
Most of the herniated discs are caused by chronic incorrect stress and postures that place particularly high stress on the spine. Sometimes it also happens that certain types of sport lead to herniated discs.

Above all, sports that have to do with high weight, such as Weightlifter. In the process, high weight is placed on the arms via the spine within a very short time. There are special techniques that are designed to minimize the weight on the spine, but it cannot be prevented that a significant part of the weight is also placed on the spine. Weightlifters also protect themselves with a special belt designed to prevent overstressing the spine.
Above all, untrained weightlifters and beginners, who may overestimate themselves or who do not know the consequences of the injury well enough, are at risk for herniated discs.
If the weightlifting is carried out incorrectly and excessive weight figures are taken, it can also lead to an acute herniated disc that does not progress over a long period of time, but occurs suddenly.

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Other sports that can trigger a herniated disc

Also Shot putter are at risk of injuries to the spine in the long term due to the push-off movement. Also here are special exercises as well as the performance level and the condition Adapted loads are one of the most important measures to avoid herniated discs.
Sports that tend to sit or lean forward can also potentially cause a herniated disc.
Sports that put pressure on the intervertebral discs, such as jogging, can also damage the intervertebral discs. Nevertheless, jogging can still be allowed even if there is a herniated disc.
Jockeys at horse races, tennis and table tennis players as well as golfers and soccer players should be mentioned here.
In principle, herniated discs can also occur in climbing. This is due to the often unphysiological movements on the climbing wall. Because the positions and movements often change. For all of these sports it is true that they can in principle trigger herniated discs, but do not have to. The probability of causing a herniated disc is reduced by the training level and the adjustment of the load associated with the performance level.
To be on the safe side, a beginner should use one Exercise program created that slowly builds up athletic performance. Athletes who Weight training want to exercise, you should talk to a fitness trainer before you start, who will help you perform exercises that are gentle on muscles and joints. In addition to adapting the load to the respective training level, warming up before exercise is particularly important. "Cold"Performing a particular sport increases the risk of muscle or joint injuries or, in chronic"Cold start“, One too disc prolapse.

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Not only can different sports cause a herniated disc, but they can also help To prevent a herniated disc or if it has already occurred Herniated disc symptoms and relieve discomfort. There are two main principles here. On the one hand, joints should be spared, on the other hand, muscles that perform the body movement in the back should be trained to relieve the spine.

Appointment with a specialist for a herniated disc?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

A herniated disc is difficult to treat. On the one hand it is exposed to high mechanical loads, on the other hand it has great mobility.

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Therefore, treating a herniated disc requires a lot of experience.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

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You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

Sports that prevent a herniated disc

Movements that are gentle on the joints are e.g. Movements that are made while swimming. The backstroke in particular is considered to be particularly gentle on the back and should be used regularly in the presence of a herniated disc but also other back pain.
However, when swimming, swimming styles such as dolphin (butterfly) or chest should be avoided.
In order to support the spine in daily movement, the muscles of the back should be trained through adequate sport. The muscles in question are the so-called autochthonous back muscles. It is also called Erector spinae muscle and extends left and right along the spine. In addition to additional stabilization, the task is also to straighten and move the spine.

Exercising this muscle group helps to strengthen the spine, exercise corresponding movements in the spine in a more physiological way and thus prevent a herniated disc.
The easiest way to train the muscles is to exercise in the fitness studio, where the appropriate equipment is available. In addition, the latissimus dorsi muscle, which strengthens the back, can also be trained.
Sit-ups or so-called "crunches", in which the abdominal muscles are to be trained, should only be carried out very gently, as these exercises can put considerable strain on the back muscles.

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If a herniated disc has already occurred, the question arises for many patients about restricted mobility and which sports can still be carried out at all. In principle, all sports can be carried out after a herniated disc that are also used to prevent back problems, as these are to be regarded as particularly gentle on the back (back swimming, gentle weightlifting to strengthen the back muscles, etc.). Sports that have led to a herniated disc should, if possible, be avoided entirely or practiced with extreme restrictions in order to prevent the injury from progressing.
A doctor or physiotherapist should be consulted to clarify which sport and to what extent a sport can be practiced.

Pain during exercise after a herniated disc

According to scientific opinion, in the course of the Healing a herniated disc physical activity recommended for restabilizing the spine.

