
One of the 5 signs of inflammation, in addition to swelling, redness, warmth and impaired function, is pain. A slight inflammation of the gums usually doesn't hurt, which is why it often goes unnoticed. By the time the pain starts, the inflammation may already have settled.

Read more on the topic: Inflammation of the gums

How the pain progresses or how long it lasts varies from patient to patient. It is important to prevent such an inflammation by thorough tooth cleaning. It is just as important to visit a dentist in good time as soon as the pain does not subside after a few days.

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Why does the pain arise?

Bacteria are always involved in inflammation. Since these weren't there before, this means that there has been a change in the gums. The tooth and its supporting structures are very sensitive. The tooth support system includes sensors that sense temperature, but also pressure, tension and other contact. If bacteria are between the tooth and the gum, they attack the fibers that hold the teeth in place. If the teeth become loose over time, the extreme movement may cause them to activate sensors too strongly to send this information to the pain center.

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Basically, a slight inflammation of the gums does not hurt. If this is not treated, however, and exhales, so that an inflammation of the entire tooth support system develops or a rapidly growing gingivitis (ANUG), additional pain occurs. Swelling then occurs as there is too much pressure inside. When the gums swell, they become more sensitive to touch. In addition, there is nowhere for the pressure to escape, which activates pressure receptors excessively. If there is also bleeding gums, this is an indication that the vessels and the mucous membrane are slightly injured. These injuries can also be painful.

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Pain in the jaw

Any type of toothache can also lead to pain in the jaw joint, as the relationship between the teeth and the jaw joint is very close. The lower jaw is only held in place on the skull by ligaments and muscles. If the situation in the area of ​​the teeth changes, it can lead to unfamiliar positions in the jaw joint, which then lead to pain. It is often the case that the muscles tense due to the pain that occurs.

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This is a compensation of the body. If these become tense and can no longer be moved so easily, the temporomandibular joint is moved into a different position. But since the jaw has been used to a different position for years and the protective joint cartilage does not move with it, the bones rub against each other, which causes pain. To relax the muscles, you should have a splint made for the night. In difficult cases, physiotherapy treatment can also help. Both are usually paid for by statutory health insurances.

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Pain in the ear

With inflammation of the gums, the presence of bacteria can often lead to inflammation in the throat and pharynx. The function of the ears and throat are very close together. For example, the pressure equalization of the ears is regulated by swallowing. If swallowing is difficult, for example due to swelling of the tonsils or pain in the gums, the pressure equalization may be disturbed. This can also cause pain in the ear.

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Often the ears hurt even when the wisdom teeth are inflamed. The gums are often swollen when the wisdom tooth has not yet grown out properly. Due to the proximity between the upper jaw teeth and the ear canal, inflammation can easily spread to neighboring structures.

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throbbing / pulsating pain

This type of pain can have multiple causes. The reason you feel the pain with the rhythm of your pulse is because the blood flow is increased. This creates pressure, which cannot be evaded properly. If the gums are inflamed, the pressure on the gums evades. This creates a swelling. However, since the gums cannot be stretched indefinitely, the pressure in the gums continues to rise. If such a pressure arises in the area of ​​the tooth nerve inside the tooth, the pressure can evade even less. The only option is to go through the small hole at the top of the root. Since the nerves come in and out there, the pain is the same as with a severe inflammation of the gums. The pain then indicates a dental nerve that has already died.

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The same pain pattern occurs with a wisdom tooth that has not yet erupted. The gums are usually inflamed at this point because the tooth is pressing against it. It is important to see a dentist as soon as possible, because if the pain is so severe that it is already throbbing, the inflammation is well advanced. A tip is not to do any heavy work or sport, otherwise the blood pressure will continue to rise and the pain will get worse. It is best to place your head higher than your heart so that the blood can drain off. You should avoid lying down and instead sleep half-sitting. It should be noted that this type of pain can not only occur with gum inflammation. Conversely, one must consider that inflammation of the gums can be just as painless.

