Synonyms in a broader sense

Skin blemishes, skin irregularities, skin care, acne

English: blemished skin


Unclean skin is understood to be irregularities on the skin surface as well as dirt or sebum inclusions that give the skin an unclean appearance.


The development of blemished skin is usually caused by the Interaction of three essential factors triggered.

1. Seborrhea

This term describes the excessive production of sebum and fat. In most cases, seborrhea follows one hormonal stimulus. Especially strong Fluctuations within the hormonal balance affect the production of sebum and sebum to the effect that blemished skin develops. For this reason, young people in particular suffer in the puberty under blemished skin and acne. In addition, hormonal fluctuations can occur during the cycle and / or the pregnancy Be the cause of increased sebum production.

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That too Discontinuing the Birth control pills After many years of use, such hormone fluctuations can trigger, which can lead to the development of blemished skin. Blemished skin and acne are therefore not a problem that only affects young people. Furthermore, should longer lasting stress have been shown to affect the skin's sebum and fat production. For this reason, stress is also considered a cause of the appearance of blemished skin and acne.

2. Follicular hyperkeratosis

Ultimately, blemished skin is caused by the excessive formation of blackheads and a pronounced disturbance of the horn formation in the duct of the hair follicles. In most cases, at least the cornification disorder is due to a genetic predisposition and can hardly be influenced. The excessive formation of horns in the area of ​​the follicular duct prevents the proper outflow of sebum and fat. As a result, the individual pores become increasingly clogged with an associated build-up of sebum. Inside the affected follicle, a blackhead (technical term: comedone) forms first, which can become inflamed under certain circumstances. The uncontrolled keratinization of the top layer of skin is therefore a typical cause of the development of impure skin.

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Read more on the topic: Clogged sebum - what to do?

3. Bacterial infection and development of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the follicle

Since the regular sebum flow is hindered by the excessive keratinization of the uppermost skin layer, bacterial pathogens inside the follicle multiply in an uncontrolled manner. The classic bacterial pathogens that are considered to be the cause of the development of blemished skin are the so-called "Propionibacteries acnes". The long-term secretion of the metabolic end products of the causative bacteria leads to the release of various inflammatory mediators inside the follicle and the development of inflammatory processes. As a result, the typical efflorescences (skin phenomena) of impure skin become clear.

In addition, the typical causes for the appearance of blemished skin in endogenous (starting from the organism itself) and exogenous Subdivide factors (acting on the organism from outside). Frequent contact with harmful substances that act on the skin's surfaces is a typical cause of blemished skin. Furthermore, occupational influences and fatty creams and cosmetics play a decisive role in the development of skin impurities.
Certain underlying diseases have also been proven to have an effect on the appearance of the skin. In this context, allergies and diabetes mellitus in particular play a decisive role. Simple intolerance to different foods and / or drugs are also considered to be a possible cause for the development of blemished skin and / or pronounced acne.

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Read more on the topic: Food allergy


The diagnosis from Pimples and blemished skin is always one Eye diagnosis. The causes of the blemished skin must firstly be through the Health survey (anamnese) to the other by one physical examination to be found out. The diagnosis and therapy are usually determined by the dermatologist.
At Young people between 12 and 16 years of age, finding the cause is usually not difficult, since the above-mentioned factors such as hormone status as well stress and mood promote acne formation. In the elderly, the question may be family incidents such as Habits, such as. Cosmetics and skin cream use provide clues as to where the blemished skin is coming from.
A Dermatologist can always do one Allergy test do. To do this, small strips with a corresponding Allergen (a substance that irritates the skin) is stuck to the skin and left there for a while. After a while the strip is removed and a appropriate allergic reaction read. If you see pustules or pimples and blemished skin under the stripes, you can assume an allergic reaction to the substance in question. The contact with this substance is then to avoid in the future.

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Consequences / risks of blemished skin

In the vast majority of cases, blemished skin, acne and blackheads will pass sooner or later and will heal. The typical pubertal acne regresses after the hormone environment in the affected person has normalized again.
However, blemished skin and blackheads can be present throughout life, depending on the nature of the person's skin. Consequences of blemished skin are rarely observed. Exceptions, however, are severe acne vulgaris. Here, those affected often simply squeeze out blackheads and pimples. Chronic manipulation of the skin can lead to inflammation of the skin in this area.

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Find out more about the topic here: Blackheads - Causes and Treatment

In some cases, the subcutaneous tissue is so damaged that scarring occurs that can no longer be revised. In order to avoid such consequences, those affected should be careful not to tamper with the skin, especially in unclean areas. Blackheads can be removed, but hygienic conditions should be strictly observed to prevent pathogens from penetrating the skin and causing inflammation. In addition, specially sterile instruments should be used to remove blackheads. Manipulating pimples should be avoided entirely.
In some rare cases, manipulating pimples or blackheads can also lead to sepsis (blood poisoning). This can happen in particular when tampering with areas of skin directly above the upper lip or on the side edges of the nose. The reason is that the lymphatic system and the blood system are close to one another at this point in the body, but the next lymph node station to filter is further away. Bacteria and pathogens that can get into the body through manipulation through the skin also get into the blood faster and unfiltered.