Not all sports however, based on the course of the injury, are suitable for one Strengthening of the back. Therefore, at the beginning of the healing process gentle sports be performed.

In all movements and sports after a herniated disc, it is important to ensure that the Activity interrupted when there is pain should be. Especially when the pain is on Occur back and possibly even radiate to other parts of the body is a immediate interruption of sport advisable. If pain occurs, it means that the annoy, which in the Spine run may be affected by the movement. In which Severe pain should definitely be one Doctor for clarification to be visited.

At the beginning of Therapy of a herniated disc stand frequently physiotherapeutic measures in the foreground. The treating physiotherapist will pay close attention to which exercises cause pain and to what extent individual exercises and sports can recommend. The resilience increases in the course of healing. The speed is very individual.

You can also read more on this topic of the healing process at: Course of a herniated disc and Exercises after a herniated disc of the lumbar spine

When can you start exercising again?

After a herniated disc should by no means too early get started with sport. There are sports that can be re-practiced in the long term and others that should no longer be practiced.

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After the operation or during conservative treatment, it must be discussed very precisely with the surgeon as to which operations may be carried out and when. In rehab are common Back exercises, swim, Walking, Aqua aerobics or To go biking offered. It is most helpful after a herniated disc in a rehabilitation measure, e.g. to return to physical activity in a sports group. This reduces the risk that the patient will venture too much on their own and harm themselves. The sports that are offered in rehab can also be carefully started again after about 10-12 weeks. It is important, however, that you get back on board slowly and that you listen to your body. In the event of pain, numbness or other complaints, it is advisable not to continue and to try again after 1-2 weeks after consulting your doctor.

Sports such as tennis, horse riding or weight training and martial arts are not recommended at all in the first 2-3 months. In the period after this, it is not advisable to do sports that put pressure and shock loads on the intervertebral discs.

What is to be considered?

In all sporting activities, it must be ensured that it does not damage the already damaged intervertebral disc or the other intervertebral discs. You should definitely start out on sports waived be who the Compress the intervertebral disc (e.g. riding, mountain biking) or putting them in danger of reoccurring (e.g. bodybuilding, dolphin swimming).

In the sports mentioned above, which are considered to be more gentle on the spine, it is still important to listen to your body. If symptoms appear that indicate another herniated disc, it is important to see a doctor. It makes sense that sports operate, which the patient has already mastered and which he consequently does not have to relearn, since movement patterns are already known and there is less risk of incorrect and risky movements being carried out.

When starting a new sport, it is important to have someone at the beginning who can assess whether the movements are being carried out correctly and safely (trainer, physiotherapist, group leader). For all future activities, the aim is to strengthen and strengthen the back and postural muscles, but not overload and not potentially harmful movements. By strengthening the back and trunk muscles, the spine is better stabilized and everyday movements can be performed more safely.

Strengthening of the herniated disc

When can I start strengthening?

In the case of a herniated disc, the start of strengthening depends on the severity of the symptoms. As a rule, if you have a herniated disc, you can begin with relaxation and posture exercises. These exercises are usually started with a physical therapy session.

Depending on how well you are progressing in these exercises, the timing of the strengthening exercises can be planned. Strengthening should only be started when there is no more pain at rest and with light movement. This is the only way to concentrate fully on a clean execution of the strengthening exercises.

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What exercises are there

  • Agility exercises

    • Extension of the spine (in the stomach and supine position)

    • Forward / backward / sideways flexion

    • Turn to the side

  • Coordination exercises

    • Usually movement of the arms and legs, the body tension is maintained by the abdominal and back muscles

    • Forearm support / four-legged stand with lifting e.g. of the right arm and the left leg

    • Side support

  • Training with weights

    • Strengthening of individual sections of the spine

What do I do if I feel pain while strengthening?

Normally you shouldn't have any pain when strengthening a slipped disc. For this reason, it is particularly important to get guidance from a physiotherapist at the beginning of strengthening training. He can adjust the intensity of the training depending on the severity of the symptoms.

If pain occurs while strengthening, the exercise that is causing the discomfort should not be performed for the time being. However, one should generally expect that muscle soreness and similar pain can occur after strength training. Symptoms of this type are usually not a cause for concern, but should nevertheless be addressed to the treating physiotherapist.

