
Influenza, real flu, viral flu

Flu prophylaxis

Vaccination as optimal prophylaxis against influenza

The only effective prophylaxis against the flu is vaccination. However, this must be repeated annually with the respective new vaccine, since flu viruses change quickly and thus the immunity (protection against illness) is lost after a vaccination or a previous illness. Influenza viruses multiply very quickly and very often make tiny changes (Point mutations) on their surface components hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. These changes are also called antigen drift and can result in the immune system no longer recognizing the minimally changed viruses and thus no longer being able to fight them so successfully. Such antigen drifts can already occur during the flu season, and in the worst case the vaccination carried out at the beginning of the season no longer offers sufficient protection against the virus.

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Larger variations can result from the exchange of genetic information between different virus types, for example when flu viruses are infected by Birds and Pigs Exchange information. This type of mutation is called an antigen shift, and there are even greater changes here than with antigen drift. Completely new subgroups of influenza viruses can arise in this way, which under certain circumstances Epidemics or Pandemics cause.

Vaccination is not a complete guarantee against one Flu illnessNevertheless, regular vaccination against influenza viruses is particularly recommended, as a severe course of the disease with complications can be prevented, especially in high-risk patients and patients with a weaker immune system. It is also assumed that the body can cope better with an infection in an emergency through regular contact with virus antigens.

Vaccination is particularly recommended for older people, infants, chronically ill and pregnant women, and people who work in the healthcare sector. In fact, every person benefits from the vaccination, since it is less common in those who have been vaccinated Pneumonia and other complications, lowering the death rate.

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The vaccination should be carried out annually from September to November, i.e. at the beginning of the winter flu season. With the vaccination itself, the vaccine (vaccine) is injected intramuscularly (into a muscle), usually in the upper arm in the so-called deltoid muscle. After two weeks, the immune system has usually produced enough antibodies to protect the body from the influenza virus.

However, side effects usually occur after such a flu shot. Please also read our article on this: Side effects of the flu shot

The production of vaccines against the flu is very complex and takes about six months. The WHO (World Health Organization) decides at the beginning of each year which vaccines should be produced for the coming flu season. These are then made from egg white. For this purpose, flu viruses are introduced into chicken eggs and the eggs are then incubated. The viruses multiply and after a few days can be removed and used to produce the vaccines.

The vaccine most commonly used in the flu vaccination is a so-called split vaccine (split vaccine). It only contains components of the viruses such as the surface molecules neuraminidase and hemagglutinin, but no functioning viruses. An active enhancer, also known as an adjuvant or immune enhancer, is often added to the split vaccines. The addition of adjuvants increases the immune system's response to the vaccine, so far fewer virus particles have to be added. This means that more vaccine can be produced in less time and the cost of production is reduced.

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However, the adjuvants have also come under fire. They are accused of being responsible for more severe inflammation at the injection site and side effects such as headache, chills and fever. Vaccines containing adjuvants are not recommended for children and pregnant women due to a lack of experience. For these there are vaccines without the addition of vaccination boosters.
A newly developed live vaccine, in which functioning viruses were applied to the nasal mucosa, had to be withdrawn from the market in Switzerland because facial paralysis could occur temporarily.

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In general, however, live vaccines are more effective than split vaccines, as they cause a stronger reaction of the immune system and thus better protection against illness.

Another protection against the most common complication, bacterial pneumonia, can be achieved with a pneumococcal vaccination. Pneumococci are one of the most common causes of superinfection by bacteria in people with flu. This vaccination is particularly recommended for young children, adults over 65 years of age and patients who have had their spleen removed.

A very effective and also simple prophylaxis option is frequent and thorough hand washing with soap. You should also be careful not to touch the face with clean hands. If these measures are carried out consistently, an important transmission path for viruses, namely via contaminated (contaminated) surfaces, is already switched off.

Read more on the subject at: Influenza vaccination - yes or no?

Home remedies

In order to prevent the flu, it is advisable first of all to do the immune system to strengthen as best it can. Through a healthy lifestyle, that means lots of fruits and vegetables and regular exercise, the immune system is strengthened and the chances of catching the flu decrease.

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In addition, there are some home remedies that can help prevent flu. One of the best home remedies for the flu is ginger tea. ginger is also called that natural antibiotic and has a certain disinfectant effect from the inside and can thus help our body to stay healthy. In addition, the warmth of the tea helps to stimulate the body's metabolism, which is also helpful in preventing flu. Another home remedy to prevent the flu is a hot shower. Here

The aim is to vary the temperature of the shower jet between hot and very cold. The same can be achieved with a visit to the sauna and a subsequent cold water shower. The aim of the exercise is to target the body Cold / warm change to prepare and thus strengthen.

Another home remedy that can be used to prevent the flu is zinc. Zinc tablets can help strengthen the body and prevent penetration Viruses to complicate. That way, no flu can develop in the first place.


In order to prevent flu, one should above all else healthy lifestyle respect, think highly of. However, those who are particularly susceptible to a flu-like infection or who work a lot in public places with a high risk of infection can use medication to protect themselves against the flu.