A patient with blemished skin can be treated with home remedies as well as medication. Medicines should always be used when the therapy with proper cleaning and care of the skin is not sufficient and the inflammatory processes in the epidermis do not subside. In principle, different active ingredients are available for treating blemished skin. In most cases, however, these are not used individually but in combination with one another. In addition, certain active ingredients are particularly suitable for light and other substances are more suitable for severe forms of blemished skin.

  • Non-drug therapy

However, before resorting to drug therapy, the affected patients should try to treat the blemished skin with gentle methods. In this context, it is important to ensure that you should never press around on pimples or open skin areas. Ideally, the patient concerned visits a beautician and has them carry out professional therapy. Otherwise there is a risk of extensive inflammation and scarring. People with blemished skin should only clean their face, neck and neck with pH-neutral (pH around 5.5), mild, fragrance-free and skin-friendly washing lotions.

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In addition, skin prone to blemishes should be cleaned a maximum of twice a day. Otherwise, too frequent washing can destroy the natural protective acid mantle and further aggravate the symptoms of "blemished skin". In addition, water-based creams should always be used. Oily or greasy skin creams can clog pores and promote blemishes. In addition, care products that contain fruit acids, salicylic acid or lactic acid can visibly refine the complexion. Independent therapy for blemished skin can only be successful if no covering or complexion-correcting make-up is applied after the cleansing.

  • Find out about another method for improving the complexion: Fruit acid peeling

Ideally, at least half an hour should elapse between cleaning and applying make-up. In addition, the therapy for people with blemished skin can be optimized in that the skin surface is not exposed to severe cold and / or heat. Too much UV light can also make blemished skin and acne worse. People who suffer from severe blemishes and open areas on the face should also remember not to put their hands in their face all the time. The reason for this is the fact that there are innumerable natural environmental germs on the fingers and palms. If the affected patient touches their face permanently, these bacterial pathogens can penetrate the skin through the open areas and cause inflammatory processes. This has a negative impact on the treatment of blemished skin.

However, some home remedies that are touted for pimples and blemished skin have been proven to be completely useless. Treating skin imperfections by applying toothpaste is actually counterproductive. The fluorine contained in most toothpastes tends to stimulate inflammatory processes and delay the healing of damaged skin areas. Toothpaste, depending on its composition, can even make blemished skin worse.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, zinc ointment can help treat inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin, but impure skin cannot be treated in this way even with regular use.

However, some report the positive properties of tea tree oil on blemished skin. The essential oil has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect and is already a component of numerous creams and history waters. You can also find more application instructions under: Tea tree oil

Apple cider vinegar is also a home remedy that can be used on blemished skin. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it effective for pimples and other bacterial skin infections.

Read more on the topic: Therapy for impure skin, home remedies for pimples

Psychological factors of impure skin

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Teasing at school can cause serious emotional damage.

Especially blemished skin at a young age and in the puberty puts another enormous psychological problems This is how young people who suffer from blemished skin are often in the Away from their skin-healthy peers. The level of suffering becomes greater and greater when the skin is manipulated independently without consulting a dermatologist. Then comes another Damage to the skin and scarring In many cases, psychological problems are also exacerbated as the young people are sidelined even further. In severe cases, even the Help from a child and adolescent psychologist to be entitled to.

  • Medical therapy

Should the gentle, non-drug treatment do not lead to visible success in blemished skin, it makes sense to initiate drug therapy. In the therapy of patients who have blemished skin, have Vitamin A acid derivatives (vitamin A acid derivatives) proven. These substances have a positive effect Blackheads, pimples and inflammatory processes and can visibly refine the complexion for this reason. It can also be used in severe cases corneal dissolving and bacteria-killing solutions be applied. The active substance Benzoyl peroxide loosens the superficial horny layer of the skin and kills the bacteria that persist in the duct of the follicle. The active substance Azelaic acid however, it has proven its worth especially in the treatment of blackheads and local inflammatory reactions.

When using locally salicylic ointments or creams the top, keratinized skin layer is loosened and the clogged pores are effectively opened. After the therapy, the can be used for blemished skin responsible sebum drain off. In the case of mild to moderate forms of impure skin, therapy with locally acting skin can be used in many cases Antibiotics be useful. However, these should always be in Combination with other active ingredients (Vitamin A acid derivatives, benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid) can be used. The antibiotics most frequently used in the treatment of blemished skin contain the active ingredient Erythromycin or Clindamycin. It can also be used in young women hormonal contraceptives (for example the pill) help treat blemished skin.

