Medicines for hoarseness


Hoarseness is often found bothersome.

Hoarseness (Dysphonia) denotes a voice disorder.
If you are hoarse, you can often only whisper, your voice sounds rough and thick. The voice disorder occurs as a symptom of a variety of diseases and in some cases can even lead to a temporary complete loss of voice.

The diseases in which hoarseness occurs include harmless colds and laryngitis, voice overload but also serious diseases such as larynx cancer.

If you are hoarse after an operation, this is often due to intubation, i.e. the insertion of a ventilation tube into the windpipe. The ventilation tube (Tube) can damage the vocal cords, which can lead to hoarseness.

Hoarseness, a symptom of a cold or an overstrained voice, does not normally require any special treatment; it often disappears on its own after a few days.
Only in the case of long-term hoarseness or if other symptoms such as shortness of breath, fever or difficulty swallowing occur should a drug therapy be considered.

Active ingredients

Drugs for hoarseness do not fight the symptom, but the underlying disease.
Therefore, there are several active ingredients that can be used to treat hoarseness. If hoarseness is caused by a cold, it is often accompanied by a sore throat and runny nose.

Against this viral (by virusesActive ingredients from the menthol group help. Menthol is a substance that occurs naturally in the essential oil of peppermint and gives the plant its fresh, pungent taste.

Other plants such as basil, thyme, sage or rosemary also contain mentholes. All of these plants alleviate the symptoms of viral hoarseness by making breathing easier again through their cooling effect.
They also have a relieving effect when the bronchi become mucous in the course of a cold. Menthol can be found in many cold medicines and remedies specifically for hoarseness.
An example of such a drug is Neo Angin®, which is sold in pharmacies as lozenges in various flavors.

Bronchicum® with menthol from the thyme plant is available as juice and lozenges to suck, Menosan® Salvia contains the menthol from sage.
Sage preparations can be found in stores as drops, juice, teas or candies.

Another active ingredient that is used for hoarseness is benzocaine, a local anesthetic. When using this drug, the treatment of sore throats with hoarseness is in the foreground.
The local anesthetic reduces pain when used in the mouth and throat and thus counteracts hoarseness and coughing.
Benzocaine is contained in Dorithricin Halstabletten® or Dolo Dobendan®.
Both drugs are available as lozenges. If a cold-related hoarseness is accompanied by a cough with stuck phlegm, the active ingredient Ambroxol can provide relief. Ambroxol is a cough-dissolving substance that is primarily used for bronchial diseases.
By stimulating the glands in the airways, the tough, stuck mucus is thinned and can be properly transported away again. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the airways are properly moistened again. Ambroxol is contained in the Mucoangin®.
This hoarseness drug can be bought in pharmacies as lozenges in various flavors.

Icelandic moss, from the field of herbal medicine, is also a commonly used remedy to cure hoarseness. In Icelandic moss there are also various bitter substances Vitamins contain.
The plant soothes the urge to cough, thus counteracting the development of hoarseness by Clear throat and to cough be prevented.
The vocal cords are spared. It also relieves inflammation in the mouth and throat. Icelandic moss is contained in a wide variety of preparations. Isla Moos®, Aspecton cough suppressants® or isla med® are just a few examples of the variety of medicines on offer.

Medicines against hoarseness with Icelandic moss are available as juice, lozenges or even teas and candies not only in pharmacies but often also in health food stores or drugstores. Icelandic moss is not the only active ingredient from herbal medicine that is used for hoarseness.
Extracts from the Eucalyptus plant In combination with menthol, they have a cooling and soothing effect; sold as candy they stimulate the moistening of the mucous membranes in the mouth.

Hoarseness caused not by viruses but by bacteria or inflammation requires different treatment. With bacterial infections come naturally Antibiotics for use.

These fight the pathogens in the mouth and throat and thus ensure that the hoarseness symptom subsides.
Hexetidine, an antiseptic that slows the growth of bacteria and fungi, can also be used as a spray or solution as a drug against hoarseness.
Hexoral®-Spray contains hexetidine and is sprayed into the mouth, Doreperol® is used as a mouthwash.

