs as possible) such as Amoxicillin respectively.

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Screening examinations are carried out in 10% of pregnant women Bacteria in the urine proven that do not cause any discomfort.
These pregnant women should also be treated in any case, as always the Risk of complications for mother and child.
The important thing here is that correct selection of the right antibioticas some antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones or co-trimoxazole are contraindicated in pregnancy.

If urinary stones are the cause of the pain, no antibiotics are required if the stone is removed without complications. However, if there was previously a long-term urine build-up, a more detailed search should be made for an infection.

Specific treatment

In addition to general therapy methods, specific therapy methods are of course also important for the symptom of kidney pain Treatment of the cause judge.

Pelvic inflammation

In the Pelvic inflammation be bed rest, hydration, antipyretic drugs as well Antibiotics Prescribed to fight bacterial pathogens to relieve kidney pain.

Urinary stones

The acute kidney pain will be initially medicinal with butylscopolamine (Buscopan®) and painkillers (Analgesics) treated.

If the stone does not come off by itself, which often happens with small stones, the stone will become alkaline in the urine in the near future, depending on its composition (increasing the urine pH value by means of drugs and more specifically diet) or by shock waves or lasers (Lithotripsy) resolved.

Alternatively, a stone can be removed with the help of a sling attached to a catheter through the urethra direction kidney be pushed away.
A last - seldom necessary - possibility to remove stones and thus to eliminate kidney pain is an operation.


Depending on the severity of the kidney injury, such trauma accompanied by kidney pain is either treated conservatively with observation or, in severe cases, surgically.

Kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is operated on, with the kidneys partially or completely and adjacent Lymph nodes removed. Depending on the stage of cancer, a chemotherapy, Immune or hormone therapy.


Narrowing that causes kidney pain is only treated if it significantly obstructs the flow of urine.
In these cases, the affected area is corrected surgically. If irreversible kidney damage has already occurred, the affected organs are removed completely (Nephrectomy).

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Urinary reflux

Lighter forms of reflux are treated with antibiotics and checked regularly. More severe manifestations are operated on by reconnecting the ureter to the bladder.

Kidney infarction

This clinical picture is either treated with catheter dilation (PTA =pcut out transluminale A.ngioplasty) or treated surgically.

In PTA, the closed vessel is expanded and the blood flow is restored. Surgical therapy consists in scraping the closed vessel.

In the case of massive vascular changes, there is the option of installing a vascular prosthesis or a bypass in order to construct a bypass circuit around the changed vessel and in this way to eliminate kidney pain.

What can you do about kidney pain during pregnancy?

In order to be able to take effective action against kidney pain during pregnancy, the cause of the pain must first be determined.
In the case of a urinary tract infection, antibiotic therapy should be started under medical supervision. It must be ensured that the selected antibiotics can also be taken during pregnancy.
Another cause of kidney pain can be insufficient hydration, which can lead to buildup in the kidney.
Pregnant women should drink 1.5 to 2 liters a day, ideally in the form of water or unsweetened tea. This stimulates the kidneys to work. Certain teas such as nettle, goldenrod or birch also promote kidney activity.
Another home remedy are cranberries and citrus fruits or preparations made from them. They are high in vitamin C and flavonoids, which can help relieve urinary tract irritation.
Heat can also help relieve the symptoms in the form of heat pillows, hot water bottles or hip baths. However, it should be avoided in the case of urinary tract or renal pelvic infections, as it can increase the inflammation.

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