Who shows me good strengthening exercises?

Anyone who starts strengthening exercises after a herniated disc should always begin training under physiotherapeutic supervision. Physiotherapists are trained to find the right dose of strengthening exercises, especially for musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, exercises can also be recommended by an orthopedic surgeon.

Only when you have some experience with the exercises for a herniated disc should you trust yourself to do exercises from the Internet. To do this, however, you have to have trained your body awareness beforehand so that you can see how intense the strengthening exercises can be and not over- or under-demanding yourself.

Cycling after a herniated disc

Cycling has both advantages and disadvantages for the back and intervertebral discs. The regular movement of the legs is very suitable for the muscles of the Lumbar spine to strengthen.
Compared to jogging, there are fewer impacts on the spine on a level surface, which the intervertebral discs would have to support.
To go biking on the flat road or on the ergometer is no problem for patients after a herniated disc, Mountain biking should be avoided because of the bumpy ground.
In addition to the surface, the correct seating position must also be observed: if the saddle and handlebars are correctly adjusted, cycling improves an excessive Hollow back posture and a strengthening of the muscles of the entire spine.

If the position is too upright, the lumbar spine in particular suffers, as it now has to absorb shocks without the shock-absorbing joints of the legs. This aggravates disc wear.
A sitting position that is too stretched out is also harmful: In order to be able to look forward, the head has to be pushed into the neck be put what damage in the Cervical spine cause and worsen. After a herniated disc, patients should ensure that they are in the correct sitting position with even weight distribution on the buttocks and hands when cycling. The correct (level) Ground, good cushioning of the bike fork and saddle as well as an accompanying back training, in order to be able to benefit from cycling for the healing process.

Jogging after a herniated disc

to jog Excessive training intensity and incorrectly applied movement patterns can certainly damage the Band washers cause.
In general, jogging is not a problem for the average sporty person, as the Back muscles is sufficiently trained to handle the Spine to support. Untrained people should not start running from zero to one hundred, since the spine is more susceptible to damage to the intervertebral discs due to the poorly developed back muscles. It is the same with patients who have one disc prolapse have suffered.
In the acute phase after the herniated disc should be a Running training / jogging not carried out After a few weeks, moderate running training can be started again.
It is important, however, not to train against the pain, as it is a Body's warning signal and should be taken seriously, especially after a herniated disc.
The running workload can be increased slowly if the patient notices that jogging is good for them. It is advisable to start muscle building training for the back at the same time in order to build up the supporting apparatus of the spine.

Cross trainer

Of the Cross trainer In contrast to the bicycle ergometer, does not only train them Leg muscles but legs, hip, Arms and Shoulders. The cross trainer simulates a running movement with simultaneous movement of the arms, but the impact load remains very low compared to jogging or cycling outdoors, which is why the cross trainer is a special one joint-gentle training is. Since the cross trainer is so easy on the joints and low in shock loads, it is a very good introductory training after a herniated disc. Of course, patients should first take a break from training until the worst phase of the herniated disc is over. Then you should start with a short training duration and training intensity and gradually increase. Under no circumstances should the disc patient ignore any pain that may occur during training. The cross trainer trains almost all muscle groups in the body: A well-trained one Core muscles leads to a stabilization of the spine, which in turn leads to a relief of the intervertebral discs and to the delay of degenerative processes.

Riding after a herniated disc

The horse riding can do both positive as well as negative influences on the Stability of Spine include. Like riding that individual back stressed depends on a number of different factors.
Especially important when asking the question how heavy the burden on the back when riding is that Riding technique. So it can be with a wrong riding technique too heavy loads on the spine and individual Band washers come in the form of upsets. Especially inexperienced riders For this reason, they often put a lot of strain on their backs when riding.

When asked when and if riding after a disc prolapse must be recommended again individual factors the injury and the healing process are taken into account. At a sufficient stability the spine can usually be started again in the course of the healing process.

Around Complications to avoid and not to endanger the healing process of the herniated disc should be riding interrupted when pain occurs become. With a correct riding technique and a careful beginning when riding, the sport can die Improve back stability and yourself with it positive affect the healing of the herniated disc.

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