Another drug for hoarseness is this Emser salt®. This salt is produced by the evaporation of thermal water and is unusually rich in minerals and Trace elements.
It is said to have expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects, for colds with hoarseness it is either in the Nose as a rinse solution applied or sucked in the form of lozenges.
Emser salt® primarily relieves hoarseness by moistening the mucous membranes. When sucking the Emser® lozenges, more saliva is produced in the mouth, the mucous membrane is better moistened and speaking becomes easier again.

Home remedies

In addition to the common drugs for hoarseness, there are also some home remedies that you can use to treat the unpleasant symptom yourself.
The most important point is sufficient Humidification the attacked mucous membranes.
Drink a lot helps to keep the mucous membranes and vocal cords supple.

It is best to drink still, not too cold water in small sips.
Juices are not recommended for hoarseness, the acids in fruits are irritating, so you feel pain when drinking. If you spend a lot of time in closed rooms, you have to use enough, especially in winter humidity respect, think highly of.
The dry air in heated rooms only damages the vocal cords even more if they are hoarse. This can be remedied, for example, by wet towels that are hung up in the room, bowls filled with water or air humidifiers.

sweets with the most diverse active ingredients have the advantage that they not only stimulate saliva formation, but also taste good. Drinking from tea not only moisturizes the mucous membrane, but ideally acts directly against hoarseness. Cold teas With Sage, thyme or mint have a relieving and calming effect on the mucous membrane of the throat. You can add honey to the tea.

honey looks easy antimicrobial, can therefore accelerate recovery in the event of a cold and ensure that the symptoms subside quickly. Cold teas or teas especially for hoarseness are available in almost every supermarket, health food store or drugstore.
Alternatively, you can also make tea yourself. All you need is the right herbs such as sage or peppermint. The herbs are poured over with boiling water, then the infusion is left to stand for a while before drinking.

Infusions are also helpful for hoarseness Onions and honey. For this you boil an onion, mix the resulting juice with a little honey and let the mixture steep for a while.
Another popular home remedy is preparing it Gargle solutions. You can for example with salt water or olive oil gargle.
However, you should be careful when gargling with salt water, as swallowed salt water usually causes Vomit leads.

A home remedy for hoarseness is to inhale chamomile steam.

The method of inhaling salt water vapor is therefore more gentle. Alternatively, you can also inhale chamomile vapor. To make an inhalation solution, add boiling water to a saucepan or bowl and add either salt or chamomile. Then you put a towel over your head and shoulders, lean over the steaming bowl and slowly breathe in through your nose and out again through your mouth.

The steam is not only beneficial for the vocal cords and throat, it also frees the nose and has a decongestant effect on the nasal mucous membrane. When using this method, however, care must be taken, as boiling water and steam can cause severe burns or scalds. It is advisable to let the water cool down a little before inhaling and not to lean too close over the bowl.

There is also the Wick Vaporub® cold ointment without a prescription, which can help relieve hoarseness when inhaled.

Hoarseness in the context of laryngitis or similar diseases can also be treated with warm compresses.
You can choose from quark wraps, potato wraps and wraps with healing earth. The respective ingredient is applied to a cloth and placed around the neck. The potatoes must be boiled for this. Healing earth is also spread on a cloth and placed on the neck. It is best to wear a thick woolen scarf over the wraps so that the resulting heat is not lost to the outside. In general, it is advisable to wear a scarf in the case of hoarseness. Warmth is good for the vocal cords, while cold or cold air are also irritating.


Hoarseness can be treated well with home remedies or medication, and it often goes away on its own.

The focus of the treatment is Easy on the voice, Professional groups that make frequent use of their voice, such as singers, actors or lawyers, may need to get a doctor's sick leave to completely cure the hoarseness and give the vocal cords the necessary recovery.

In addition to protecting the voice, help warmth and adequate intake of liquid to speed up the recovery process.
Often times, hoarseness is just one Accompanying phenomenon from Colds or similar diseases. Long-term hoarseness can also be caused by a tumor in the oropharynx. If hoarseness occurs for no apparent reason or if it lasts for an unusually long time, a visit to will bring you ENT doctor Clarity about the underlying disease.