
Most people have already come to know the symptom of dizziness. Often it is not just dizziness, but also other disorders such as nausea and vomiting, headache, sweating, racing heart or visual and hearing disorders. The causes are varied, as various organ systems can be involved in the development of the vertigo. For example, if there is a problem with the organ of equilibrium or the eyes, misleading information is provided to the body, which can then appear as dizziness. Diseases of the brain, cardiovascular system or medication can also trigger dizziness.
In the following text, the main focus is on dizziness in combination with a feeling of pressure in the head.

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A feeling of pressure in the head can manifest itself in different ways, for example it is described as a “feeling of cotton wool in the head” or “as if one's head is about to burst”. The feeling is not limited to a certain part of the skull, but affects the entire area and also the inside of the head. The so-called one is an exception Meniere's diseasewho had severe dizziness and a Sensation of pressure in the affected ear goes hand in hand.
If the dizziness itself occurs, it can be too short-term Attacks of dizziness or dizziness that lasts for days, which either has a certain direction or is more in one Drowsiness expresses.

Concomitant symptoms

Symptoms associated with dizziness and a feeling of pressure in the head are often of nervous origin. Which accompanying symptoms occur exactly depends on the origin of the main symptoms: It is not uncommon for sensory perception to be disturbed, such as failures or misperceptions of sight or hearing.

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These can be the flickering in front of the eyes in migraines or tinnitus in vestibular neuritis (inflammation of the inner ear nerve). If the accompanying symptoms appear very quickly, or if there are other symptoms such as fever and a stiff, painful neck, medical advice should be obtained promptly in order to rule out a stroke or meningitis.


Depending on whether dizziness with a feeling of pressure in the head occurs for the first time or is already known to the person concerned as symptoms, various causes must be considered. On the one hand, diseases of the inner ear such as inflammation of the equilibrium organ should be clarified (Labyrinthitis) or the supplying nerve (Vestibular neuritis).

If the dizziness occurs after changing position, the benign paroxysmal positional vertigo should be considered. This attack-like dizziness, which occurs after a change of position, is triggered by detached components of the semicircular canals of the inner ear, which now send irritating information to the brain due to their incorrect position.

Without a change of position, however, Menière's disease can manifest itself in an attack-like manner: This is a breakdown of the fluid contained in the equilibrium organ, which accumulates and causes dizziness in the person concerned. A migraine attack can cause very different seizure-like symptoms, which first manifest on both sides and then on both sides.

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If dizziness suddenly occurs, a stroke or meningitis could also be the cause and should therefore be ruled out.

Duration / forecast

The duration of dizziness with accompanying pressure in the head depends on the cause: While migraines can cause dizziness for several hours or even a whole day, dizziness caused by inflammation in the inner ear nerve sometimes lasts for one or several days.

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The prognosis for the frequency of vertigo attacks also varies depending on the cause: some diseases are characterized by recurring attacks or relapses, such as migraines. Other diseases like that Vestibular neuritis can be treated in such a way that the inflammatory reaction subsides and dizziness no longer occurs.

Dizziness and headache

At the same time as dizziness, it can also a headache or one Feeling of pressure in the head come.
The headache can be like a migraine appear one-sided and still with Photosensitivity be connected. Are the headaches rather due to the Back of the head before, this can be a sign of a Cervical spine syndrome be. A dull pressure paired with dizziness is more likely to occur metabolic or circulatory-related causes on, e.g. if your blood pressure or blood sugar is too high or too low, excessive Alcohol consumption or also at getting up too quickly.

Dizziness and nausea

Dizziness often causes one Feeling sick or even Vomit. This is mostly due to the Brain stem lying Vomiting centerwhich is connected to many other areas of the brain.
If the brain receives incompatible information about the movement of the body and the immediate environment, it often leads to nausea.

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Dizziness and tingling sensation

The dizziness still occurs tingle, for example in the arms or on the neck, this can affect one Cervical spine syndrome lie. Often there are signs of Age or by a trauma to see triggered malpositions on the bone. These irritate the passing nerves or constrict them, causing a tingling sensation.

Dizziness and the cervical spine

By muscular or bony changes there is a reduction in mobility and the ability to pass on information about the position of the head. This may cause dizziness or a feeling in those affected Drowsiness trigger.

Dizziness and racing heart

Palpitations in combination with dizziness occur, for example, with fluctuations in blood pressure or standing up too quickly.
These symptoms can also occur after consuming luxury foods such as caffeine or alcohol.
This can also occur in highly stressful or fearful situations.

Since a heart disease can also be behind it, a doctor should be consulted if it is prolonged or occurs frequently.

Dizziness and lightheadedness

Also at Drowsiness and dizziness can occur at the same time Fluctuations in blood pressure or one Heart disease act.
A Blood sugar imbalance or one psychologically stressful situation can also be the reason for this emotional state.

Dizziness and blurred vision

The visual system is also often related to symptoms of dizziness.

It is not unusual that visual disturbances of any kind (e.g. double vision, blurred vision, limitations of the visual field) can occur with existing vertigo. The information from the eye contributes to a large extent to a person's sense of balance.
Therefore, a visual disturbance can trigger the dizziness or a symptom that can have the same cause as the dizziness.

Read more on the subject at: Visual disturbances


A precise history of the vertigo, including when it first appeared and how long it lasted, is very important. The question of whether the symptoms occur in certain situations or whether there are other accompanying symptoms can reveal the main cause or narrow down the range of possible causes.
Also the question of existing medical conditions and currently taken Medication continues in this case. Short-term trauma can also be a reason for prolonged dizziness. Through positioning exercises a positional dizziness diagnosed. Continue to have to internal and neurological diseases excluded as a trigger for the dizziness. This often includes one Blood pressure measurement or also a EKG, or an orienting neurological examination with examination of the Reflexes, coordination or sensory perception. The so-called Nystagmus exam can also be instructive here. A certain maneuver creates a rhythmic, uncontrolled movement of the eyes. This movement through the eyes occurs naturally in certain cases, but it can also be a sign of a neurological disease.
If these tests are not sufficient to determine the cause of the dizziness, other options are available, such as one Computed Tomography of the head, a Ultrasound of cervical and cerebral vessels or the Long-term ECG or blood pressure measurement.

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The therapy for dizziness is highly dependent on the cause and varies from person to person.
For example, come Positioning exercises at Positional vertigo or a drug adjustment or change in drug-dependent or metabolic causes. Postural and physiotherapy exercises can be done in a Cervical spine syndrome create additional relief.

If the dizziness is more likely due to a psychological cause triggered by an anxiety disorder, for example, could of course be one psychotherapeutic therapy help.

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