
diabetes is a very widespread disease from which more and more people are suffering. She can train at any age. There are two different forms of what is known as diabetes mellitus. Both are one Disorder of metabolismwhich leads to constantly high blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form. The body develops one Resistance to the hormone insulin, which normally ensures that the sugar that was ingested with food is transported from the blood into the various cells and can be used here to generate energy.

If this signal is missing, the sugar remains in the blood and the blood sugar level is permanently high. Older people are often affected, risk factors are obesity and lack of exercise. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the cells in the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed. This leads to the same effects as type 2 diabetes, but type 1 often affects young people.

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Type 2 diabetes often develops slowly and is therefore often noticed very late. The symptoms are usually not as severe and the diagnosis is often just a chance diagnosis. The first signs that make the person concerned see a doctor are frequent urination and severe thirst. The body tries to flush the excess sugar out of the body through the frequent urge to urinate. This often results in dry and itchy skin, as urination can lead to a lack of fluids in the body (Dehydration). In addition, there is often inexplicable weight loss and persistent fatigue and exhaustion. Those affected find that they are very susceptible to infections and that wounds heal more poorly. This is through the Weakened immune system to explain. All of these symptoms occur in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, however, the symptoms are much more pronounced and appear quite suddenly. With type 2 diabetes, the insidious appearance of the relatively unspecific symptoms can lead to a late diagnosis.

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Ultimately, only the doctor can determine whether or not you have diabetes. He does this by measuring the blood sugar level on an empty stomach and after oral intake of glucose (grape sugar).

Child diabetes

In babies, toddlers, and even children, it is usually type 1 diabetes that occurs. At this Autoimmune diseaseThe insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed, which can be congenital or develop in the course of life. However, specific symptoms only appear when more than 80% of the cells have already been destroyed. It is noticeable with this type of diabetes that the symptoms appear very suddenly in the children. They can develop within a few weeks and appear very strong. The first signs include frequent urination and very strong thirst. The children often have to go to the toilet at night or wet their bed. In addition, there are tiredness and exhaustion and severe weight loss in the child. The child usually has dry skin and often suffers from infections. You may also experience severe abdominal pain. The children's breath often smells like that acetone. The parents notice this when the children smell of nail polish remover from their mouths.

Read more on the topic: Diabetes in Children

Type 1 diabetes can also occur in babies and is manifested in babies drink excessively and the diaper is constantly wet.

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All these symptoms are weaker in type 2 diabetes, develop slowly and therefore often go unnoticed at first. Type 2 diabetes is much less common in children than type 1 diabetes, as this is often due to improper diet and lack of exercise developed.

No test for diabetes is performed during the normal prescribed preventive medical examinations for infants and children. Only if there is a suspicion of diabetes in an infant or child does the pediatrician usually conduct one Urine and Blood test to determine the amount of sugar. Also certain antibody can be determined to differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

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Diabetes in pregnant women

A Gestational diabetes will also be Gestational diabetes called. As a rule, this is not dangerous and often the expectant mothers do not even notice that gestational diabetes is present due to the freedom from symptoms. It's coming not the typical signs of diabetes like increased thirst or frequent urination.

Nevertheless, it is very important that the pregnant woman is examined for gestational diabetes. If this exists, it is very important to treat it, otherwise it can have serious effects on the child and mother. If gestational diabetes is untreated, the Amniotic fluid volume increases significantly and the child grows very quickly as a result. At the same time, however, there are also delays in the development of the child's organs.

Because of this, a Screening for gestational diabetes Covered by health insurances between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. This is often the only way to diagnose gestational diabetes.

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Gestational diabetes is only very rarely suspected on the basis of symptoms. This is because these are very unspecific. Frequent Urinary tract infections or Vaginal fungi can be a first sign.

More information

You can find more information on this topic on the following pages:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Diabetes mellitus therapy
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Burning in the fingers

You can find an overview of all topics from the field of internal medicine under Internal Medicine A-Z.

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