Diet for blemished skin

The skin can pass through the different factors to be influenced. Especially the nutrition can have a decisive influence on the appearance of the skin and the formation of skin blemishes. During a unhealthy diet usually leads to visible skin blemishes, a specific change in diet can demonstrably refine the complexion. People who are a trained in an unhealthy diet increase the risk of developing blemished skin and acne by a multiple. An extensive change in diet with pronounced renunciation of certain dishes however, in most cases it is not necessary at all.

Already the attention a few tips can help to effectively prevent blemished skin and refine the complexion. People with acne or visible blemishes should get the Reduce the intake of certain foods as much as possible. In this context, the diet should be optimized in such a way that the person concerned largely avoids the following foods:

  • high glycemic foods (Bread, chips, crackers, sweets)
  • sugary foods (Cakes, desserts, sweets)
  • fatty foods (French fries, pizza, junk food)
  • Sweet drinks (Lemonade, cola)
  • Dairy products

The bad influence of all those foods is caused by a Increase in blood glucose levels conveyed. If the sugar level in the blood rises, it begins pancreas large quantities insulin to produce and distribute. This endogenous substance is a so-called "Stress hormone", the one negative impact on the complexion can exercise.One by one unhealthy nutrition Long-term elevated blood glucose levels inevitably lead to blemished skin and / or acne. Affected patients must, however do not completely refrain from consuming these foods. In most cases, targeted regulation of the sugar and fat intake helps to avoid blemished skin.

In addition, there are some foods whose regular enjoyment can even lead to a significant improvement in the complexion and blemished skin to disappear. Some of the important foods in this context include:

  • fresh vegetables
  • fresh fruit
  • fish
  • long chain carbohydrates

In addition to nutrition, a adequate hydration help to effectively prevent impure skin. For this reason, people who suffer from blemished skin or acne should take care: at least two to three liters of water daily to drink. Ultimately, there is no scientific evidence that diet is a relevant cause of blemished skin. Rather, one must assume that blemishes and acne are from the Many factors interact caused. However, observations from those affected suggest that the Change of diet can significantly improve the appearance of the skin and alleviate existing symptoms. Because of this, the Change of diet Always to be considered a sensible measure for people with blemished skin.


Impure skin is always spoken of when that Complexion and especially the Skin surface by color changes in the form of redness is changed or if changes in the Skin texture, how Scaling, Irregularities in the skin surface or dents become apparent. The impure skin is usually visible through the so-called Blackheads, small black dots that stand out in the sebum glands of the skin accumulate. The sebum glands fill up with sebum, hair components and with impure skin bacteria, mostly staphylococci, which, if they penetrate the skin, can cause inflammation.

There are a variety of Causes of Blemished Skin. The most common cause are hormone-related reasons. The male sex hormone testosterone has the property of stimulating the skin's sebum production. This leads to increased sebum is formed in the skin and so can also be deposited. Since the hormone production of testosterone mainly contributes young adolescents usually suffer Girls and boys in puberty under blemished skin. If the passages filled with sebum ignite, the so-called Comedone formation. White blood cells are drawn from the bloodstream to the site of inflammation and form a purulent accumulationwhich then becomes visible as a pimple. Also psychological factors Such as excessive stress can upset the skin milieu so much that the skin becomes more impure or the hormone-dependent cause mentioned above is intensified.
Furthermore, an impure skin can also toxic arise. The so-called is a little rarer Chloracne. Competitive swimmers in particular, who spend a long time in chlorinated pools, often react with blemished skin, known as chloracne. Patients who cortisone creams use or take anabolic substances, often suffer from the so-called Cortisone acne.
Even if cosmetic skin creams too often can damage the skin react with pimples. The main reason is that Additives to certain creamsthat can cause some kind of allergic reaction. Strong too greasy skin creams can cause the skin to continue producing oil and sebum in response, which in turn can lead to severe blemishes.

The Treatment of blemished skin initially aims to avoid the cause. So need triggering cosmetic substances avoided become. Impure skin caused by hormones does not need to be treated in milder cases; in severe cases, treatment can be carried out with certain creams prescribed by the dermatologist. Furthermore, a Treatment attempt with UV radiation respectively. Here the patient stands in a kind of tube and is irradiated. This process must repeated a few times become.
In severe cases, the Microdermalabrasion are used, in which the surface of the blemished skin is sanded after it has been numbed. Depending on the severity of the disease in the case of blemished skin, this process must also repeated several times become.

Blemished skin that mainly from blackheads can be cleaned by levering the sebum out of the skin. Here should not tampered with on the skin independently but after appropriate skin cleansing appropriate cosmetic device (available in cosmetic stores). Medicinal can be used in the so-called Acne vulgarin a treatment attempt with ointments containing antibiotics or tried systemically with tablets. This is where the active ingredient comes in Doxycycline for use. Women can, at hormone-related try to treat blemished skin female sex hormones do. The "Birth control pills" has a side effect of reduced acne formation. Impure skin is one common and actually harmless diseasewhich in some severe cases can also lead to scarring and inflammation.

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