Next zinc-containing preparations that primarily strengthen the immune system, there are also various preparations that Sun hat or excerpts from the so-called Tree of life contain. However, the effectiveness of these preparations is highly controversial.

Probably the most common form of flu prevention is this vaccination. Here you vaccinate yourself against the so-called Influenza A Viruswhich usually causes the flu.The problem, however, is that this influenza A virus is extremely variable and can change very quickly. As a result, the vaccination, which is always only directed against one form of the virus, is no longer effective against the new form. So it may be that a patient has developed flu (Influenza) vaccinated and then fell ill because he got a new mutated form of the virus. Therefore it is also necessary to use the Renew flu vaccination every year. It is therefore important to know that vaccination is particularly important if you have the flu no absolute protection means that the virus is too variable.

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To a flu (InfluenzaThere are a number of simple tips to avoid. For one thing, you should be immune system through a balanced lifestyle strengthen. That means going out into the fresh air regularly, exercising and eating healthy, especially fruit and vegetables vitamin C Can be very important as a prevention against the flu.

Another tip for preventing flu is one regular sauna visit in which the body really works up a sweat and is then properly cooled down again in the cold water. This change in temperature, which can also be achieved by hot / cold showering, strengthens the immune system.

Another tip for preventing the flu is not to stay in too stuffy rooms that have been warmed up with heating air. In addition, too large crowds with too close contact (for example in the tram where everyone is holding onto a pole) should be avoided.

Those who are particularly sensitive should consider reducing handshaking to a minimum in the winter months. A increased hand hygiene and drinking more hot water ginger tea are other great tips to avoid catching the flu in winter.

Homeopathy / Schüssler salts

A flu (Influenza) is annoying and occurs again and again, especially in the winter months. There are several ways to prevent flu the natural way without a vaccination.

Both Schüssler salts especially helps No. 3, Ferrum phosphoricum in the potency D 12. This salt contains iron phosphate that the Viruses weakens. The fever can still break out easily, but this can also be helpful to kill the viruses. The number 3 of the Schüsslersalze helps above all as a prevention against flu, if the flu has already broken out, the gift of the No. 4, Potassium chloratum help in the potency D 6.

Also in the homeopathy There are some remedies that can be used to prevent the flu, whereby the medication is usually only resorted to when the flu has really broken out in order not to unnecessarily burden the body permanently. At the first signs, such as a feeling of weakness or a scratchy throat, you can Nux vomica D30- Take 1x daily in the morning to avoid a possible flu-like infection. The patient is more likely to complain Sore throat can too Apis D30- be picked up once a day. Mostly, however Aconitum D12 Recommended at the first sign of the flu. Here it is important to know that aconite is purely a homeopathic remedy for the prevention of flu and should not be used in the event of an existing infection.

With children

Especially children, whose immune system is not yet fully developed, often with one in the winter months flu (Influenza) to fight. In addition, in kindergarten or elementary school, the likelihood of the influenza virus being transmitted is very high, as the children often play with one another in a confined space with heated air and do not always pay attention to appropriate hygiene.

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In order to prevent the flu in children, you should make sure that the child is eating a balanced diet. Daily fruits and vegetables strengthen the immune system. Especially vitamin C, which is contained in apples, for example, strengthens the immune system and helps the child to arm themselves against a flu virus.

In addition, it should be ensured that the child regularly comes out into the fresh air to play there. Fresh air and Move are very important for a strong immune system and for avoiding influenza virus infection. In addition, it should be ensured that the child is always dressed warmly enough and can also quickly get rid of the thick clothing when it comes into a warmed-up room in order not to sweat and then to come back into the cold air.

Prevention in children using the vaccination is highly controversial because every vaccination puts a strain on the child's body. A prevention with alternative means like Schüssler salts or using the homeopathy are more recommended here. Or you can use simple home remedies to protect the child from the flu.

Flu prevention during pregnancy

A pregnancy is something very beautiful, but it is a great burden for the body. That is why the body is also immune to weakness during this time and is therefore more susceptible to infections such as an infection with the influenza (flu) virus.

To prevent infection with the virus, a woman can take several steps during pregnancy. For one, it should be on a balanced nutrition Make sure you have enough fruit and vegetables and after consulting your doctor you can also Zinc supplements be taken around the immune system to strengthen additionally.

In addition, too large crowds should be avoided during pregnancy because the risk of infection with viruses such as the flu virus is very high.

It is also important in pregnancy enough exercise in the fresh air to pay attention and the immune system in one Sauna visit to strengthen with a subsequent cold water bath.

In pregnant women, a Flu shot Recommended as prevention, but this vaccination only protects with a probability of 60-70% and only with the real influenza A virus and not with a mutated variant. That is why prevention through a healthy lifestyle is also of greater importance during pregnancy.

Additional information

  • flu
  • Influenza
  • Flu duration
  • Flu diagnosis
  • Flu story
  • Flu incidence
  • Flu vaccination
  • Flu complications
  • Flu forecast
  • Flu symptoms
  • Flu cause
  • Flu history

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