
Root canal treatment using laser technology is a novel processto increase the chances of success of a root canal treatment.

The root canals of the tooth are always flushed with chemical substances to kill the bacteria responsible for the infection.

A additional Treatment with laser beams can support this step.

It is now that Decision of the patientwhether he would like to have this additional treatment carried out or rely on the conventional root canal treatment.

A root canal treatment is not always successful, so after a certain amount of time it comes to Revision, so repetition the root filling can occur as the inflammation flares up again due to the bacteria left behind.

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Then at the latest you will have to choose whether to have the procedure carried out again at your own expense or to resort to a prosthetic restoration.

New methods promise a higher chance of success with less expenditure of time and less pain. This also includes root canal treatment with a laser. This sounds like a dream at first and brings the rescue of the tooth within reach, but extra services are not covered by the cash register and are associated with high costs, so that the The question asks whether the laser treatment keeps what it promises and whether it is really necessary.

The benefits of the laser

If you use the term "laser“Hears, this usually has a positive aspect, so that many practices that use this therapy like to advertise it. Laser sounds like the future, new technology and development, so that one likes to find out more and think about it during a root canal treatment. The word laser is an abbreviation and stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. But the laser in dentistry does not have much in common with the laser from a science fiction film, but serves to kill bacteria more effectively.

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The lasers used in dentistry are Diodes- or Nd: YAG laser (Solid-state laser with a neodymium-doped YAG crystal). Since the chances of success of a conventional root canal treatment that is covered by the health insurance are in Average between 50% and 60% lying and lagging bacteria are often the reason for one Revision the laser promises better removal of bacteria. It penetrates directly into the inflamed area and can penetrate much deeper than conventional rinses, so that bacteria can also be reached that are otherwise outside the range of the rinses. The laser light is bundled very closely and introduced into the focus of inflammation, thereby destroying the membrane of the bacteria. Especially gram negative bacteria are very sensitive to laser light. The length of the laser fiber is determined beforehand and inserted into the channel. While moving, it is now pulled out of the canal so that all components are sufficiently irradiated. The process is repeated approximately 5 times. You have to be careful that the fabric does not get too much heat, as this can damage it. The laser can also be used to close the root canal.

Has already joined the Root tip a cyst formed, this is also easier to treat with a laser. Either the laser is used on its own to kill the bacteria or, which is more the case, as an addition to conventional rinses. Then the Channel closed conventionally or with the aid of a laser. With the additional laser therapy, the chances of success can be increased by up to 90%. There is no need to fear pain with laser therapy, because, like conventional root canal treatment, it takes place under anesthesia.

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Laser treatment costs

The health insurance pays for a root canal treatment just the cost of adequate treatment. This includes reaming the tooth, rinsing it with the various solutions and filling it with gutta-percha. Others Additional services are to be paid privately. This includes treatment with a microscope or the use of a laser device. Not every dentist has such a laser and the associated training, which is associated with acquisition costs, so that you have to be informed beforehand where you can have such a therapy carried out and how much the costs are. These can vary from dentist to dentist and are billed for each canal to be treated. So can the cost between € 20 and € 100 per channel be. The dentist will prepare one before the treatment Treatment and cost plan, in which the exact costs are stated.

Need for laser treatment

Most root canal treatments are still carried out without laser treatment, which on the one hand is related to the costs and the necessary instruments, but on the other hand is also due to the fact that the use is very controversial and many practicing dentists see no point in using it. Some believe that the Treatment useful and the bacteria are killed better, which is also proven by studies however, others see no benefit and are of the opinion that the laser does not offer any added value, as it cannot reach all areas and roughen the surface unnecessarily. The best thing to do is to get adequate information from your trusted dentist and get one Second opinion a. In combination with the douching, the laser can be a useful addition and reduce the risk of one Revision minimize. A natural tooth is a better alternative, aesthetically and functionally, than a dental restoration, so the preservation of the natural teeth is important.

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Does a root canal treatment with laser make sense?

Root canal treatment using a laser can be particularly useful for teeth that have a curved canal anatomy. This means that hard-to-reach places can be reached and the microorganisms can be killed. Processing instruments such as narrow files always involve the risk of getting stuck and breaking off as a result. The dental laser, however, has a thin glass fiber that only needs to be brought to the right place and does not scrape any material off the walls. A high temperature is created that is sufficient to kill bacteria and the tissue.

For the experienced user, a laser treatment is also more time-saving - in other words, the root canal treatment is faster. The root canal is emptied quickly and thoroughly. It can also be beneficial to protect the surrounding tissue

According to some studies, treatment with a laser can improve the prognosis of the tooth in the long term.

How painful is laser treatment?

Even with a root canal treatment using a laser, the corresponding area of ​​the mouth is numbed using local anesthesia. As a rule, the entire supply area of ​​a nerve in the area of ​​the corresponding tooth is numbed so that the patient does not feel any pain. The laser has the advantage that root canal treatment is much faster with it than with conventional instruments. The duration of the treatment and with it any accumulation of pain is therefore reduced. In general, patients do not feel any pain when treated with a laser. The laser also has the advantage that it is very gentle on the surrounding tissue. For this reason, too, the pain that can occur after a root canal treatment is very low. As with any root canal treatment, pain may occur after the treatment, but no pain has to be feared during the treatment with the laser.

Find out more here: Pain during a root canal treatment

Is laser treatment possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

If a root canal treatment is necessary during pregnancy, this should be carried out in the 2nd trimester (= 2nd trimester of pregnancy). This is the time when the risk of consequential damage to the unborn child is lowest. The laser poses no danger during pregnancy. Anesthesia is also not a problem during pregnancy and it can be used in the event of pain after the root canal treatment Paracetamol be taken. If antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary, tetracycline should be avoided, as this can lead to discoloration of the child's teeth.

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The only problem is the production of X-ray images, which are of great importance for therapy. The child will not suffer any harm from the mother's dental x-ray, but this issue is controversial. In serious cases, X-ray diagnostics can also be dispensed with.

Learn more about: Root canal treatment in pregnancy


With a root canal treatment, you often have to decide whether you want additional services, such as using a microscope or a laser, paid out of pocketto optimize the chances of success. Whether this is possible depends on your own financial situation and the need for additional services. Experience shows that the Investment pays off in most cases and helps to preserve the tooth for longer. If you have any questions or are unsure, it is best to talk to the dentist where you would like to have the procedure performed, as he can advise you individually on the situation at hand and explain possible benefits. The latest techniques are helpful and can make work easier, but still require careful and thorough work.

Editor's recommendations

Further information on the subject of root canal treatment with laser can be found at:

  • The main topic: root canal treatment
  • Root canal treatment costs
  • Duration of a root canal treatment
  • Root inflammation - what now?
  • Revision of a root canal treatment

  • Urology-Online 
  • Schnheitschirurgie 
  • Dermatology-Online 
  • Dentistry-Online 
  • Psychology Online 
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