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Duration of pain

It is difficult to give an indication of how long the pain has lasted. The duration will vary depending on how much the inflammation has spread. A small acute injury to the gums in a patient who is systemically healthy causes pain that disappears after a few days. In the case of an aphtha, a small blister in the area of ​​the mucous membrane that was triggered by pathogens, the pain can last up to 9 days. In acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, the gums suddenly become severely swollen and begin to destroy gum areas. If the pathogen is not treated, the pain lasts longer. The pain should not last longer than 2 days. Otherwise you have to go to a dentist.

Find out more about the topic: Duration of a gingivitis

How can you relieve the pain?

On the one hand, general painkillers help against the pain, but also drugs that on the one hand fight the cause and on the other hand also hide the pain. These are listed in the topic Medicines. There are also many tried and tested home remedies that work against the pain and against the inflammation itself.

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In order not to provoke the pain additionally, one should not do sports. In order not to keep your head down, you should avoid heavy physical labor. Daily oral hygiene fights the inflammation and so gradually alleviates the pain. Most often it helps to go to the dentist, who combats the focus of inflammation through professional cleaning of the teeth and the gums. Some helping medications are not over the counter and must be prescribed by the dentist.

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Medicines for painful gingivitis

Medicines that contain only herbal ingredients have few side effects. Such are, for example, Kamillosan. As the name suggests, it contains chamomile extracts. There is a mouthwash and a spray. Kamistad is also available as a gel and contains active ingredients from the chamomile flower. Chamomile has an antibacterial effect and thus combats inflammation. As a result, the pain will also decrease. Kamistad gel also has the effect of numbing the surface.

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Responsible for this is the contained lidocaine, an anesthetic. This lidocaine is also contained in the periodontal mouth ointment. In addition to the anesthetic, it consists of sage extracts that fight bacteria and relieve swelling. Thanks to the anesthetic, the pain will decrease. The disadvantage of ointments is that they are not that easy to apply. They become blurred relatively quickly due to the spit or movements of the tongue. It is best to stabilize the ointment or gel with a swab that you hold with your teeth to keep it in place.

The active ingredient chlorhexidine also helps. The abbreviation CHX is often found on medicine packs or toothpaste tubes. The drug Chlorhexamed is available as a mouthwash or paste. It disinfects and destroys bacteria by damaging the cell walls. The effect of chlorhexidine is very effective because it sticks to teeth and mucous membranes for a particularly long time and can therefore work for a long time and protects the mucous membrane from further bacterial attack. Drugs with a high alcohol content are very helpful, be it a clear schnapps or a Pyralvex solution with 60% ethanol that is applied to the affected areas. On the one hand, the alcohol kills some of the bacteria and, on the other hand, the mucous membrane is numbed by the high percentage, so that the pain is a little more bearable.

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Home remedies for gum inflammation pain

There are of course home remedies that specifically only help against pain. These include arnica globules, good-smelling aromas such as frankincense, or herbs such as turmeric or ginger. But it is more important to find out the cause of the gingivitis and treat it. If this is not combated, the pain will persist. In addition, home remedies for the inflammation are also indirectly pain relievers. Many of the anti-inflammatory agents are also known for their analgesic and pain relieving properties.

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Alum is a rather unknown mineral and therefore not available everywhere. It has a contracting effect on the mucous membranes, reducing it so that the blood flow in the inflamed area is kept high. The inflammation is therefore not transported further and cannot affect any other areas. A high-proof schnapps is another option for all inflammations in the mouth and throat area. The clear schnapps is gargled undiluted for 60 seconds and rinsed around the gums. It is important to spit out the rinse and bacteria. It must not be swallowed. Similarly, only in a diluted form, the rinse can also be carried out with apple cider vinegar or lemon. The substances have an antimicrobial effect and cause a higher flow of saliva. Another homemade mouthwash is the one with ginger or chamomile. In addition to the antibacterial effect, coconut oil also has the advantage that it tastes pleasant.

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What can be done to prevent pain?

If you are genetically predisposed to develop gingivitis, you should pay particular attention to oral hygiene. If you have problems with dental care, an electric toothbrush is recommended.This forgives cleaning mistakes and removes the bacteria that cause gingivitis. Medicinal herbs are useful as prophylaxis. If you drink chamomile tea or ginger infusions every day, you strengthen your own immune system and your gums are cared for. You should also rinse your mouth once a day. The mouthwash may also contain a drug like chlorhexidine to help relieve the inflammation. Thus, there is less chance of pain.

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